Organizational Behavior Article

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 Yaqoob Ahmed (02-112222-152)
What is Organizational
Organization: It is a group of people who are collected
to work for a common goal with collective efforts.

Behavior: It is a verbal or physical response shown by a

person as a consequences of the impact of his/her
surroundings, therefore,

(“Organizational Behavior is a systematic study

of the actions and the attitude that people
exhibits within the organization”)
Research Beginning..
The study attempts to demonstrate the organizational behavior (OB)
characteristics and management involvement in the OB dynamics to achieve
corporate effectiveness. Such dynamics involve the design of work,
phycological, emotional, and interpersonal components in the organization.
Furthermore, the study emphasizes that organizational behavior directly
consists in identifying, forecasting, and managing human behavior. The
research has taken 125 employees in the banking sector and has used mix
method to identify the factors against the effectiveness and organizational
behavior concepts.
Research Issues/problem:
• The article continues the study by providing a research problem. The baseline of the research
question arises from the differences in human behavior.
• Management is consistently challenged by this concept, therefore "to try to find ways to fit
individuals and groups within the organizational environment and provide opportunities for
effective performance that would lead to ultimate corporate effectiveness"

Example:- If there is a picture and you show it to two different individuals, they will
perceive it differently, according to their own perspectives.

That's why its peculiar and difficult to understand human behavior, there are
various notions for one thing. There are underlying faces in an individual and there
are layers inside, the views are broad and hence it becomes difficult to understand
the mental strata of any being.
“Conceptual Framework”

The articles demonstrate many organizational behavior aspects that can help organizations to see
the importance of OB study. Mainly it was forced to show the correlation between OB and
organizational effectiveness.

 OB helps or aims to:

- managers to draw assumptions that may impact decisions
- explains and understand the behavior of people
- predict behavior based on research rather than common sense
- control, and develop skills to manage change

It defines some of the critical elements of organizational behavior features includes:

 Personality characteristics
 Organizational design,
 Job design,
 Emotional intelligence.

Personality and OB
• It is the pattern of enduring characteristics that differentiates a person-those patterns of behaviors
that make each individual unique from one another.
• By analyzing these patterns, we can predict behavior.
• Environmental factors also contribute to behavior.
• Finding the right fit with organizational situations, environmental factors, and personality is a task
that leaders should master by studying organizational behavior.

Organizational Design and OB
• Organizational design is a formal process of integrating people, roles in organization, flow of
information, formal authority, power and technology.

• The article shows two directions to analyze the organizational design and organizational behavior.

• Individuals and groups bring their skills and abilities to the organization and to influence it,
organizational structure plays a unique role.

• However, for some organizations, the organizational structure might be limited to reporting
purposes. Such as “Centralization”

• While employee play their parts, with that there are leaders (such as: Top level management) who
laid down the foundation or create an effective structure for the membership of the organization
that would guarantee in achieving the goals of the organization.
“ Job Description and OB
• Job design is defined as "the systematic specification of the tasks inherent in a job, the
techniques used in performing the job, and the relationship of the job to other jobs“

• For organizational effectiveness the best fit between the job design and employee is very
important and essential part.

• This implies that there should be a balance between the job and person the nature of job,
methods the tools and the employee's physical and mental efforts.

• Article emphasized on two methods of job design, job enlargement, and job enrichment.

• Job enlargement involves a variety of duties. OB supports the idea since it
consists of increasing the skills of the employee. However, it should not
constrain the employee.

• Job enrichment refers to responsibility, accountability, and challenges.

• By this method, employees have more control over their actions rather than
the employer.

• Human resource management is an essential building block in

organizational behavior and corporate effectiveness.
“ Emotional Intelligence and OB
• Emotional intelligence is commonly referring to relationships, emotional health,
self-confidence, self awareness, and resilience.

• It is the ability to identify emotions and use them constructively in everyday life
and in organizations.

• Emotional intelligence as a unique psychological construct, ability to identify that

is associated with positive, co-operative behavior that we use in everyday life.

• Cooperative behaviour, is to act in ways that are beneficial to the organisation

and refrain from actions which harm the Organization

• The concept of emotional intelligence indicates "that excellent
performance management systems combined with effective training and
development will have an impact only when the organizational leadership
practices are aligned with them"

• Emotional intelligence has huge positive influence on organizational

behavior and organizations at large through the membership and

1. Leadership must evaluate the organizational structure and power distribution to see if there
are any imbalances.

2. Decentralization should be encouraged, and authority pushed as far down the organizational
ladder as possible, consistent with competence.

3. Therefore, it is important to have a sustainable and robust design to attain effectiveness.

4. Employee retention can be attained by creating a supportive working environment.

furthermore, to meet good working conditions, 'hygiene factor theory' can be used for
employee retention.

5. It is vital to build and sustain credible organizational culture to enhance organizational

reputation, credibility, and corporate effectiveness.

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