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‫‪The Hydraulic‬‬

‫القفزة الهايدروليكية‬

‫القفزة الهايدروليكية هي من أهم أنواع التدفق‬

‫سريع التغير وتحدث حينما يقابل التدفق فوق‬
‫الحرج تدفقا تحت الحرج‪ .‬ويتم الحل بإستخدام‬
‫‪.‬معادلة الزخم بدال عن معادلة الطاقة‬
The Hydraulic Jump
‫القفزة الهايدروليكية‬
The hydraulic jump phenomenon is
an important type of rapidly varied
flow. It is also an example of a
stationary surge wave. A hydraulic
jump occurs when a supercritical
flow meets a subcritical flow.
The resulting flow transition is
rapid, and involves a large energy
loss due to turbulence.
Under these circumstances, a
solution to the hydraulic jump
problem cannot be found using a
specific energy diagram. Instead,
the momentum equation is used.
‫القفزة الهايدروليكية وأهم إستخداماتها‪:‬‬
‫أ‪ -‬تبديد طاقة المياه المندفعة من السدود‬
‫والهدارات وخالفها وبذلك يمكن حماية‬
‫القناة في الجزء الخلفي من احتماالت‬
‫ب‪ -‬رفع مناسيب المياه في مناطق الخلف‬
‫‪ .‬وذلك ألغراض الري‬
‫ج ‪ -‬زيادة الوزن المعادل وذلك لمقاومة الدفع‬
‫العلوي ‪.‬‬
‫د ‪ -‬زيادة تصرف الفتحات التحتية ‪.‬‬
‫هـ ‪ -‬خلط المواد الكيماوية بمياه الشرب وذلك‬
‫في محطات تنقية المياه‪.‬‬
‫‪ .‬و – تهوية المياه ألغراض التنقية‬
‫القفزة الهايدروليكية و إستخدامها كمبدد للطاقة‬
Practical Applications of the
Hydraulic Jump are many:
(1)To dissipate energy in water
flowing over dams, weirs, and
other hydraulic structures and
thus prevent scouring
downstream from the structures
(2) To recover head or raise the

water level on the

downstream side of a
measuring flume and thus
maintain high water level
in the channel for irrigation
or other water distribution
(3) To increase weight on an
apron and thus reduce uplift
pressure under a masonry
structure by raising the water
depth on the apron;
(4) To increase the discharge
of a sluice by holding back
tail water, since the
effective head will be
reduced if the tail water is
allowed to drown the jump
(5) To indicate special flow
conditions, such as the
existence of supercritical flow

or the presence of a control

section so that a gauging
station may be located

(6) To mix chemicals used for

water purification.
(7) To aerate water for city
water supplies.

(8) To remove air pockets from

water-supply lines and thus

prevent air locking.

Types of Jump:
Hydraulic jumps on horizontal
floor are of several distinct types.
According to the studies of the
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation ,
these types can be conveniently
classified according to the Froude
number F1 of the incoming flow
(Fig. 15-2), as follows :
1. For F1 = 1, the flow is critical,

and hence no jump can form.

2. For F1 = 1 to 1.7, the water
sur­face shows undulations,
and the jump is called an
Undular Jump(‫)القفزة المتعرجة‬.
3. For F1 = 1.7 to 2.5, a series of
small rollers develop on the
surface of the jump, but the
downstream water surface
remains smooth. The velocity
throughout is fairly uniform,
and the energy loss is low.
This jump may be called a
Weak Jump (‫)القفزة الضعيفة‬.
4. For F1 = 2.5 to 4.5, there is
an oscillating jet entering the
jump bottom to surface and
back again with no
periodicity. This jump may be

called an Oscillating Jump

(‫ )القفزة المتأرجحة‬.
5. For F1 = 4.5 to 9.0, the jet
tends to leave the flow.
This jump may be called a

Steady Jump (‫)القفزة الثابتة‬.

6. For F1 ≥ 9.0, the velocity
is very high the
downstream water surface
becomes rough.
This jump may be called a

Strong Jump (‫)القفزة القوية‬.

Basic Characteristics of the
Jump: ‫الخصائص األساسية للقفزة‬

Several basic characteristics of

the hydraulic jump in horizontal
rectangular channels are to be
discussed below:
1. Energy Loss(‫)فاقد الطاقة‬. The
loss of energy in the jump is
equal to the difference in
specific energies before and
after the jump. It can be
shown that the loss is.
ΔE = E1 – E2 = (y2-y1)3
The ratio ΔE/ E1 is known as
the relative loss.
2. Efficiency(‫ )الكفاءة‬:
The ratio of the specific
energy after the jump
to that before the jump is
defined as the efficiency of
the jump. It can be shown that

the efficiency ŋ is:

ŋ = E2
3. Height of Jump(‫ )إرتفاع القفزة‬:

The difference between the

depths after and before the jump
is the height of the jump, or

hj = y2 - y1
4. Length of Jump (‫ )طول القفزة‬:
The length of a jump may be
defined as
the distance measured from
the front face of the jump to a

point on the surface

immediately downstream
from the roller.
Jump in Horizontal Rectangular
Channels:‫القفزة في القنوات األفقية المستطيلة‬
For supercritical flow in a
horizontal rectangular channel,
the energy of flow is dissipated
through frictional resistance along
the channel, resulting in a
decrease in velocity and an
increase in depth in the direction
of flow.
A hydraulic jump will form
in the channel if the Froude
number F1 of the flow, the
flow depth y1, and a
downstream depth y2 satisfy
the equation:
‫تحدث القفزة الهايدروليكية عندما يحقق‬
‫رقم فرود وعمق الماء قبل القفزة وعمق‬
‫‪:‬الماء بعد القفزة المعادلة التالية‬
‫)‪y2 = 1 (√(1 + 8 Fr12 ) – 1‬‬
‫‪y1 2‬‬
This equation may be
represented by the curve in
Fig. 15-1. This curve has been
verified satisfactorily with
many experimental data and
will be found very useful in the
analysis and design for
hydraulic jumps
By using the momentum principle, the
sequent depth(‫ )العمق التالي‬y2 may be found
in terms of the initial depth y1 and the
upstream Froude Number (Fr1).
The momentum equation:
For the case in which the forces acting
are the hydrostatic pressure forces
upstream (F1) and downstream (F2) of
the jump. Their directions of action are
as shown in the Figure below:
net force in x-direction = F1 - F2
momentum change = M2 - M1

F 1 - F 2 = M2 - M 1
F1 + M1 = F2 + M2 = Constant
(for constant discharge)
If depth (y) is plotted against
force + momentum (F + M) for a
constant discharge, as in Figure
Then for a stable hydraulic jump

F + M = Constant

Therefore, for any given initial

depth, the sequent depth is the
corresponding depth on the force-
momentum diagram

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