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Lab diagnosis of Trematodes and

• Helminths are elongated fl at or round worm
like parasites

• They are eukaryotic multicellular and

bilaterally symmetrical
• They belongs to two phyla

• Phylum Platyhelminths (flat worms)

• Phylum: Nemathelminths
Phylum Platyhelminths (flat worms)

• It includes three classes:

• Class: Cestoidea (tapeworms)

• Class: Trematodea (flukes
• Class: Monogenea (ectoparasite of fishes,
don’t infect man)
• Helminths exist in three morphological forms

1. Adult form (or theworm)
2. Larval form
3. Eggs
Larvae form
 In cestodes: Cysticercus, hydatid cyst,
cysticercoid, coracidium, procercoid and
plerocercoid forms.

 In trematodes: Cercaria, metacercaria, redia,

miracidium and sporocyst.

 In nematodes: Rhabditiform larva, filariform

larva and microfilaria.
Oviparous (laying egg) -

• Enterobius
• Ascaris
• Ancylostoma
• Trichuris
Producing larvae

• Trichinella
• Wuchereria
• Bulgia
• Dracunculus
• Laying eggs containing fully formed larvae

• Strongyloides
Specimen Collection
• Stool specimens should be collected in a wide-
mouthed, clean, leak–proof, screw capped

Specimens other than stool

• Scotch tape method- for Enterobius vermiculais
(pin worm or thread worm)
• Perianal swabs (cellophane tape or NIH
• Useful for detecting Eggs of Enterobius
vermicularis deposited on the surface of
perianal skin.
• It is also used for eggs of Schistosoma mansoni
and Taenia species
Entero test/ Duodenal capsule test
• The entero-test is useful for parasites such as
protozoa, Strongyloides stercoralis

• Specimen should be collected before starting

antiparasitic drugs and closer to the onset of

• At least three stool specimens collected on

alternate days are adequate to make the
diagnosis of intestinal parasitic diseases
When to examine
• Liquid stool specimens should be examined
within 15–30 minutes after collection
• Semisolid stools within 1 hour after collection
• Formed stools up to 24 hours after collection.
• Formalin Two concentrations are commonly
used: 5%, which is recommended for
preservation of protozoan cysts, and 10%, which
is recommended for helminth eggs and larvae.

• Sodium acetate formalin (SAF)

• Merthiolate-iodine formalin (MIF)
• Schaudinn’s fluid
• Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
Macroscopic Examination

• Consistency – formed , Semisolid stools, liquid

• Color – yellow, green, Dark red stool
• Ordor - Frothy pale offensive stool found in
• Presence of blood
• Presence of mucus
• Presence of Adult worms like round worm, thread
worm or segments of tapeworm.
Microscopic Examination
Direct wet mount (saline and iodine mount)
Drops of saline and Lugol’s iodine are placed on
two corners of a slide

Small amount of feces is mixed by a stick to

form a uniform smooth suspension.

Cover slip is placed on the mount and examined

under low power objective (10X); followed by
high power objective (40X).
Structures can be visualized by
microscopic examination of stool specimen

• yeast cells, bacteria, epithelial cells, fat
globules, Pus cells , red blood cells, Charcot
Leyden crystals (diamond shaped), ova , cyst,
Elliptical with sharp Elliptical with sharp Oval to almost spherical;
terminal spine lateral spine rudimentary lateral knob
Eggs are oval, bile
and operculated

Fasciola hepatica
Barrel shaped
(with mucus plugs
at the ends)

Trichuris trichiura
planoconvex, flattened
along one side, Double
layered egg shell containing a
larva inside,

Egg of Enterobius vermicularis

Saline mount

• Advantages
• Useful in the detection of trophozoites and
cysts of protozoa and eggs and larvae of
• Motility of trophozoites and larvae can be
demonstrated in acute infection
• Bile staining property can be appreciated—
bile stained eggs appear golden brown and
non bile-stained eggs appear colorless.
Bile stained Non - Bile stained
How to remember
Bile stained egg
• F- Fasciola hepatica
• A- Ascaris lumbricoid
• T- Trichuris trichura,Taenia solium & Taenia
Non bile stained egg

• N- Necator americanus
• E- Enterobius vermicularis
• H- Hymenolepis nana
• A - Ancylostoma duodenale
Iodine mount

• Nuclear details of cysts, helminthic eggs and
larvae are better visualized
• Iodine immobilizes and kills parasites, hence
motility of the protozoan, trophozoites and
helminthic larvae cannot be appreciated.

• Bile staining property cannot be appreciated.

Types of iodine stains

• Lugol’s iodine

• D’Antoni’s iodine

• Dobeil’s iodine
Concentration Techniques
• If the parasite output is low in feces (egg,
cysts, trophozoites and larvae) and direct
examination may not be able to detect
the parasites, then the stool specimens
need to be concentrated.
Sedimentation method
• The feces is suspended in a solution with low
specific gravity, so that the eggs and cysts get
sedimented at the bottom
Sedimentation techniques

• Formalin-ether concentration technique

• Formalin-ethyl acetate concentration


• Formalin-acetone sedimentation technique


• The sensitivity of detecting the ova or cysts

increases by 8–10 folds
• The size and shape of the parasitic structures are
• Inexpensive, easy to perform
• Fecal odor is removed
• As formalin kills the fecal parasites , no risk
of acquiring laboratory acquired infection.

• Trophozoite forms are killed and hence not

detected in this method.
Floatation method
• The feces is suspended in a solution of high
specific gravity, so that parasitic eggs and cysts
float up and get concentrated at the surface.
Floatation method
• Saturated salt flotation technique

• Zinc sulphate flotation concentration-

• Sugar floatation technique- cryptosporidia


• Flotation technique is not useful for heavier

eggs that do not float in the salt solution
Eggs that float in saturated salt solution

• F – fertilized egg of ascaris
• E- Enterobius vermicularis
• A- Ancylostoma duodenale
• T- Trichuris trichura
• H- Hymenolepis nana
Eggs that do not float in saturated salt
S- Strongyloides stercoralis
T - Taenia
U- Unfertilized egg of Ascaris
F – Fasciola hepatica
Egg Counting (Egg quantifi cation)

• Direct smear counting method of beaver

• Kato’s cellophane tape

• Stoll’s method or dilution egg counting method

• McMaster’s egg counting

Stool culture

Hook worm and Strongyloides stercoralis

• Harada Mori filter paper tube method

• Petridish (slant culture) technique
• Baermann funnel technique
• Charcoal culture method
• Agar Plate technique
Identify the eggs

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