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Prepared By: Maria Erika A. Manuel
Information Processing Theory

Executive Control
Types of Knowledge Stages

General/Specific Encoding

Declarative Storage

Procedural Retrieval


It is a cognitive theoretical It is one of the most significant
framework that focuses on how cognitive theories in the last
knowledge enters and is stored in century and it has strong
and is retrieved from our implications on the teaching-
memory. learning process.

Information Processing
Cognitive psychologist believe that cognitive
Our minds work same as computer
processes influence the nature of what is

They consider learning as largely an

internal process, not an external behavior They believe that how a person thinks
They look into how we receive,
perceive, store and retrieve
IPT about and interprets what s/he receives
shape what s/he will learn.

It describes how a learner receives information form

the environment through the senses and what takes Certain factors would also determine whether the
place in between determines whether the information will be retrieved or “remembered”
information will continue to pass through the when the learner needs it.
sensory register, then the short term and the long
term memory.
“Types” of Knowledge

01 02 03 04 05

General vs. Declarative Procedural Episodic Conditional

Specific This includes This is about
This refers to This includes
factual knowledge on memories of life “knowing when
This involves
knowledge. how to do events, like your and why” to
whether the
They relate to things. high school apply
knowledge is
the nature of prom. declarative or
useful in many
how things are. procedural
tasks, or only
They may be in strategies.
in one.
the form of a
word or image.
The information is brought back
at the appropriate time and
The information is
reactivated for use on a current
stored for either a
task, the true measure of
brief or extended
effective memory.
period of time,
depending upon
the processes
Retrieval following
Information is
sensed, perceived

Stages in the Storage and attended to.

Information Processing
Theory Encoding
Attention G G
Our mind receives a great The sensory register only
amount of information holds the information for
but it is more that what an extremely brief period auditory memory is more
our minds can hold or – in the order of 1 to 3 persistent than visual.
perceive. seconds.

Duration based on
Capacity Duration modality

Sensory Register
The Role of attention
01 02 03

To bring information into Getting through this Before information is perceived, it is

consciousness, it is attentional filter is done known as “precategorical”
when the learner is information. To this point, the
necessary that we give information is coming in as
attention to it. Such that, interested in the material;
uninterpreted patterns of stimuli.
when there is conscious
we can only perceive and Once, it is perceived, we can
control over attention, or categorize, judge, interpret and
remember later those
when information involves place meaning to the stimuli. If we
things that pass through novelty, surprise, salience fail to perceive, we have no means
our attention “gate”. and distinctiveness. by which to recognize that the
stimulus was ever encountered.
Short-term Memory
(STM or Working Memory)
 Capacity: The STM can only hold 5-9 “chunks” of
information, sometimes describe as 7+ſ -2. It is called working
memory because it is where new information is temporarily
placed while it is mentally processed. STM maintains
information for a limited time, until the learner has adequate
resources to process the information, or until the information
is forgotten.

 Duration: Around 18 seconds or less.

 To reduce the loss information in 18 seconds, you need to do maintenance
rehearsal. It is using repetition to keep the information active in STM,
like when you repeat a phone number just given over and over.
Long-term Memory

 The LTM is the final or permanent storing house

for memory information.

 It holds the stored information until needed


• CAPACITY: LTM has unlimited capacity.

• DURATION: Duration in the LTM is indefinite
for listening

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