Lab QC Lesson2 SEM.6

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Organization by definition means a system, an

orderly structure, putting things together into a
working order, and making arrangements for
undertakings which involve cooperation.
In the clinical laboratory there are two interlocking
components of organization. These are:
1. The overall management provided by the director,
2. The organization of units provided by section
Organization of Health Laboratory Service


Structure and Function of Laboratory
In 1981, an attempt was made to standardize the
functions of health laboratories at all levels.
The tests, their methods, and equipment needed
at all levels of health laboratories in the country
were listed in a publication, standard list of tests
and basic laboratory materials for health service
Community Based PHC Laboratory
Community based primary health care
laboratories are becoming increasingly important
with the reorganization of health services
Essential health care facilities which at one time
were only available to a minority of the
population are now becoming community based
and accessible to all.
• The work of the community based primary
health lab is to support primary health care in
investigating, controlling, and preventing
major diseases in the community, and in
promoting health care by integrated health
• A laboratory in a primary health care center
will usually be staffed by a junior laboratory
technician with certificate or a local
community health worker trained to examine
specimens microscopically, perform
appropriate diagnostic and screening tests,
collect and refer specimens for specialized
tests, and participate in community health
To investigate by referral or testing on site, important diseases and
health problems affecting the local community. Such investigations
usually include:
- Bacterial diseases like tuberculosis, leprosy, meningitis, STDs,
ARI, etc
- Parasitic diseases like malaria, schistosomiasis, intestinal
parasitic infections, and locally important parasitic diseases.
- Other causes of ill health like anemia, diabetes, etc.
- To collect and refer all kinds of specimens for testing to the
district laboratory
- To screen pregnant women for anemia, proteinuria and malaria,
 To promote health care and assist in
community health education.
 To keep records and send a simple informative
monthly report to the district laboratory.
 The main equipment is a microscope, others
include manual centrifuge, materials for
complete blood count tests, ESR racks and
tubes, etc
District Hospital Laboratory
• These labs have an important role in
supervising the work of the peripheral
community based laboratories, testing referred
specimens, and performing a range of tests
compatible with the work of the district
• Functions The main functions of the district
hospital laboratory are as follows: To perform
a range of tests relevant to the medical,
surgical and public health activities of the
district hospital.
- All investigations listed above for primary
health laboratories.
- Basic hematology, serology, and urinalysis
diagnostic services
To support the work of the community based
laboratories by:
a. Testing referred specimens
b. Providing reagents, controls, standards, and
other essential lab supplies
c. Training community health laboratory workers
To refer specimens to the regional laboratory
To participate in the external quality assurance
program organized by the regional lab.
Regional Hospital Laboratory
Regional Hospital Laboratory
The main role of the regional laboratory is to
assist and supervise the district laboratories, to
test referred specimens and to perform a range of
specialized and other tests required by the work
of the regional hospital
• Staffing A regional lab is usually staffed by
one coordinating chief laboratory officer a
medical lab technologist having a B.Sc.
degree or an M.Sc, an experienced specialist lab
technician and two or three technicians in each
department, laboratory tutors, a safety officer, a
stores officer, clerical staff, and several lab aids
according to the work load.
• Function The main functions of the regional laboratory
are as follows: To perform a range of tests as required
by the medical and health needs of the region.
• - To operate a regional blood transfusion center.
• - To prepare reagents, culture media, controls, clinical
chemistry standards, and specimen containers.
• - To investigate epidemics and perform tests of public
health importance in the region.
• - To perform bacteriological and chemical analysis of
foods water, beverages and other industrial products
- To support the work of the district hospital labs
in the region.
- To send specimens that require specialized
investigation to the central and public health
- To participate in external quality assessment
program organized by the central laboratory, etc

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