EMWTL Unit-1)

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II B. Tech II Sem

Dr K Srinivasa Naik
Associate Professor
Dept. of ECE
Course Objectives
To provide an insight into the basic concepts of
 Understand the fundamentals of steady
electric and magnetic fields using various
 Apply the concept of static and time varying
Maxwell equations and wave characteristics
in different media for normal and oblique
 To study the propagation, reflection and
transmission of plane waves in bounded and
unbounded media.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to
Describe the physical concepts of static electric and
magnetic fields.
Apply the Maxwell equations to analyze static and
time varying behaviour of EM waves.
Analyze the characteristics of Uniform Plane Wave,
determine their propagation parameters in lossy and
lossless medium
Analyze the transmission line parameters, Smith
Chart and its applications
Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field Intensity,
Electric Field due to infinite charge, finite
Charge, infinite sheet of Charge, Electric Flux
Density, Gauss Law in Point and Integral form,
electric flux density due to infinite line charge,
Infinite sheet charge, Electric Potential,
Potential due to infinite charge, Finite Charge,
Maxwell’s Two Equations for Electrostatic
Fields,Convection and Conduction Currents,
Continuity Equation.
Magneto Statics : Biot-Savart Law, Magnetic field
intensity due to infinitely long conductor, Finite length
conductor, Square, Circular loop, Ampere’s Circuital
Law, Magnetic Flux Density, Maxwell’s Two Equations
for Magneto static Fields.
Maxwell’s Equations : Program Structure and
Detailed Syllabus (VR-22) Department of Electronics
and Communication Engineering Page 93 Faraday’s
Law, Inconsistency of Ampere’s Law and Displacement
Current Density, Maxwell’s Equations in Different
Final Forms and Word Statements. Dielectric-
Dielectric and Dielectric-Conductor Interfaces.
Waves equations for conducting and perfect
dielectric media, Uniform Plane waves, Wave
Propagation in Lossy Dielectrics, Plane Waves in
Lossless Dielectrics, Plane Waves in Good
Conductors, skin depth, polarization,
Illustrative Problems. Reflection and Refraction
of Plane Waves – Normal and Oblique
Incidences for Perfect Dielectrics, Brewster
Angle, Critical Angle and Total Internal
Reflection, Poynting Vector, average power
density, Poynting Theorem, Illustrative
Types, Parameters, T&π Equivalent Circuits,
Transmission Line Equations, Primary &
Secondary Constants, Expressions for
Characteristic Impedance, Propagation
Constant, Phase and Group Velocities, Infinite
Line, Lossless lines, distortion less lines, Line
distortion, Loading - Types of Loading.
Illustrative Problems.
Input Impedance Relations, SC and OC Lines,
Reflection Coefficient, VSWR, Impedance
Transformations λ/4, λ /2, λ/8 Lines, Stub
Matching-single & double, Smith Chart –
Construction and Applications, Single stub
matching using smith charts, Illustrative
Text Books
1. Matthew N.O. Sadiku, “Principles of electromagnetics”
4th edition, Oxford university Press, 2014.
2. G. S. N.Raju, “Electromagnetic field theory and
Transmission lines” Pearson Education India, 2006

Reference Books:
1. Hayt Jr, William H., John A. Buck, and M. Jaleel
Akhtar, “Engineering Electromagnetics| (SIE)”, McGraw-
Hill Education, 2020.
2. Y. Mallikarjuna Reddy, “Electromagnetic Waves and
Transmission lines” Universities Press, 2015
Coulomb’s Law
 Coulomb’s Law is defined as a mathematical concept
that defines the electric force between charged objects.
Coulomb’s Law states that the force between any two
charged particles is directly proportional to the product
of the charge but is inversely proportional to the square
of the distance between them.
Coulomb’s Law Formula(Scalar Form)
As we know, the force (F) between two point charges
q1 and q2 separated by a distance r in a vacuum is,
Proportional to the product of the charges.
F ∝ q1q2
Inversely Proportional to the square of the distance
between them, F ∝ 1/r2
F ∝ q1q2 / r2
Coulomb’s Law
F = k q1q2 / r2
k is proportionality constant and equals to 1/4πε0.
Symbol ε0 is permittivity of a vacuum.
Value of k is 9 × 109 Nm2/ C2 {when we take the S.I
unit of value of ε0 is 8.854 × 10-12 C2 N-1 m-2
Coulomb’s Law in Vector Form:
Coulomb’s law is better written in vector notation
because force is a vector quantity. Charges q1 and
q2 have location vectors r1 and r2, respectively.
F12 denotes force on q1 owing to q2 and F21 denotes force
on q2 owing to q1. For convenience, the two-point
charges q1 and q2 have been numbered 1 and 2,
respectively, and the vector leading from 1 to 2 has
Coulomb’s Law
Coulomb’s Law
Applications of Coulomb’s Law
• It is used to calculate the distance and force between
the two charges.
• It is used to arrange the charges in stable
• Columbus law is used to calculate electric field.

Example 1:
Charges of magnitude 100 micro coulombs each are
located in a vacuum at the corners A, B and C of an
equilateral triangle measuring 4 meters on each side. If
the charge at A and C are positive and the charge at B
negative, what is the magnitude and direction of the
total force on the charge at C?
Electric Field Intensity
The force exerted on a unit charge in an
electric field is called electric field intensity
(E) or electric field strength.
The electric field intensity at any point due to
a point charge is proportional to the
magnitude of the charge and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance
from the charge to ihat point.
If a point charge is brought near another
charge, it experiences a force. The field where
a charge exerts a force on any another charge
is called the electric field of that charge.
Consider a single point charge : located at any point
near another fixed point charge , as shown in Fig. The
electric field strength due to the point charge at the
point charge is defined as the force per unit charge at
The vector field, electric field intensity is proportional
to the force and the direction is along the force
It can be seen that the electric field intensity is
symmetrical in the radial direction and varies
inversely with square of the distance.

Fig. Field of Point Charge

If a positive charge is located at the center of an
imaginary sphere of radius R with the radial unit
vector directed radially outwards from the center,
the electric field intensity E at any point on the
spherical surface is given by

The direction of E is along the radial distance from

the positive charge i.e., the electric field has the
same intensity at all points on the spherical surface.
The magnitude of the electric field strength is
In Cartesian coordinates, from above Eq, the
electric field intensity at a point (x2,y2, z2)
due to a charge Q at (x1, y1, z1) is

If the charge is at the origin, the electric field

intensity at a point (x, y, z) is

Note: The force on a stationary charge Q in

an electric field E is given by F = QE newtons
Electric field intensity due to N number
of charges
Consider N charges, , located at different
points defined by position vectors …... with
unit vectors , ,Since the field is linear, the
principle of superposition holds good. The
total electric field intensity E at any point P
at distance r from the origin is the vector
sum of the individual electric field
intensities caused by all the individual
charges at point P, it is expressed as
Charge Distributions
The electric charge in a medium can be of any of the
following forms.
1. Point charge
2. Line charge
3. Surface charge
4. Volume charge
The total charge caused by a charge distribution can be
obtained by integrating the charge element over the
charge distribution.

Point charge: A small amount of charge occupying an

infinitesimal volume is called a point charge. Its unit is
coulomb (C). Its value can be either positive (+) or
negative (-Q).
Line charge: A charge uniformly distributed along a line
is called line charge. Line charge density is the charge
per unit length. It is expressed as
Surface charge: A charge uniformly distributed
over a surface or a sheet is called surface charge
or a sheet of charge. The surface charge density
is defined as the charge per unit surface area. It
is expressed
Volume charge: A volume charge is a charge
uniformly distributed throughout a volume. The
volume charge density, p., is defined as the
charge per unit volume. It is expressed as

If the differential charge on a differential volume

dv is given by
Electric Field Intensity due to charge
Electric field intensity due to a line charge:
Consider a line charge of charge density PC/m along a
line length / as shown in Fig. 2.7.
Electric field intensity due to a surface charge:
Consider a surface charge of charge den- sity p, C/m² over
the surface area S as shown in Fig. 2.8
Electrical intensity due to a volume charge:
Consider a volume charge of charge density vC/m^{3} in
a volume v as shown in Fig. 2.9
Electric Field due to Infinite Charge
Consider an infinitely long straight line carrying
charge with a uniform charge density C/m
along the z-axis
Let P be a point on the y-axis at a distance “ from
the line as shown below.

Since the problem has cylindrical symmetry, that

is, the electric field depends only on distance p
from the line, it would be most convenient to use
cylindrical coordinates.
Let a differential line element (since it is along the -axis)
be at an arbitrary distance from the origin. Also, let
makes an angle from point .
The differential charge in the line element is
The position vector for is and the coordinates of
point is

In cylindrical coordinates, the distance vector from the

line element to the point is
The differential electric field intensity due to a differential line
charge at point is

Similarly, elemental charge in the line at a point is

a mirror -image of the charge at and would
differential field intensity

As every point has a mirror-image charge point ,

in the process of integration, the component will get cancel.
To evaluate the integral, from Fig. 2.10, let

The limits for are to .

Since no practical line is infinitely long, the above expressions

gives the appropriate value of electric field vector. It is
observed that the field depends only on the radial component,
which is the perpendicular distance between the line charge
band the point P.
Problem: A uniform line charge, infinite in
extent, with , is lying on the line x = -3m and z
= 4m in free space. Find the electric field
intensity at point (2,5,3).
Electric Field due to Finite charge
Consider a line of finite length with uniform charge density
placed along the z-axis. Let the end points of the line be at
distances a and b from the origin. Consider a differential
charge do of length dl at a distance from the origin, as shown

Then dQ=dz,
Let point P be on the y-axis, which is at a distance p from the
line charge. Consider cylindrical coordinates. The position of
dQ is given by coordinates (0,0,z) and that of point P by (,0,0).
Electric Field due to Finite charge
Electric Field due to Finite charge
Electric field due to Infinite sheet of charge
Consider an infinite sheet of charge placed in the x-y plane
with uniform charge density , C/m². Let the differential charge
on a differential surface area dS on the x-y plane be dQ, and
let point P be a point at a distance z on the z-axis, as shown
Electric field due to Infinite sheet of charge
Electric field due to Infinite sheet of charge
Electric Flux Density
Electric Flux: It is defined as electric field lines passing
through any surface or an electric displacement from
the charge to -ve charge through the medium, this
displacement is called electric flux.
Its denoted by
The amount of flux is equal to the magnitude of the +ve
charge i.e, Coulombs .
As charge ↑, flux ↑, numerically Ψ=Q coulombs

= ES cos (
Electric field density:
Consider the electric flux y originating from a
positive charge, Q coulombs, as shown below,

Let be a differential surface area at a point P

perpendicular to the lines of flux. The electric flux
crossing through this surface area is .
Electric Flux Density due to point charge Q:

Consider an imaginary sphere of radius r and a point charge +Q

placed at it’s center as shown in the fig.2.18. The flux lines
originating from the point charge distribute radially over the
surface of the sphere.
The flux density at a differential surface dS is

If the total surface area through which the flux Ψ passes is

considered, due to symmetry in the radial direction, D is always
normal to the surface area.
The electric flux density is also called displacement flux
density. It can be seen from the above that electric flux
density depends on the charge and the radial distance,
and is independent of the characteristics of the medium.

Therefore, D and E are related through the permittivity of

the medium. E is the function of the permittivity of the
medium, while the flux density is not.
For a medium eher permittivity is constant, the direction
of displacement flux density is along the direction of E.
Electric flux density due to an infinte
line charge using Gauss’ law
The electric field of an infinitely long line charge at any
point P can be solved by using Gauss’ law.
Consider an infinite line charge of density C/m lying
along the z-axis extending from - to +. Let a point P be a
distance from the line charge.
Consider a cylindrical surface with radius and height z,
as shown in fig.2.22. Let it be the Gaussian surface and
let dS be a differential surface area on it. Since the line
charge I symmetrical about the z-axiz, the flux density
has only radial component ,a, normal to the surface.
Gauss Law in Integral form
Gauss' law states that the net electric flux passing
through any closed surface is equal to the total charge
enclosed by that surface. Mathematically, it can be
expressed as

where Qencl = charge enclosed by the surface,

D = electric flux density and ds = differential surface
Gauss Law in Point form
Gauss' law in point form states that the divergence of the
electric flux density (D) is equal to the volume charge
density , at any point in a given medium.
Where, D1 to D6 are the flux densities on the box surfaces with
differential surface areas dS1 to dS6 respectively.
Since point P is at the centre and the box surfaces are very
small, the flux density at the front surface is approx. equal to
(using Taylor series expansion for Dx and neglecting higher order
Note: The point form of Gauss’ law is also called Maxwell’s
first law. This relationship is useful to determine the volume
charge density when flux density is given is given irrespective
of the medium properties.
Electric Flux density due to Infinite
sheet of charge
Consider an infinite sheet of charge with charge density
C/m² lying along the x-y plane at z = 0 as shown below,

Choose a rectangular box as a Gaussian surface parallel

to the z-axis which cuts the sheet of charge with
differential surface area dS at an arbitrary point.
Electric Flux density due to Infinite
sheet of charge
Electric Potential
Electric potential at a point P due to a fixed charge Q
is defined as the work done in moving one coulomb of
charge from infinity () to the point P in an electric field
against the force created by the fixed charge. The work
must be done against the field. Electric potential is
also defined as the work done per unit charge.
Mathematically, the potential is
The potential is a scalar quantity produced
at any point due to the charge. It is also
called the scalar potential.
Potential difference:
Potential difference is defined as the work
done in moving a unit charge from a point A
to another point B against field Ë. It is
denoted by
Here, A is the initial point and B, the final point.
The negative sign indicates loss in potential energy
in moving from A to B. i.e., the work is being done
by the field.
Potential difference is also defined as the difference
between potentials at given points.
Potential Difference due to an
Infinite Line Charge
Consider an infinite line charge of charge density ,
lying along the z-axis.
Let two points A and B be located at distances and
radially from the line charge as shown in Fig. Also, let
us use the cylindrical coordinate system.
 We know that the field intensity E due to infinite line
charge along the z-axis at a distance is,
Potential due to a Line Charge of
Finite Length

Consider a uniform line charge of charge C/m² of

finite length 2L along the x-axis, centered at the
origin as shown in Fig.
Let a differential length dl be considered at a
distance x from the origin on the line charge.
Let a unit charge be located at a point A on the y-
axis at a distance ‘a’ from the origin i.e., the point
A is on the perpendicular bisector of the line
Maxwell's Two Equations for
Electrostatic Fields
F=QE ; Work done in displacing Q by dl.
dW = -F.dl = -ql

• This is the total work done in moving the point charge

Q from A to B in the electric field.
• The negative sign indicates that an external agent does
the work.
The potential difference between the A and B
points is defined as the potential energy per
unit charge:

The potential difference between the A and B

points is independent of path.

The potential difference for a closed surface is

• The curl of the Electric field is zero and any Electric
field satisfies the above equation is called Conservative
field/irrotational one.
• The Electric field Intensity is equal to gradient of
potential (E = - ∆V)
• Here –ve sign indicated the field direction is opposite
to potential increment.
Convection and Conduction
Convection Current:
Convection current, as different from conduction
current, does not
involve conductors and consequently does not satisfy
Ohm’s law.
It occurs when current flow through an insulating
material such as
liquid, rarefied gas, or a vacuum. A beam of electrons in
a vacuum tube is an example for convection current.
Consider a filament as shown in Fig. below.
If there is a flow of charge , of density 𝜌𝑣, at
velocity 𝒖 = 𝑢𝑦𝒂𝒚 , from equation (1) , the current
through the filament is

The current I is called convection current and the J

is called the convection current density
Conduction Current:
Conduction current requires a conductor. A
conductor is characterized by alarge number
of free electrons that provide conduction
current due to animpressed electric field.
When an electric field E is applied , the force
acting on an electron with charge −e is
But from Newton's law the force acting on
electric charge −e, moving with velocity 𝒖 is

where 𝜏 is the average time between

collisions and 𝑚 is the mass of the −e.
From equations(1) and (2)
Continuity Equation
The continuity equation states that the current
density diverging from a small volume is equal to
the time rate of decrease of charge per unit volume
at any given point.

This equation is called the point form of the

continuity equation.
PROOF: Consider an arbitrary volume v bounded
by a closed surface S and current density J is
flowing through surface area S. Let a differential
surface dS be normal to the direction of current
density J as shown in fig.1
The total current crossing the surface S is

The principle of conservation of energy says that

charge can neither be created nor be destroyed,
that is, the outward rate of flow of positive charge
is equal to the rate of decrease of charge include
the closed surface.
Let Q be the charge within the closed surface.
Then the rate of charge decreasing through the
surface is,

Fig.1. Current flow

through a closed

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