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Application Areas – (44 - 2)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 1

Tree – (44 - 3)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 2

Example – (44 – 3a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 3

Examples of Non Trees – (44 - 4)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 4

Some Special Trees – (44 - 5)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 5

Some Special Trees – (44 – 5a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 6

Forrest – (44 - 6)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 7

Properties of Trees – (44 - 1)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 8

Properties of trees
All trees are graphs.

• A tree with n vertices has n-1 edges.

• Any connected graph with n vertices and n-1 edges is a tree.

Exercise – (44 - 8)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 10

Solution – (44 – 8a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 11

Terminal and Internal Vertex – (44 -

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 12

Example – (44 – 12a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 13

Rooted Tree – (44 - 13)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 14

Rooted Tree – (44 – 13a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 15

Example – (44 - 14)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 16

Example – (44 – 14a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 17

Example – (44 – 14b)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 18

Exercise – (44 - 15)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 19

Exercise – (44 – 15a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 20

Exercise – (44 – 15b)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 21

Exercise – (44 – 15c)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 22

Exercise – (44 – 15d)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 23

Exercise – (44 – 15e)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 24

Exercise – (44 – 15f)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 25

Trees - Problems
Either draw a graph or explain why no graph
1. Tree, nine vertices, nine edges.
2. Graph, connected, nine vertices, nine edges.
3. Graph, circuit-free, nine vertices, six edges.
4. Tree, six vertices, total degree 14.
5. Tree, five vertices, total degree 8.
6. Tree, connected, six vertices, five edges, has a circuit.
• 7. Graph, two vertices, one edge, not a tree.
• 8. Graph, circuit-free, seven vertices, four edges.
• 9. Tree, twelve vertices, fifteen edges.
• 10. Graph, six vertices, five edges, not a tree.
• 11.Tree, five vertices, total degree 10.
• Graph, connected, ten vertices, nine edges, has a circuit.
Binary Tree – (44 - 16)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 29

Binary Tree Examples
Example – (44 - 17)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 31

Full Binary Tree – (44 – 16a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 32

Full Binary Tree Examples
Theorem – (44 - 18)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 34

Full binary tree
• t= i + 1

• In a full binary tree, no of terminal vertices =

no of internal vertices + 1
Theorem – (44 – 18a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 36

Exercise – (44 - 19)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 37

Solution – (44 – 19a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 38

Exercise – (44 - 20)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 39

Exercise – (44 – 20a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 40

Example – (44 - 21)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 41

Solution – (44 – 21a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 42

Binary Trees - Problems
Binary Trees
1. Full binary tree, five internal vertices.
2. Full binary tree, five internal vertices, seven terminal vertices.
3. Full binary tree, seven vertices, of which four are internal vertices.
4. Full binary tree, twelve vertices.
5. Full binary tree, nine vertices.
6. Binary tree, height 3, seven terminal vertices.
Binary Trees
7. Full binary tree, height 3, six terminal vertices.
8. Binary tree, height 3, nine terminal vertices.
9. Full binary tree, eight internal vertices, seven terminal vertices.
10.Binary tree, height 4, eight terminal vertices.
11. Full binary tree, seven vertices.
12. What can you deduce about the height of a binary tree if you know it has the following

a. Twenty-five terminal vertices.

b. Forty terminal vertices.
c. sixty terminal vertices.
Representation of Algebraic
Expressions by Binary Trees – (44 -

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 47

Representation of Algebraic
Expressions by Binary Trees – (44 -

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 48

Example – (44 - 23)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 49

Example – (44 – 23a)

Discrete Mathematics - BSCS 50

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