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University of Southeastern Philippines

College of Engineering

Design and fabrication of IOT-Based soil

nutrient with real time surveillance
Outline of the Presentation
• Background of the Study or Rationale
• Statement of the Problem
• Problem and Objectives
• Significance of the Study
• Scope and Limitation of the Study
• Methodology (Materials and Methods)
• Barriers to Success
• Timeline
• References
Background of the Study or Rationale

Farming is crucial for feeding people and supporting

economies, but it's tough to make sure crops grow well.
One big factor is soil health—how good the soil is for
plants. But checking soil health the old-fashioned way
takes a lot of time and effort. Farmers have to take
samples and send them to labs, and then they have to
wait for results. This delay can lead to problems like
using too much fertilizer or water, which can harm the
environment and waste resources.
Background of the Study or Rationale

That's where new technology like the Internet of Things

(IoT) comes in. IoT means connecting everyday objects
to the internet, like sensors in the soil. These sensors
can constantly check things like how much nitrogen,
phosphorus, and potassium are in the soil, as well as its
acidity level (pH). And they can send this information
wirelessly to a computer system.
Statement of the Problem
In traditional agriculture, monitoring soil health is a time-
consuming and labor-intensive process, often resulting in
delayed decision-making and inefficient resource
management. The lack of real-time data on soil nutrient
levels (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium)
and pH values hinders farmers' ability to optimize
fertilization and soil management practices. As a result,
there is a need for a solution that provides continuous,
real-time surveillance of soil nutrient and pH levels to
enable timely interventions and promote sustainable
agricultural practices.

1. Create a system using IoT technology to constantly

check soil nutrients (like nitrogen, phosphorus,
potassium) and pH levels in real time.
2. Find durable and accurate sensors that can work well
in different types of soil.
3. Set up safe ways for the sensors to send soil data to
a central database for storage and analysis.
4. Test how well is IoT soil monitoring system works
compared to traditional soil testing methods.
Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to

revolutionize farming practices and environmental
stewardship. By enabling farmers to monitor soil nutrient
levels and pH values in real-time, the proposed IoT-
based system empowers them to make informed
decisions about soil management. This translates to
improved crop yields, better quality produce, and
reduced resource wastage.
Significance of the Study

The system's ability to promote resource efficiency

contributes to sustainable farming practices and
environmental protection by minimizing pollution and soil
degradation. Beyond the farm gate, the study's findings
have broader implications for economic development,
research advancement, and policy-making. Increased
crop yields and profitability benefit farmers and local
economies, while the study's insights drive innovation in
precision agriculture and IoT technology.
Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study aims to design, develop, and evaluate an IoT-

based system for real-time monitoring of soil nutrient
levels (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and pH values,
encompassing the fabrication of IoT sensors,
establishment of communication protocols, and
integration with a centralized database for data storage
and analysis. Field trials will assess the system's
performance in diverse soil conditions and agricultural
settings, while examining the potential benefits for
farmers, such as improved crop yields, resource
efficiency, and environmental sustainability. However, the
study has limitations, including potential variability in
system effectiveness depending on soil type and climate,
exclusion of other soil parameters beyond nutrient levels
and pH values, potential measurement errors and
calibration issues with IoT sensors, and limited
Scope and Limitation of the Study

However, the study has limitations, including potential

variability in system effectiveness depending on soil type
and climate, exclusion of other soil parameters beyond
nutrient levels and pH values, potential measurement
errors and calibration issues with IoT sensors, and
limited consideration of socio-economic factors or policy
implications. Future research could address these
limitations by exploring additional sensor integration,
socio-economic impacts, and broader policy implications
of IoT-based soil monitoring systems.
1. Literature Review
2. System Design
3. Component acquisition
4. System Integration
5. Field Trials
6. Data Analysis
7. Documentation and Reporting
Barriers to Success

1. High components cost

2. Technical Challenges
3. User Acceptance
• Phase 1: Literature Review and System Design
• Phase 2: Component acquisition
• Phase 3: System Integration
• Phase 4: Field Trials and Data Analysis
• Phase 5: Documentation and Reporting

A, Y. (2023, May 17). Greenhouse farming.

Iona Finlay C. Mendoza, & Iona Finlay C. Mendoza.

(2022, December 2). DA-Davao eyes DavSur for onion
production. SunStar Publishing Inc.
Hoffschneider, K. (2023, October 18). A common sense,
informed passion for soil health.

Burns, S. (2019, September 22). Cultivating soil health:

garden, farm, or homestead. Runamuk Acres
Conservation Farm.

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