2013 Risky Business - Cancer Presentation

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Tribal Cancer Control Education

Eric Vinson
Northwest Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Program
May 21, 2012
Risky Business Training

Northwest Portland Area

Indian Health Board
Indian Leadership for Indian Health
Supported by CDC Grant #1 U58 DP000786-4
Organizational Chart

N o r th w e st P or tla n d A r e a In d ia n H e a lth B o a rd
E x e c utiv e C o m m itte e M em b e rs

J o e F in kb o n n e r,
E x e cu tiv e D ire c tor

N o r th w e st T rib a l E p id e m o lo g y C e n ter
V ic to ria W arre n -M e a rs,
D ire c tor


K e rri L o p e z,
D ire c tor

Northwest Diabetes Project NTC C P National Diabetes Project

& W H PP
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 2
Northwest Tribal Cancer
Control Project (NTCCP)

July 1998
Northwest Portland Area Indian
Health Board Delegates resolved to
form the Northwest Tribal Cancer
Coalition and the Northwest Tribal
Cancer Control Project

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 3

NTCCP Mission

To envision and work toward cancer-

free tribal communities by taking an
integrated and coordinated approach
to cancer control

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 4

NTCCP 20 Year Plan

An integrated and coordinated approach

towards preventing and controlling
cancer in tribal communities

To reduce cancer incidence, mortality,

and morbidity among American Indians
and Alaskan Natives (AI/AN) in Northwest
tribal communities

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 5


• Facilitate a process for Northwest tribes to

promote cancer risk reduction strategies.
• Provide information on the most current early
detection, screening and treatment practices
through education and resource materials.
• Provide education regarding quality of life for
cancer patients, their families and caregivers.
• Coordinate and collaborate with local and national
cancer organizations and individuals.
• Improve Indian-specific cancer control data.
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 6
Cancer 101:
6 Lessons to help Us Understand Cancer

• Cancer among American Indians and

Alaskan Natives
• What is Cancer?
• Screening and Early Detection
• Risk Factors and Risk Reduction
• Diagnosis and Treatment
• Support for Patients and Caregivers
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 7
What Is Cancer?

• The term “cancer” refers to more than 100

different diseases that begin in the cells,
the body’s basic unit of life.
• Cancer develops when cells grow and form
more cells without order or control.
• Under normal circumstances, new cell
growth and old cell death are kept in
• In cancer, this balance is disrupted.
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Normal vs Cancerous Cells

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 9

Ca 101 Learning Module 1

Cancer among American Indians

And Alaskan Natives

Goal: Understand the growing health

concern of cancer among AI/AN.
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 10
Cancer Background

Lifestyles : Traditional and Western

• Dietary changes

• Decrease in exercise

• Personal vs. traditional use of tobacco

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 11

Cancer Survival Rates

AI/AN have the lowest five-year survival

rate for all cancer sites combined of
any racial group in the U.S.

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Cancer Survival Rates

Contributing factors:
• Late detection
• Treatment compliance
• Concurrent disease
• Access to care
• Barriers to care

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Improving Survival Rates

• Reduce barriers to care

• Increase participation in screening

and early detection services

• Chance for survival is better if

cancer is found early.
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 14
Breast and Cervical Cancer 101
Adapted from Modules 3&4
Risk Factors and Risk Reduction
Screening and Early Detection
Understand breast and cervical cancer risk factors
and how to reduce risks associated with cancer.
Understand breast and cervical cancer screening
and early detection and why it is important.

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 15

Am I at risk for breast cancer?

Research has shown that these factors increase your risk:

• Gender (Female) • HRT

• Age •Alcohol
• Family History •Personal history
• Genetic alternations •Diet
• Benign breast disease •Obesity
• Early Menstruation •Radiation
• Not Having Children •Aging
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 16
Can I do anything to reduce my
risk for breast cancer?
• Regular exercise
• Breastfeeding during pregnancy
• Maintain a healthy diet
• Maintain a healthy weight
• Limit alcohol consumption
• Consult with your clinician regarding
menopausal hormone use
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 17
What are the symptoms of
Breast Cancer?
• A lump or thickening in or near the breast or
• A change in the size or shape of the breast
• Nipple discharge or tenderness, or the nipple
pulled back (inverted) into the breast
• Ridges or pitting of the breast (the skin looks
like the skin of an orange
• A change in the way the skin of the breast,
areola, or nipple looks or feels

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 18

Screening for Breast Cancer

• Breast Self Exam (BSE):

 DO NOT substitute BSE for regularly scheduled
mammograms and clinical breast exams.
• Clinical Breast Exam (CBE):
 Performed by a healthcare professional.
• Mammogram:
 A special kind of x-ray image of the breasts.
 Women in their 40’s and older should have a
mammogram regularly, every 1 to 2 years

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 19

Am I at risk for Cervical
You are at risk if you…
• Are a women
• Sexually active before age 16
• Many sexual partners
• No regular Pap tests
• Weakened immune system
• Over age 40
• Smoke cigarettes
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 20
What causes Cervical Cancer?

• Human papillomavirus (HPV)

 Very common virus – over 100 types!
 About 15 types cause cervical cancer
 Other types cause warts, but not cancer

• Other factors may work with HPV to increase your

risk of developing cervical cancer:
 Use of birth control pills more than 5 years
 Having 7 or more children
 Smoking cigarettes

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 21

Prevention and Early Detection

Pap Test (or Pap Smear)

• Performed in a doctor’s office or
clinic during a pelvic exam
• Looks at cervical cells
• Is used to detect cancer or changes
that may lead to cancer
• Can show non-cancerous conditions
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 22
How often should women have
Pap tests?
Doctors generally recommend that women:

• Should begin having Pap tests 3 years after they

begin having sexual intercourse or when they turn
• Should have a Pap test at least once every 3 years
• Who have had a total hysterectomy do not need
to have cervical cancer screening, except if they
had cervical cancer

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 23


What are the three recommended

screenings for Breast Cancer?

• Breast Self-Exam (BSE)

• Clinical Breast Exam (CBE)
• Mammography or Mammogram

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 24

Tribal Cancer Action Planning

Cancer Control in Northwest Tribal

 Prevention
 Screening & Early Detection
 Treatment
 Survivorship
• Rehabilitation
• Palliation
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 25
Cancer Prevention through
Education and Outreach

Women’s Health Example

Objective Strategy Evaluation

Increase the awareness of Develop a community Record activities of awareness
women aged 40 and older awareness campaign campaign·
about the importance of Plan a “women’s health Record number of persons served at
annual mammograms. day” to distribute community health day
information about breast Measure awareness of importance
health of screening
Plan an activity in Survey community for change in
connection with Breast level of awareness of importance of
Cancer Awareness Month screening

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 26

Tribal Action Plans

Planning to achieve a specific objective.

• Who will conduct each component of the activity
• When actions are to be carried out
• What resources need to be allocated
• What outcomes are anticipated
• What evaluation is needed to determine success

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 27

Sample Tribal Action Plan
Activity: Cancer Mural Walk
Action Steps Accountability Schedule Resources
Primary Others Start Complete Dollars
Register to Use Park Jensen Thayer, WA May 7, May 7, $25 0.3
BCCP 2007 2007
Get Tables for Park ONCS ACS

Wagon Rental Jensen Thayer, WA $195 0.3


T-Shirts Pat Ike/ONCS WA BCCP $600 8

Cancer Pins/Tape Measures Jensen Thayer, WA $50 0.60

Juice Ellen Yakama Juice $108 0.60
Mural Walk Posters Ellen Yakama Legends $200 8
Doublerunner/ONCS Casino
Mural Walk Maps Jensen Thayer, WA Mural Society .15

Cancer Literature Yakama Navigator ACS .30

Total $1,188 18.25 Sign-In

Yakama ONCS Mural Walk/Ride
Successful Strategies for
Developing Partnerships
• Use partnerships to extend resources and
• Partner with providers and other clinical
• Consult with other tribal programs
• Partner with state programs for services and
• Use advisors to provide clinical guidance
and test new ideas
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 30
Foundations and Non-Profits

American Indian and Alaska Native Organizations

State and Federal Organizations

Tribal Action Plans

Planning to achieve a specific objective.

• Who will conduct each component of the activity
• When actions are to be carried out
• What resources need to be allocated
• What outcomes are anticipated
• What evaluation is needed to determine success

06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 32

Upcoming Activity

June 5&6, 2013

• Northwest Tribal Cancer Coalition Tobacco
Cessation Facilitation Training
 Second Wind Curriculum
 Portland, Oregon

Online Registration:
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 33
Contact Information
Northwest Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Program
Kerri Lopez (Tolowa), Project Director
Eric Vinson (Cherokee), Project Coordinator
Elizabeth Viles (Siletz), Project Assistant
Tom Becker, MD, PhD, Medical Epidemiologist
Improving Data & Enhancing Access - NW (IDEA-NW) Project
Sujata Joshi, MPH, Project Director
Phone: 503-416-3301
Email: klopez@npaihb.org
06/06/24 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 34

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