Violence Macbeth Revision Theme Slide

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Military Prowess Considered Worthy –

Good cause Disruption of the Natural Order –

‘Brave Macbeth…unseamed him from the Inversion of Great Chain of Being.
‘His tale is of a hero whose
knave to the chops.’ Divine Omnipotent Commentary.
brandished steel smoked with
‘We’ll die with harness on our back’ – Animals as conduits (indicate
bloody execution.’ Bradley
Charismatic malice) Inversion of nature’s
‘Be this the whetstone of your sword: let hierarchy ‘Duncan’s horses…
grief turned wild, broke their stalls…
Convert to anger.’ Malcolm convinces made war with mankind.’
‘Tis said they ate each other.’
Macduff to join him in an uprising. Violence in
(Enter Macduff with Macbeth’s head) Grotesque exaggeration of
‘Macbeth’ inversion.
Savage Violence considered taboo ‘Heavens are troubled with man’s act.’
’your wife and babes Ross – suggesting God is aggrieved at
Savagely slaughter’d’ Killing of innocents: Emotional Violence – Transgressive and breaking the ‘Divine Right of Kings’ and
Macduff’s wife and children Taboo natural lineage
‘Finger of birth strangled babe’ Witches ‘plucked my nippled from his boneless gums
ingredients suggest infanticide ‘The darkness does the face of
and dashed the brains out.’
‘With twenty trenched gashes on his earth entomb when living light
‘Unsex me here.’ – Lady Macbeth as the
head.’ Banquo savagely murdered should kiss it.’ – Ross- Forever
fourth witch – de-gendering. Missing babe
‘It is a knell that summons thee to heaven Night. Personification of earth and
or to hell.’ Act of regicide. Ultimate sin. light – connote peace, life or God
‘I have no spur to prick the side of my
(They fight. Young Siward is slain) Death intent, only vaulting ambition.’ Macbeth
of a child love on stage. cannot submit to his conscience.

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