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1he PealLh and hyslcal 8eneflLs

of a 8alanced vegan uleL

1he SLereoLype of Lhe 'Plpple'
vegan ls now exLremely ouLdaLed
now more and more people are Lurnlng Lo a
vegan llfesLyle and dleL ln order Lo en[oy boLh
Lhe healLh and physlcal beneflLs LhaL 'vegan
opLlons' have Lo offer
healLhy balanced vegan dleL of fresh frulLs vegeLables
nuLs and even soy producLs help ald Lhe followlng ever
expandlng healLh beneflLs
W lncreased lnLake of flbre promoLes healLhler and more regular bowel movemenLs
whlch ln Lurn acLlvely decreases Lhe chances of developlng bowl cancer!
W We all know roLeln ls good for us buL consumlng Loo much Lhrough red meaLs and
chlcken can essenLlally 'overdose' Lhe body on roLeln causlng adverse effecLs
vegan dleL of lenLlls peas and beans acLs as a greaL way Lo ensure you're recelvlng Lhe
rlghL balance of proLeln LhaL your body requlres
WanL more examples of how a change Lo a vegan
dleL can help you llve longer?
WlL has been shown LhaL counLrles ln whlch women consume very llLLle meaL or anlmal
producLs boasL a dramaLlcally lower raLe of reporLed 8reasL Cancer
W vegan dleL ls also sLrongly recommended as a vlLal Lool ln Lhe baLLle agalnsL 1ype 2
W sLoundlng resulLs were recorded when a ma[or sLudy conducLed ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes of merlca revealed LhaL adulL men sufferlng ln Lhe early sLages of rosLaLe
Cancer who gave up consumlng meaL and swlLched Lo a balanced healLhy vegan dleL
managed Lo sLop Lhe progress of Lhe cancer and ln some cases may have even
successfully reversed Lhe lllness enLlrely!
ConLlnue readlng Lo see how a vegan dleL can
exLend your llfe expecLancy!
W Chooslng Lo embrace a vegan dleL effecLlvely ellmlnaLes almosL of Lhe unhealLhy
foods assoclaLed wlLh welghL galn LhaL are consumed ln Loday's world 1hls smarL
removal of unhealLhy opLlons promoLes a healLhler llfesLyle and wlll greaLly asslsL ln
your welghL loss efforLs
W lL has been proven LhaL vegan's as a resulL of consumlng more vlLamlns from
vegeLables and nuLs ofLen en[oy much healLhler vlbranL skln
W reducLlon ln Lhe consumpLlon of anlmal producLs such as meaL and dalry has ofLen
been llnked wlLh Lhe noLlceable reducLlon ln and allevlaLlon of allergy sympLoms
W LllmlnaLlng dalry from your dleL has even been proven Lo asslsL ln allevlaLlng Lhe
sympLoms relaLed Lo MS!
SLaggered by Lhese amazlng vegan facLs? ?ou can
flnd plenLy more
wwwveganlocuscom ls a 100 free resource for boLh Lhe esLabllshed and
asplrlng modernday vegan!
WlLh veganlnsplred arL reclpes arLlcles and news Lhere's no beLLer place
onllne Lo educaLe yourself on all Lhlngs vegan
We hope Lo see you Lhere!

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