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Tiempos verbales

• Verbos modales Can-Could

• I want to play soccer
• S+mv+v+c
• Verbos modales
• Can
• 1)Ser capaz de hacer algo,tener la destreza de
hacer algo
• I can play soccer well
• I can learn languages fast
• Verbos modales
• Can
• 2)Permiso informal
• Can I go to the restroom?
• Can I take a look of your book?
• Verbos modales Can
• Preguntas
• Can you play soccer well?
• Yes,I Can
• No, I Can’t
• Can you learn languages fast?
• Yes, I can
• no, I can’t
• Verbos modales Could

• Could
• 1)Past of “Can”
• I couldn’t watch tv last night
• I could study for my exam yesterday
• Verbos modales Could
• Could
• 2)Possibility
• I could travel to usa in 5 Years
• I could win the “baloto” tonight
• Verbos modales Could
• Formal Permit
• Could I drive your car? Go ahead…. No way
• Could you pass me the salt?

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