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Catering Management

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able


a. Demonstrate understanding in catering management;

b. Identify career outlook for catering; and

c. Discuss the qualities of a successful caterers.

Catering Management

Catering management is part

of the food services
industry, and involves the
planning and organisation of
food and beverage services
for various types of events.
Important aspects of
catering management

1. meeting customer expectations,

2. maintaining food and hygiene standards, and

3. meeting financial targets.

Principles and Fundamentals of Catering Management

Authority and Responsibility

Authority is exercised because of position in the organization,

through the chain of command formally laid out, and hat which
is attributed to a person’s intelligence, experience and the sense
of values he holds.

In any work situation some of the official authority may be

delegated along with the responsibility a task carries.
Principles and Fundamentals of Catering Management

Division of work

Based on the concept of specialization and since

food production activities are each quite distinct in
the skills they require, jobs are generally divided
according to abilities of staff.
Principles and Fundamentals of Catering Management


Covers punctuality, courtesy, adherence to rules and

regulations, obedience, etc.

all of which are essential for smooth functioning of

establishments where group activities are involved and
directed towards common goals.
Principles and Fundamentals of Catering Management

Unitary command

Application of the unitary command principle goes a long

way in establishing loyalty to the senior in command and
to the organization.

All forces fall under one responsible commander.

Principles and Fundamentals of Catering Management

Unitary direction

This relates to coordination of activities to achieve a single goal.

There can be no command without direction. Undirected or
multidirectional goals only lead to confusion and unachieved
Principles and Fundamentals of Catering Management


The chain formed by superiors placed at different levels

in an organization structure of an establishment, and
corresponds to the various levels of management- line,
middle, and top management.
Principles and Fundamentals of Catering Management


Orderliness helps to avoid cross – contamination, saves

time looking for materials and equipment when required
for use, and ensures safety for all concerned.
Principles and Fundamentals of Catering Management

Loyalty and Devotion

Ensures an atmosphere at work which is bound to

generate a unified attachment to the organization, and its
interests and goals, through development of harmonious
relations at work.
Principles and Fundamentals of Catering Management


If staff is allowed to suggest plans which can be

followed even partly, it is highly motivating for
Principles and Fundamentals of Catering Management


Emphasizes the spirit of group work, and establishment of

smooth communications, between people, thus developing
healthy team spirit.
Principles and Fundamentals of Catering Management


Limiting the area of control of a leader or supervisor to cover

the work of about five or six people only having related jobs,
brings about greater efficiency.
Functions of Catering
Functions of Catering Management

Every organization, regardless of size, has developed and

implemented its own management concepts in order for it to run
smoothly and accomplish the vision, goals and objectives it has set
Functions of Catering Management

Planning is the foundation upon which the other three areas

should be build.

Requires management to evaluate where the company is

currently, and where it would like to be in the future.

From there an appropriate course of action to attain the

company's goals and objectives is determined and
Functions of Catering Management

Organization- Management must organize all its resources

in order to implement the course of action it determined in

the planning process.
Functions of Catering Management

Through directing management is able to influence and

oversee the behavior of the staff in achieving the

company's goals, as well as assisting them in
accomplishing their own personal or career goals.
Functions of Catering Management

Controlling involves establishing performance standards

based on the company's objectives, and evaluating and
reporting actual job performance.
Let us check your

In one whole sheet of paper create a Catering

Let that
Management Plan us check your
exemplifies the Principles
and Fundamentals of Catering Management and the
functions of catering Management.

A clientLet
hire us
to cater your
at her wedding.


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