Quiz of English

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Quiz of questions and answers in English

01. Which medicinal plants
are normally found in
homes in Brazil?
Lavender (Lavanda) = 10 points

Mint (Hortelã) = 8 points

Aloe (Babosa) = 6 points

Basil (Manjericão) = 4 points

02. What is the common rose
bush color?
Pink (Rosa) = 10 points

Red (vermelha) = 8 points

White (Branca) = 6 points

Yellow (amarelo) = 4 points

03.What are
the spring
November (Novembro) = 10 points

December (Dezembro) = 8 points

October (Outubro) = 6 points

September (Setembro) = 4 points

04.How do the medicinal
properties of aloe vera help
our body?
Skin Healing (Cicatrização da pele) = 10 points

Hydration (Hidratação) = 8 points

Combats the appearance of Dandruff (Combate o aparecimento de Caspa) =

6 points

Combats hair thinning (Combate a queda de cabelo) = 4 points

05.What plants
need to survive?
Sun Light (Luz do Sol) = 10 points

Fertilizers (Fertilizantes) = 8 points

Earth (Terra) = 6 points

Water (Água) = 4 points

06.What plants of tropical
climate don't like?
Soil withont nutrients (Solo sem nutrientes) = 10 points

Strong Winds (Ventos fortes) = 8 points

Excessive heat (Calor excessivo) = 6 points

Frosts (Geadas) = 4 points

07.What are plants'
natural predators?
Ants (Formigas) = 10 points

Flies (Moscas) = 8 points

Beetles (Besouros) = 6 points

Mites (Ácaros) = 4 points

08.What are the qualities of
Interação with animals (Interação com animais) = 10 points

Reproduction (Reprodução) = 8 points

Quink adaptation th the environment (Rapida adapitação

ao ambiente) = 6 points

Beauty (Beauty) = 4 points

09.What negative effects can
plants cause?
Attract dangerous animals (Atrair animais perigosos) = 10 points

itch (Coceira) = 8 points

Toxicity (Toxicidade) = 6 points

Pollen allergy (Alergia ao Pólen) = 4 points

10.Quote a part of the
anatomy of plants?
Branches (Galhos) = 10 points

Stem (Tronco) = 8 points

Flowers (Flores) = 6 points

Plant root (Raiz da Planta) = 4 points

Thank you for playing
our quiz!!!

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