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Astri Yustianawati Nova

857339322 857339308

Alfina Nursalimah Anas Tasya Rahmidian M.

857338764 857339806

Gumaesha Alma R. Abdul Matin

857339505 857341264

Provide opportunities for students to be able to develop

and communicate in simple English both orally and in
writing using the language functions used in daily

Why Schooling Is
Important For Children

The Necessity of
Compulsory Education

Learning: What and How?

Concept and Discussion


(Part 1)

Education impacts on human development and economic growth. It is a fundamental

requirement for democracy. More specifically: Education is a human right.

Article 26 of The Universal Declaration on Human Rights (1948) recognizes education along
with other necessities such as food, shelter, and water as a fundamental human right,

The UN Convention on the Right of the Child affirms the right of all children to free, relevant
and quality education.

At the World Education Forum in Dakar in 2000, participants from 164 countries declared to
provide education for all by 2015.
Dibawah ini ada beberapa kata yang sulit dilafalkan.

article .[n]/artikl/ = Bab/ayat dalam undang-undang

convention [n] /kenfénsyen/ = sidang.  The UN Convention = sidang PBB
declare [v]./diklér/ = menyatakan, mendeklarasikan. Bentuk kata bendanya:
declaration.  The Universal Declaration on Human Rights. = deklarasi universal atas hak manusia.
fundamental [adj]. /fandemntel = yang mendasar.
right. [n] /rait/ = hak. Human right= azasi manusia. Right of the Child = hak anak-anak
impacts [v]. /impék/. = berakibat, berpengaruh degan sangat dalam.
provide [v]. /provaid/ = menyediakan
recognize [v]. /rikognaiz/. = menyadari
requirement [n]. /rikuaierment/. = persyaratan. Bentuk kata kerjanya: (to) require.
shelter [n]. /syélte(r)/ = tempat berlindung, yang dalam konteks ini bermakna “rumah”.
Huruf yang
Huruf diantara
berada diantara
tanda //

fungsi kata itu Cara pengucapan kata
yang dijelaskan
[n] seharusnya, yang berada
[v] diantara tanda // adalah
simbol fonetik yang
berbeda dari huruf yang
kita kenal

Kata benda ( = noun) Kata kerja ( = verb)

Kata sifat ( = adjective)

Menentukan subjek dan predikat,
kata kerja dan objek atau pelengkap lainnya.

Education (s) it (s)

Impacts on (v) is (v)

a fundament
Human development (o) for democracy

And economic growth (o)

(Part 2)
Same important views of education are below.

Education provides people with the tools and knowledge to understand and participate in today’s world. It helpas to
sustain the human values that contribute to individual and collective well-being. It is the basis for lifelong learning. It
inspires confidence and provides the skills to participate inpublic dabate. It makes people more self-reliant and aware of
opportunities and rights.

Education enhancesthe ability of households to manage health problems, improve nutrition and children, and plan for the
Basic education provides girls and women with a greater understandingof basic health, nutrition and family planning, as
well as of their own potential. Educated women marry late, have fewer children anf receive better prenatal care.

Education is essential fot economis development and eradicating poverty. It allows people to be more productive, to play a
greater role in economis life, and to earn a better living

Education makes it possible for people to be responsible and informed citizens, and to have a voice in politics and
society, which is essential for sustaining democracy. It also provides people with the knowledge and awareness to
promote tolerance and understanding among people.
We have discussed the
importance of schooling:

So intrinsically we know what will happen if children don’t go to school

a b
If you read You will acquire knowledge
If you don’t study hard You will not pass the exams
Induk kalimat Anak kalimat

conditional sentence (kalimat pengandaian)

1. Conditional Sentence Type I 2. Conditional Sentence Type II

Kalimat untuk menggunakan kemungkinan Kalimat pengandaian untuk menyatakan

yang bisa terjadi pada masa yang akan datang situasi sekarang, tetapi tidak terjadi

Example :
If I have money, I will buy all the book If clause Sub. clause
Simple past tense + Past future tens
If clause Sub. clause

Posisi if clause dan sub clause bisa ditukar Example :

If I had enough money, I would buy all the book
I will buy all the book, If I have money
peryataan akibat
Sub. clause If clause
3. Conditional Sentence Type III

Kalimat pengandaian untuk mengungkapkan

keadaan dimasa lalu (seandainya terjadi tapi tidak

If clause + Sub. clause

Pola kalimatnya :
Past perfect tense + “would have + past participle”

Example : If I has studied hard, I would have passed the exams

Seandainya saja Saya bias lulus ujian

belajar keras (dulu) (waktu itu, tapi sayang
tidak lulus)

Education and Literacy in Indonesia

(Part 1)
National education is rooted in Indonesia culture and is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. It aims to
enhance the people’s intellectualed life, dignity and values. It is a means to create the Indonesian man and community to be
faithful and devoted to the One an Only God, qualified, and self-sufficient so that they can develop themselves and their
neighbourhood, and be able to fulfil national development needs and be responsible for the national development.
[to be continued...]

Beberapa kata sulit

 Literacy [n] = melek huruf, tidak buta huruf, dapat membaca  (to) enhance [v] = (to improve), mengingkatkan
 ... Is based on... = berdasar pada  Faifhful and devoted to the One and Only God =
percaya dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
Education and Literacy in Indonesia
(Part 2)

To achieve the targets and policies in national education, some main

programmes ub Repelita VI have been implemented, covering: the
development of: (1) primary education; (2) secondary education; (3)
higher learning institutions; (4) extramural education, (5) services
education; and (6) teachers and other personnel.

In the efforts to surmount the impact of thecurrnt economis crisis, the

Government has distributed educational aid through the main
programmes especially in the form of cholarships to assist students who
come from low income families to prevent drop outs. Besides,
operational funds for schools and higher learning institutions ensure that
all school clidren would be able to continue their studies. The
government has taken several drastic measures to reduce the impact of
recessions on educations, including allocating special funds to help
millions of needy students, teachers and shools. School children are even
allowed to attend school without wearing their uniforms, as previously
School children are even allowed to attend school
without wearing their uniforms, as previously required.

To be + V3 Kalimat pasif

Contoh dalam kalimat

Bentuk to be yang lainnya

The books are sold in every book store Is

To be (are) + V3
Has been
Have been
Contoh regular verbs : Contoh irregular verbs :

Infinitive Past tense Past participle Infinitive Past tense Past participle
(bentuk pertama) (bentuk kedua) (bentuk ketiga) (bentuk pertama) (bentuk kedua) (bentuk ketiga)
Allow Allowed Allowed Buy Bought Bought
Achiece Achieved Achieved Go Went Gone
Assist Assisted Assisted Come Came Come
Develop Developed Developed Read Red Red
Distribute Distributed Distributed Take took taken
Study Studied Studied
Merubah kalimat aktif jadi pasif

I read the modules every day They have found the lost victing

The modules are read everyday The lost victim has been found

Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values, through study, experience, or teaching. It cause a change of
behaviour that is persistent, and measurable. It allows an individual to formulate a new mental construct or revise a prior mental construct.
It is a process that depens on experience and leads to long-term change in behaviour potential. Behaviour potential describes the possible
behaviour of an individual (not actual behaviour) in a given situation in order to achieve a goal. But potential is not enough; if individual
learning is not periodically reinforced, it becomes shallower and shallower, and eventually is lost in that individual.

Short term change in behaviour potential, such as fatigue, do not constitute learning. Some long-term changes in behaviour potential result
from aging and development, rather than learning.
Learning is a sense making that enables manifestation of purpose.

Education is the conscious attempt to promote learning in other. The primary function of teaching is to create a safe, viable, productive
learning environment. Management of the total learning environment to promote enhance and motivate learning is a paradigm shift from a
focus on teaching to a focus on learning.
Subject Verb Complement
Learning is The process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes, or
values, through study, experience, or teaching
It causes a change of behaviour that is persistent

It allows an individual to formulate a new mental construct or

revise a prior mental construct

It is a process that depens on experience and leads to long-

term change in behaviour potential
Behaviour potential describes the possible behaviour of an individual (not actual
behaviour) in a given situation in order to achieve a goal
But potential Is not enough;
Subject Verb Complement

it becomes Shallower and shallower

Short term change in behaviour do not constitute learning

potential, such as fatigue
Some long-term changes in result From aging and development, rather
behaviour potential than learning
Learning is a sense making that enables
manifestation of purpose
Education is is the conscious attempt to promote
learning in other
The primary function of teaching is create a safe, viable, productive
learning environment
Management of the total learning is paradigm shift from a focus on teaching
environment to promote enhance and to a focus on learning
motivate learning

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