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Modul ke:

Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan aspek
Fakultas manajerial, rancangan dan struktur
organisasi (CPMK-6)
Program Studi
Dr. Dewi Nusraningrum, MSi.
Identify the levels of management

• Top (high-level) management includes positions such as president, chief

executive officer (who commonly also serves as president), chief financial
officer, and vice-president. These managers make decisions regarding the firm’s
long-run objectives (such as three to five years ahead).
• Middle management is often responsible for the firm’s short-term decisions, as
these managers are closer to the production process. Middle managers resolve
problems and devise new methods to improve performance. Middle
management includes positions such as regional manager and plant manager.
• Supervisory (first-line) management is usually highly involved with the
employees who engage in the day-to-day production process. Super- visors
deal with problems such as worker absenteeism and customer complaints.
Supervisory management includes positions such as account manager and
office manager.
Comparison of
Different Levels of
Comparison of
among Managers
Identify the key functions of managers
• Planning
– The planning function represents the preparation of a firm for
future business conditions. As the first step in the planning
process, the firm establishes its mission statement, which
describes its primary goal.
• Organizing
– The organizing function involves the organization of employees and
other resources in a manner that is consistent with the firm’s goals.
• Leading
– The leading function is the process of influencing the habits of
others to achieve a common goal.
• Controlling
– The controlling function involves the monitoring and evaluation of
tasks. To evaluate tasks, managers should measure performance in
comparison with the standards and expectations they set.
Integration of
Managerial Skills
• Conceptual Skills
– Managers with conceptual skills (also referred to as analytical skills) have the
ability to understand the relationships among the various tasks of a firm. They see
how all the pieces fit together.
• Communication with Employees
– Managers need good interpersonal skills when communicating with employees.
They must be able to clearly communicate assignments to employees and must
communicate with employees who have made mistakes on the job so that they
can be corrected. In addition, managers must listen to complaints from employees
and attempt to resolve their problems.
• Technical Skills
– Managers need technical skills to understand the types of tasks that they manage.
Managers who are closer to the actual production process use decision-making
skills for using existing information to determine how the firm’s resources should
be allocated their technical skills more frequently than high-level managers.
• Decision-Making Skills
– Managers need decision-making skills so that they can use existing information to
determine how the firm’s resources should be allocated. The types of decisions
made by managers vary with the position.
Stages Involved in Making a Decision
Summary of Key Managerial Skills
the way managers allocate their time when managing tasks

 Set proper priorities.

 Schedule long time intervals for large tasks.
 Minimize interruptions.
 Set short-term goals.
 Delegate some tasks to employees.
Daftar Pustaka
1. Griffin, Ricky W., dan Ronald J. Ebert. 2013. Business. 11th edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
2. Madura, Jeff. 2012. Introduction to Business. 5th edition. USA: South-Western College Publishing.
3. Ebert, Ronald J. dan Ricky W. Griffin. 2013. Essential Business. 9th edition. Essex: Edinburgh Gate
4. Nickels, William G., James M. McHugh dan Susan M. McHugh. 2008. Understanding Business. 8th edition.
New York: McGraw Hill.
5. Boone, Louis E. dan David L. Kurtz. 2013. Contemporary Business. 14 th edition. Harcourt Inc.

Terima Kasih
Terima Kasih
Dr. Dewi Nusraningrum, MSi.

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