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Lesson 2
Copy this chart and complete with your own examples
Today’s lesson objectives:
-To review our knowledge of modal verbs
-To practise modal verbs in sentences and activities
What is a modal verb?

What modal verbs do you know?

Correct these sentences:

John musts to study
Do must she go?
She will might leave today
What is a modal verb? It is a verb that needs
another verb to express ideas
What modal verbs do you know? Can, could;
shall, should; may, might; will, would; must
Correct these sentences:
John musts to study
Do must she go?
She will might leave today / She will might leave
Find the modal verbs and explain what they
express (ability, permission…)
Find the modal verbs and explain what they
express (ability, permission…)
Should – advice
Can’t - ability

Must – obligation

Can: ability (Mistake: the the!)

Mustn’t – prohibition
Tasks for today
1.Read pages 60 – 61 in your Grammar Books
2.Complete exercises A-F on Page 62-3
3.We Will go through them!
4.If you finish and want more practice, complete
the MY TURN and MY TEST boxes

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