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Topic : The Impact of

Culture on Personal Development

•Teacher : Ms. Marady Phoeun

Norn satya
Nhem Taingchhun
Khhon Mesa
Ieng Dalin
Earn Kimhong
1. Introduction
2. Explain the words
3. Social behavior
4. Traditional
5. Religion
6. Community
7. Belief
8. Inconclusion
2. Explain the words

• Impact : The word "impact" refers to the effect or influence that something has on another
• Culture : the beliefs, customs, arts, and social behaviors of a particular group of people or
society. It includes traditions, language, religion, cuisine, rituals, and values shared by a
community, shaping their identity and way of life.
• Personal development: Personal development refers to the continuous process of
improving oneself mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, or professionally. It
involves setting goals, acquiring new skills, gaining self-awareness.
3. Social behavior
When human grown up in a society they have to face lots
of things like grown up in world full of mindset they have
to learn more things than they was young. In social they
teach you to work in group of people stepping out of
comfort zone they need to learn about policy, people mind
people work Etc. Therefore it is about communication or
cooperation to the outside world when you want to
develop yourself u must know about the world and it’s
4. Traditional
• Tradition is a reflection of the national
identity of each country, so in order to
be highly developed, tradition is also
a point that makes people develop
themselves. It is also important in
culture because Tradition has made
people aware of their identity and
differences from country to country.
5. Religion
Of course, all religions lead people to the
right path and have their own good points
that lead people to do the same good deeds.
Therefore, all religions are equally
supported by all people. Have the right to
practice their religion, and religion plays an
important role in the culture, so that they
can have a better mindset and self-
6. Community
• Communities also contribute to people learning about
their environment because when they get to know the
culture of different countries, they will better
understand the different worlds from one culture to
another, they will better understand the country. From
one country to another, as they learn from one
community to another, as they grow in their own
mindset, they develop and deepen their thinking.
7. Belief
• Belief refers to a conviction or acceptance that
something is true, real, or exists, often without
tangible evidence or proof. Beliefs can be rooted
in religious, spiritual, cultural, or personal
perspectives but before we decide that we are
believe in it we must think it carefully and clearly
that’s how we developed ourselves to be
successful thinking careful and positive mind
could make you always right.
Thanks for your paying attention.
if there is any question please raise your hand and
ask .

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