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Introduction: Elements of Drama

By Dr P Sibanda
Lesson Plan
• Definitions and terms
• Unpacking the vocabulary
• Plot
• Characters
• Dialogue
What is Drama?

• Drama comes from a Greek work that means ‘a deed’ and it is believed the
noun comes from the verb dran which means to do
• Drama is when human beings engage in action. They are not just on stage to
make people laugh. Something happens!
• It is a specific mode of fiction that happens on stage
• Drama therefore is a story told/ embodied in dialogue by performers in front
of an audience
Types of
• Tragedy
• Comedy
• Theatre of the absurd
• Realism
• Epic theatre
• etc
• Plot refers to what happens in the play (kwenzekalani)
• What is the series of events. This happens and then what happens next (cause and effect)
• It is not just a series of random events e.g Princess went to town. So what? The sequence
of events should build up to a climax and consequently a resolution
Plot Structure
• Who?
• Characters are the people that partake in the action
• They are not just people walking around. They have
a purpose. They have a motivation. They have a
drive. They need to do something.
• The main character is called a protagonist.
• The one who is going against/opposes the
• Can you think of a protagonist in your favourite
• Who is the antagonist?
• What is said by the people to
drive the story
• Conversation between two or
more people in a play
Dialogue Example

Asanda: Uyazi I missed yesterday’s lecture because I had a

lunch appointment with my boyfriend .

Samke: Hawu you have courage my friend

Asanda: Lapho he did not turn up!

Samke: You had not ordered anything I hope?

Asanda: Just know that ngigezis’ izisha koMcDonalds izolo

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