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Because learning changes everything.

Chapter 04

Lecture Outline
Anatomy & Physiology
Fourth Edition
Michael P. McKinley
Valerie Dean O’Loughlin
Theresa Stouter Bidle

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4.1a How Cells Are Studied 1

Cytology—study of cells

• Microscopes necessary


• Using a microscope to view small-scale structures

• Staining techniques provide contrast

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4.1a How Cells Are Studied 2

Light microscope (LM)

• Produces a two-dimensional image
• Passes light through a specimen
Electron microscope (EM)
• Beam of electrons illuminates specimen
• Greater magnification and resolution than light microscope
• Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
• Directs an electron beam through thin-cut sections; get 2-D images
• Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
• Directs an electron beam across surface of specimen; get 3-D

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Microscopic Techniques for Cellular Studies

(a) ©McGraw-Hill Education/Al Telser; (b, c) ©Eye of Science/Science Source

Figure 4.1
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4.1b Cell Size and Shape

Cells vary greatly in size and shape

• For example, an erythrocyte between 7 to 8 m
• For example, human oocyte has a diameter of 120 μm
• Most are microscopic
• Shapes vary: spherical, cubelike, columnlike, cylindrical,
disc-shaped, or irregular

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The Range of Cell Sizes

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The Variety of Cell Shapes

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4.1c Common Features and General Functions 1

Plasma membrane
• Forms outer, limiting barrier separating internal contents from
external environment
• Modified extensions of plasma membrane
• Cilia, flagellum, microvilli
• Largest structure in cell; enclosed by a nuclear envelope
• Contains genetic material (DNA); also contains a nucleolus
• Nucleoplasm—inner fluid
• Cellular contents between plasma membrane and nucleus
• Includes: cytosol, organelles, and inclusions
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4.1c Common Features and General Functions 2

Cytoplasmic components
• Cytosol (intracellular fluid )
• Viscous fluid of cytoplasm
• High water content
• Contains dissolved macromolecules and ions
• Organelles (“little organs”)
• Complex, organized structures within cells
• Unique shapes and functions
• Two categories
• Membrane-bound organelles
• Non-membrane-bound organelles

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4.1c Common Features and General Functions 3

Organelles (“little organs”) (continued )

• Membrane-bound organelles
• Enclosed by a membrane
• Separates contents from cytosol
• Includes endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes,
peroxisomes, mitochondria

• Non-membrane-bound organelles
• Not enclosed within a membrane
• Composed of protein
• Includes ribosomes, cytoskeleton, centrosome, proteasomes

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4.1c Common Features and General Functions 4

• Cytosol stores temporarily

• Not considered organelles

• Molecules added to and removed from continuously

• For example, pigments, glycogen, triglycerides

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The Structure of a Cell

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4.1c Common Features and General Functions 5

Cells perform general functions:

• Maintain integrity and shape of a cell
• Dependent on plasma membrane and internal contents
• Obtain nutrients and form chemical building blocks
• Harvest energy for survival
• Dispose of wastes
• Avoid accumulation that could disrupt cellular activities
• Some are also capable of cell division
• Make more cells of same type
• Help maintain tissue by providing cells for new growth and
replacing dead cells
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Section 4.1 What did you learn?

1. What is the advantage of using a TEM instead of an LM

to study intracellular structure?

2. Which cell is larger, an erythrocyte or a human oocyte?

What are their respective sizes?

3. Diagram the three main components of the cell and label

the plasma membrane, nucleus, and cytoplasm.

4. What cellular structure is responsible for forming the

boundary of a cell and maintaining its integrity?

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4.2a Lipid Components 1

Plasma membrane
• Fluid mixture composed of equal parts lipid and protein by
• Regulates movement of most substances in and out of cell

• Contains several different types of lipids:

• Phospholipids

• Cholesterol

• Glycolipids

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4.2a Lipid Components 2

• “Balloon with two tails”
• Polar and hydrophilic “head”; two nonpolar and hydrophobic “tails”

• Form two parallel sheets of molecules lying tail to tail

• Hydrophobic tails form internal environment of membrane
• Hydrophilic polar heads directed outward

• Phospholipid bilayer is the basic structure of the

• Ensures cytosol remains inside the cell
• Ensures interstitial fluid remains outside

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4.2a Lipid Components 3

• Four-ring lipid molecule scattered within phospholipid
• Strengthens membrane
• Stabilizes membrane against temperature extremes
• Lipids with attached carbohydrate groups
• Located on outer phospholipid region only
• Helps form glycocalyx

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Structure and Functions of the Plasma Membrane

(b) ©Don W. Fawcett/Science Source

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4.2b Membrane Proteins 1

Membrane proteins
• Half of plasma membrane by weight

• Float and move in fluid bilayer

• Performs most of membrane’s functions

• Two structural types

• Integral

• Peripheral

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4.2b Membrane Proteins 2

Integral proteins
• Embedded within, and extend across, phospholipid bilayer
• Hydrophobic regions interact with hydrophobic interior
• Hydrophilic regions are exposed to aqueous environments
on either side of membrane
• Many are glycoproteins with attached carbohydrate
Peripheral proteins
• Not embedded in lipid bilayer
• Loosely attached to external or interior surfaces of
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4.2b Membrane Proteins 3

Proteins are also categorized functionally:

• Transport proteins
• Regulate movement of substances across membrane
• For example, channels, carrier proteins, pumps, symporters, and
• Cell surface receptors
• Bind molecules called ligands
• For example, neurotransmitters released from a nerve cell that
binds to a muscle cell to initiate contraction
• Identity markers
• Communicate to other cells that they belong to the body
• These markers are used to distinguish healthy cells from cells to be

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4.2b Membrane Proteins 4

Functional categories of proteins (continued )

• Enzymes
• May be attached to either internal or external surface of a cell

• Catalyze chemical reactions

• Anchoring sites
• Secure cytoskeleton to plasma membrane

• Cell-adhesion proteins
• Perform cell-to-cell attachments

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Plasma Membrane Proteins

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Section 4.2 What did you learn?

5. How do lipids maintain the basic physical barrier of the

plasma membrane?

6. What type of plasma membrane protein provides the

means for moving materials across the plasma
membrane? What are three subtypes?

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4.3 Membrane Transport 1

Plasma membrane
• Serves as physical barrier between cell and fluid that surround it
(interstitial fluid)
• Regulates movement into and out of a cell
• Establishes and maintains electrochemical gradient
• Functions in cell communication
Membrane transport
• Process of obtaining and eliminating substance across the
plasma membrane
• Two categories
• Passive processes
• Active processes

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Membrane Transport

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4.3 Membrane Transport 2

Substances moved across a membrane

Passive processes of membrane transport
• Do not require energy
• Depend on substances moving down concentration gradient
• Move from area of more substance to area of less

• Two types: diffusion, osmosis

Active processes of membrane transport
• Require energy
• Substance must be moved up its concentration gradient
(active transport)
• Membrane-bound vesicle must be released (vesicular transport)
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4.3a Passive Processes: Diffusion 1

• Net movement of ions or molecules from area of greater
concentration to area of lesser concentration
• Down the concentration gradient

• Due to kinetic energy (energy of motion) of

• Influenced by temperature

• Increased temp, increased kinetic energy and rate of diffusion

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4.3a Passive Processes: Diffusion 2

Diffusion (continued)
• Also influenced by “steepness” of concentration gradient
• Measure of the difference in concentration between two areas

• Steeper gradient causes faster rate of diffusion

• If unopposed, diffusion continues until substance reaches

• Molecules evenly distributed throughout a given area

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Figure 4.8
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4.3a Passive Processes: Diffusion 3

Simple diffusion
• Molecules move unassisted between phospholipid
• Small and nonpolar solutes
• Include: respiratory gases (O2 and CO2), some fatty acids,
ethanol, urea
• Not regulated by plasma membrane
• Movement dependent on concentration gradient
• Continues to move as long as gradient exists

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Simple Diffusion of Solutes

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4.3a Passive Processes: Diffusion 4

Facilitated diffusion
• Transport process for small charged or polar solutes
requires assistance from plasma membrane proteins
• Two types:
• Channel-mediated diffusion

• Carrier-mediated diffusion

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4.3a Passive Processes: Diffusion 5

Channel-mediated diffusion
• Movement of small ions through water-filled protein
• Channels specific for one ion type
• Leak channels
• Continuously open

• Gated channel
• Usually closed
• Opens in response to stimulus for fraction of second

• Important in normal function of muscle and nerve cells

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Channel-Mediated Diffusion

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4.3a Passive Processes: Diffusion 6

Carrier-mediated diffusion
• Small polar molecules assisted across membrane by
carrier protein
• Binding of substance causing change in carrier protein
• Releases substances on other side of membrane
• Moves substances down their gradient
• Uniporter—carrier transporting only one substance
• The number of channels and carriers determines the max
rate of substance transport

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Carrier-Mediated Diffusion

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4.3b Passive Processes: Osmosis 1

• Movement of water, not solutes
• Passive movement of water through semipermeable
• Membrane allows passage of water, prevents passage of most
• Membrane is also selectively permeable – regulates movement of
specific solutes

• Osmosis is promoted by differences in water concentration

on either side of a membrane

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4.3b Passive Processes: Osmosis 2

Two ways water crosses membrane:

• Slips between molecules of phospholipid bilayer
• Moves through integral protein water channels—aquaporins
Two types of solutes:
• Permeable solutes
• Pass through bilayer
• For example, small and nonpolar solutes such as oxygen, carbon
dioxide, urea
• Nonpermeable solutes
• Prevented from passing through bilayer
• For example, charged, polar, or large solutes such as ions, glucose,
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4.3b Passive Processes: Osmosis 3

Concentration gradients across the plasma membrane

• Between cytosol and interstitial fluid
• Solutes are prevented from moving across the bilayer
• Cause water concentrations to exist
• Greater concentration of solutes contains lower concentration of
Movement of water by osmosis
• Dependent upon concentration gradient between cytosol and
solution surrounding cell
• Water moves down gradient until equilibrium is reached
• For example, moves from solution of 1% solutes (99% water) into
solution containing 3% solutes (97% water)

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Osmosis in Cells

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4.3b Passive Processes: Osmosis 4

Osmotic pressure
• Pressure exerted by movement of water across
semipermeable membrane
• Due to difference in solution concentration
• Steeper gradient, more water moved by osmosis and
greater osmotic pressure
• Hydrostatic pressure—pressure exerted by a fluid on the
inside wall of its container

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Osmotic Pressure

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4.3b Passive Processes: Osmosis 5

Osmosis and tonicity

• Cell gains or loses water with osmosis along with a
change in cell volume and osmotic pressure
• Tonicity—ability of a solution to change the volume or
pressure of a cell by osmosis
• Terms that describe relative concentration of solutions:
• Isotonic

• Hypotonic

• Hypertonic

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4.3b Passive Processes: Osmosis 6

Isotonic solution
• Both cytosol and solution have same relative
concentration of solutes
• For example, normal saline with a concentration of 0.9%
• Commonly used in IV solutions

• No net movement of water

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4.3b Passive Processes: Osmosis 7

Hypotonic solution
• Solution has a lower concentration of solutes, higher
concentration of water than in cytosol
• For example, erythrocytes in pure water

• Water moves down concentration gradient from outside

cell to inside
• Increases volume and pressure of cell
• Lysis—rupturing of red blood cells occurs if difference is
large enough
• Hemolysis—rupturing erythrocytes

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4.3b Passive Processes: Osmosis 8

Hypertonic solution
• Solution with a higher concentration of solutes than cytosol

• For example, erythrocytes in 3% NaCl water solution

• Water moves down concentration gradient

• Moves from inside cell to outside

• Decreases volume and pressure of cell

• Crenation—cell shrinks

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Erythrocytes Immersed In Three Different Solution

©Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc./Medical Images

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4.3c Active Processes 1

Active processes are organized into active transport and

vesicular transport

Active transport
• Movement of a solute against its concentration gradient
(that is, from lower to higher concentration)
• Maintains gradient between cell and interstitial fluid

• Source of energy determines whether movement is

primary or secondary

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4.3c Active Processes 2

Primary active transport

• Uses energy directly from breakdown of ATP

• Phosphorylation of carrier occurs

• Breakdown of ATP results in phosphate group added to transport

• Changes protein’s shape and results in movement of substance

across the membrane

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4.3c Active Processes 3

Ion pumps
• Cellular protein pumps that
move ions across membrane
• Maintain internal
concentrations of ions
• For example, Ca2+ pumps in
plasma membrane of
• Prevent cell rigidity from
accumulated calcium
• Erythrocytes remain flexible
enough to move
Figure 4.14 Access the text alternative for slide images.

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4.3c Active Processes 4

Sodium-potassium (Na/K) pump

• Type of exchange pump

• Moves one type of ion into cell against gradient, while

moving another type of ion out of cell against gradient
• Plasma membrane preserves steep gradient differences

• Continuously exports Na+ out of the cell and moves K into

the cell

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Na+/K+ Pump

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4.3c Active Processes 5

Secondary active transport

• Moves substance against concentration gradient
• Uses energy from movement of second substance down
its gradient
• Kinetic energy providing “power” to pump other substance
• Na moves down concentration gradient
• Dependent on Na/K pumps for energy
• Two types:
• Symport
• Antiport

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4.3c Active Processes 6

Secondary active transport (continued )

• Symport
• Two substances moved in same direction—symporters
• Process is called symport secondary active transport

• Antiport
• Two substances move in opposite directions—antiporters
• Process is called antiport secondary active transport

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Secondary Active Transport

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4.3c Active Processes 7

Vesicular transport
• Also called bulk transport

• Involves energy input to transport large substances across

the plasma membrane by a vesicle
• Membrane-bounded sac filled with materials

• Organized into processes of

• Exocytosis

• Endocytosis

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4.3c Active Processes 8

• Large substances secreted from cell
• Macromolecules too large to be moved across membrane
• Material packed within intracellular transport vehicles
• Vesicle and plasma membrane fusion
• Requires ATP

• Contents released to outside of cell following fusion

• For example, release of neurotransmitters from nerve cells

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4.3c Active Processes 9

• Cellular uptake of large substances from external
• Steps of endocytosis are similar to exocytosis, but in
• Pocket (invagination) forms, pinches off to form vesicle
• Used for
• Uptake of materials for digestion
• Retrieval of membrane regions from exocytosis
• Regulation of membrane protein composition to alter cellular

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4.3c Active Processes 10

Three types of endocytosis: phagocytosis, pinocytosis, receptor-

mediated endocytosis
• Cellular eating
• Occurs when a cell engulfs a large particle external to cell
• Forms large extensions called pseudopodia
• They surround particle, enclosing it in a membrane sac
• Sac is internalized, contents digested after fusing with lysosome
• Only a few cell types perform this
• For example, when a white blood cell engulfs and digests a
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Phagocytosis 1

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4.3c Active Processes 11

• Cellular drinking
• Internalization of droplets of interstitial fluid containing
dissolved solutes
• Multiple, small vesicles formed
• Performed by most cells

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Phagocytosis 2

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4.3c Active Processes 12

Receptor-mediated endocytosis
• Uses receptors on plasma membrane to bind molecules
within interstitial fluid and bring the molecules into cell
• Enables the cell to obtain bulk quantities of substances
• For example, transport of cholesterol from blood to a cell
• Cholesterol is bound to low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
• These move from the blood into the interstitial fluid, then bind to
LDL receptors in the plasma membrane
• LDLs are then internalized

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Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis

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Clinical View: Familial Hypercholesteremia

• Inherited genetic disorder

• Defects in LDL receptor or proteins of LDLs
• Interfere with normal receptor-mediated endocytosis of
• Results in greatly elevated cholesterol
• Causes atherosclerosis
• Greatly increased risk of heart attack

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Section 4.3 What did you learn? 1

7. How does O2 diffuse into a cell and CO2 diffuse out of a


8. Diagram a flowchart for the passive processes of

diffusion and include the important characteristics, and a
sketch, for simple diffusion, channel-mediated facilitated
diffusion, and carrier-mediated diffusion.

9. What is osmosis?

10. What occurs to the tonicity of a cell when it is placed into

an isotonic, a hypotonic, or a hypertonic solution?

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Section 4.3 What did you learn? 2

11. What general conclusion can you make concerning the

movement of water? There is always a net movement of
water by osmosis toward (a) an isotonic solution, (b) a
hypotonic solution, or (c) a hypertonic solution.

12. What transport process involved in the movement of Na+

down its gradient is used to power another substance up
its gradient?

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Section 4.3 What did you learn? 3

13. Diagram a flowchart for the active processes of active

transport and vesicular transport. Include the important
characteristics and a sketch for primary active transport,
secondary active transport (symport and antiport), and
the four types of vesicular transport.

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4.4 Resting Membrane Potential

• Plasma membrane establishes and maintains

electrochemical gradient—resting membrane potential
• Essential for muscle and nerve cell function

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4.4a Introduction

Electrical charge difference at plasma membrane

Membrane potential—potential energy of charge difference
Resting membrane potential (RMP)—potential when a cell is at
Two conditions for RMP:
1. Unequal distribution of ions/molecules across plasma
• More K+ in cytoplasm than in interstitial fluid
• More Na+in interstitial fluid than in cytoplasm
• Due to Na+/K+ pumps

2. Unequal relative amounts of positive and negative charges

• More positive on outside than inside of cell

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Resting Membrane Potential (RMP)

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4.4b Establishing and Maintaining RMP 1

Most important ions = Na+ and K+

• Movement depends on electrochemical gradient
The role of K+
• Most important determinant in specific value of RMP
• K+ moves down steep concentration gradient through leak
channels from cytosol to interstitial fluid
• Negatively charged proteins remain inside cell
• Electrochemical gradient
• Positive charge outside repels movement of K+ out
• Negative charge on inside attracts K+ inward
• K+ moves until equilibrium is reached

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4.4b Establishing and Maintaining RMP 2

The role of Na+

• Na+ diffuses into cells from interstitial fluid to cytosol
simultaneous to the loss of K+
• Enters through Na+ leak channels
• Down concentration gradient
• Pulled by electrical gradient
• Leak channels prevent as much Na into the neuron a K+
• Inside becomes more positive

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4.4b Establishing and Maintaining RMP 3

Maintaining an RMP
• Na/K pumps significant
• Maintains K+ and Na+ gradients following their diffusion
• Na+ pumped out
• K+ pumped in
• Opposite directions
• Against concentration gradient

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Section 4.4 What did you learn?

14. Define a resting membrane potential.

15. Explain how the resting membrane potential is
established and maintained including the role of K+, Na+,
and Na+/K+ pumps.

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4.5 Cell Communication

• Plasma membrane serves an important role in cell

• Structures such as glycolipids and glycoproteins facilitate
both direct interaction between cells as well as recognition
and response to external molecular signals

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4.5a Direct Contact Between Cells

Direct contact between cells is important for some cells to

• Cells of immune system
• Distinguishes normal cells from unhealthy cells
• Sperm and oocyte
• Egg with unique glycocalyx
• Allows for recognition by sperm during fertilization
• Cellular regrowth following injury
• Damaged tissue replaced by cell division in epidermis
• Cellular contact prevents overgrowth
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4.5b Ligand-Receptor Signaling

Most cell communication occurs through ligands

• Molecules that bind with macromolecules
• Neurotransmitters from nerve cells and hormones from
endocrine cells
• Important for controlling growth, reproduction, and other
cellular processes
• 3 types of receptors that bind ligands:
• Channel-linked receptors
• Enzymatic receptors
• G protein-coupled receptors

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Channel-Linked Receptors

• Permit ion passage

into or out of cells
• Occurs in response
to neurotransmitter
• Help initiate electrical
changes to RMP in
muscle and nerve

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Enzymatic Receptors

• Protein kinase
• Activated to
phosphorylate other
enzymes within the cell
• Provides mechanism
for altering enzymatic

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G Protein-Coupled Receptors

Indirectly activate protein kinase enzymes

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Section 5.5 What did you learn?

16. What are some examples of how cells communicate

through direct contact?

17. How do the actions of enzymatic receptors and G

protein–coupled receptors differ?

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4.6 Cellular Structures

• Membrane-bound organelles

• Non-membrane-bound organelles

• Vesicles for transport

• Structures extending from cell surface

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4.6a Membrane-Bound Organelles 1

Membrane-bound organelles
• Surrounded by membrane
• Allows activities in isolated environment
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
• Extensive interconnected membrane network
• Varies in shape, but one continuous lumen
• Extends from nuclear envelope to plasma membrane
• Composes about half of membrane within cell
• Point of attachment for ribosomes
• With ribosomes—rough ER
• Without ribosomes—smooth ER

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The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

(photo) ©Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc./Medical Images

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4.6a Membrane-Bound Organelles 2

Rough ER
• Protein production by ribosomes, inserted into ER
• Original structure of protein changed
• Transported out in enclosed membrane sacs
• Transport vesicles shuttle proteins from rough ER lumen to Golgi
Smooth ER
• Diverse metabolic processes vary by cell
• Functions
• Synthesis, transport, and storage of lipids
• Carbohydrate metabolism
• Detoxification of drugs and poisons
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4.6a Membrane-Bound Organelles 3

Golgi apparatus
• Composed of cisternae, elongated saclike membranous
• Exhibits polarity
• Cis-face
• Proximal to ER
• Trans-face
• Distal from ER
• Functions: modification, packaging, and sorting of proteins
• Formation of secretory vesicles
• Some vesicles become part of plasma membrane
• Others release contents outside cell
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The Golgi Apparatus and Endomembrane System

(a) ©Biophoto Associates/Science Source

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• Small, membranous
• Contain digestive
enzymes formed by
• Participate in digestion
of unneeded
• Digest contents of
endocytosed vesicles
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Membrane-enclosed sacs,
smaller than lysosomes
Pinched off vesicles from
rough ER
Proteins are incorporated to
serve as their enzymes
Metabolic functions include
• Role in chemical
• Beta oxidation
• Lipid synthesis
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Clinical View: Lysosomal Storage Diseases

Group of heritable disorders

Accumulation of incompletely digested molecules within


Mutation in genes for lysosomal enzymes

For example, Tay-Sachs disease

• Lack enzyme needed to break down complex membrane lipids

• Lipids accumulate within nerve cells

• Paralysis, blindness, deafness, followed by death by age 4

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4.6a Membrane-Bound Organelles 4

Endomembrane system
• Extensive array of membrane-bound structures
• Includes ER, Golgi apparatus, vesicles, lysosomes,
• Includes plasma membrane and nuclear envelope
• Connected directly or through vesicles moving between
• Provides means of transporting substances within cells

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• Oblong shaped
organelles with double
• Aerobic cellular
• Complete digestion of
fuel molecules to
synthesize ATP
• “Powerhouses” of cell
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4.6b Non-Membrane-Bound Organelles 1

• Contain protein and ribonucleic acid
• Arranged into large and small subunit
• Large subunit with A, P, and E sites
• Made within nucleolus and assembled in cytoplasm
• Bound ribosomes attached to external surface of ER
• Synthesize proteins for export, become part of plasma membrane,
or serve as enzymes in lysosomes
• Free ribosomes suspended within cytosol
• All other proteins within cell synthesized here
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(b) ©Don W. Fawcett/Science Source

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4.6b Non-Membrane-Bound Organelles 2

• Pair of perpendicularly oriented cylindrical centrioles

• Surrounded by amorphous protein

• Primary function: organizes microtubules within

• Functions in cellular division

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4.6b Non-Membrane-Bound Organelles 3

• Large, barrel-shaped protein complexes
• Protein-digesting organelles
• Located in cytosol and cell nucleus
• Degrade cell proteins through ATP-dependent pathway
• For example, damaged proteins, incorrectly folded proteins, proteins
no longer needed

• Proteins marked with ubiquitin tag for disposal

• With age, may be unable to normally remove proteins

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©Edward P. Morris
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4.6b Non-Membrane-Bound Organelles 4

• Plays roles in
• Intracellular support
• Organization of organelles
• Cell division
• Movement of materials
• Extends throughout cell interior; anchor proteins in
• Includes
• Microfilaments
• Intermediate filaments
• Microtubules

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4.6b Non-Membrane-Bound Organelles 5

• Smallest components of cytoskeleton
• Actin protein monomers in two twisted filaments
• Functions – maintain cell shape, internal support, cell division
Intermediate filaments
• Intermediate-sized; more rigid than microfilaments
• Functions – structural support, cell junctions
• Largest components of cytoskeleton; composed of tubulin
• May be elongated or shortened as needed
• Functions – maintain shape, cell transport, cell division

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The Cytoskeleton

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4.6c Structures of the Cell’s External Surface

• Hair-like projections that move substances along cell
• Longer and wider than cilia; propels entire cell
• Extensions of plasma membrane that increase surface

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Figure 4.31
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4.6d Membrane Junctions

Tight junctions
• Strands or rows of proteins linking cells
• Prevent substances from passing between cells
• Requires materials to move through, rather than between cells
• Maintain polarity of epithelia
• Composed of proteins that bind neighboring cells
• Hemidesmosomes anchor basal layer of cells of epidermis to
underlying components
Gap junctions
• Form tiny, fluid-filled tunnels
• Provide direct passageway for substances to travel between cells
(For example ions between cells in cardiac muscle)
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Membrane Junctions

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Section 4.6 What did you learn? 1

18. Describe the general structure of both the endoplasmic

reticulum and Golgi apparatus, and discuss their
functional relationship in the synthesis, modification,
storage, and release of molecules.
19. Lysosomes and peroxisomes are both small,
membrane-enclosed sacs. Which of these functions in
(a) both digestion and synthesis of molecules and (b)
digestion of unwanted organelles?
20. Which non-membrane-bound organelle functions to (a)
digest unwanted proteins, (b) form the structural support
of cell, (c) synthesize proteins, and (d) participate in cell

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Section 4.6 What did you learn? 2

21. Which cellular surface structure functions in (a)

increasing the cell’s surface area and (b) moving material
past the cell?

22. Which cellular junction (a) provides resistance to

mechanical stress, (b) allows the passage of ions
between cells, and (c) prevents leakage between cells?

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4.7 Structures of the Nucleus

Largest structure in the cell

The “control center”

Cells typically have one nucleus

• Exceptions include:
• Mature erythrocytes have no nucleus

• Skeletal muscle cells have multiple nuclei

Often the nucleus mirrors the shape of the cell

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4.7a Nuclear Envelope and Nucleolus 1

Nuclear envelope
• Double phospholipid membrane enclosing nucleus
• Separates cytoplasm from fluid within nucleus,
• Externally continuous with rough ER
• Nuclear pores
• Open passageways formed by proteins
• Allow passage of large molecules into and out of nucleus
• Ions and water soluble molecules pass through

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4.7a Nuclear Envelope and Nucleolus 2

• Dark-staining, spherical body
• Not membrane-bound
• Composed of protein and RNA
• Produces small and large ribosome subunits
• Not present in all cells
• For example, more than one in nerve cells due to production of
many proteins
• For example, absent in sperm cells because no proteins are

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Structure of the Nucleus

(a) ©Don W. Fawcett/Science Source

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4.7b DNA, Chromatin, and Chromosomes 1

• Housed in nucleus
• Composed of repeated monomers (nucleotides)
• DNA has deoxyribonucleotides
• Each deoxyribonucleotide composed of
• Five-carbon sugar deoxyribose
• A phosphate
• One of four nitrogenous bases
• Adenine
• Cytosine
• Guanine
• Thymine
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4.7b DNA, Chromatin, and Chromosomes 2

DNA (continued )
• Nucleotides linked by phosphodiester bonds
• Each molecule has two complementary strands of
• Spiral ladder
• Sugar and phosphates form “struts” of ladder
• Pairs of nucleotide bases form “rungs”
• Connected by hydrogen bonds to the complementary
• Houses most genetic material of cell
• Human has 46 separate double-stranded DNA molecules

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4.7b DNA, Chromatin, and Chromosomes 3

DNA (continued )
• Each double helix is wound around nuclear proteins called
• Together form nucleosomes

• When not dividing, DNA are in form of finely filamented

mass called chromatin
• When dividing, DNA chromatin becomes tightly coiled mass
called chromosomes

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DNA and Chromatin Structure

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4.7b DNA, Chromatin, and Chromosomes 4

DNA and genes

• Genes = stretches of nucleotides that provide instructions
for synthesis of specific proteins
• Promoter region—“start” signal
• Terminator region—“stop” signal

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Section 4.7 What did you learn?

23. What is the function of nuclear pores within the nuclear


24. What is the function of the nucleolus?

25. Describe the structural relationship of DNA and

chromatin, and the functional relationship of DNA and

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4.8 Function of the Nucleus and Ribosomes

Cellular activities dependent upon

protein synthesis
• Directed by DNA
• Ribonucleic acid
• Copy of a gene formed from
DNA in nucleus
• Uses RNA for synthesis of
protein by ribosomes in cytosol

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4.8a Transcription: Synthesizing RNA 1

Required structures
• DNA is the major structure required in transcription
• Serves as template for complementary RNA molecule
• Repeating ribonucleotide monomers
• Each with ribose sugar, phosphate, and one of four nitrogenous
bases (A, C, G, U); unlike DNA, no thymine
• Single strand of nucleotides

• Requires large numbers of ribonucleotides and enzyme

RNA polymerase
• Located in nucleoplasm in nucleus

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4.8a Transcription: Synthesizing RNA 2

Three types of RNA produced during transcription

• Messenger RNA (mRNA)
• Transfer RNA (tRNA)
• Ribosomal (rRNA)
Three events of transcription
• Initiation
• Elongation
• Termination

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4.8a Transcription: Synthesizing RNA 3

• DNA unwound by specific enzymes to make it accessible to
RNA polymerase
• Enzyme that catalyzes synthesis of mRNA

• RNA attaches to DNA strand and locates promoter region

• Serves as start point for gene transcription

• Bonds broken between DNA and region expands

• DNA strand copied, template strand
• Other strand, coding strand, not copied

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4.8a Transcription: Synthesizing RNA 4

• Free ribonucleotides are base-paired with exposed bases
on DNA strand
• DNA A, T, G, C pairs with RNA U, A, C, G, respectively
• Formation of hydrogen bonds between ribonucleotide and
complementary DNA base

• New phosphodiester bonds between ribonucleotides

• Form RNA polymer

• RNA polymerase moves down DNA

• Continues until entire gene is transcribed

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4.8a Transcription: Synthesizing RNA 5

• RNA polymerase released at terminal region of gene

• Hydrogen bonds broken between DNA and new mRNA

• DNA rewinds into double helix

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Process of Transcription

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4.8a Transcription: Synthesizing RNA 6

Modifications of mRNA

• Initially synthesized mRNA is more specifically called pre-mRNA

• Undergoes changes before leaving nucleus

• Formation of mature mRNA

• Used as recipe to make the protein

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4.8a Transcription: Synthesizing RNA 7

• Noncoding regions of pre-RNA are called introns
• Removed from pre-mRNA

• Exons are transcribed nucleotide sequences in the mRNA

• Subsequently spliced together by spliceosome

• Pattern of splicing varies

• Provides means of producing larger number of proteins

from DNA

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4.8a Transcription: Synthesizing RNA 8

Other changes to form mature mRNA

• Bonding of a ribonucleotide containing guanine (capping)
• Bonds to lead end of mRNA
• Prevents digestion by enzymes in cytoplasm

• Addition of polyA tail

• Removal of terminal segments of mRNA
• Placing of adenine nucleotides at tail
• Multiple mRNA transcripts possible

• Mature mRNA exits nucleus following modification

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4.8b Translation: Synthesizing Protein 1

• Synthesis of a new protein

• Occurs at ribosomes within cytoplasm

• mRNA threaded through ribosome

• Code in nucleotide sequence of mRNA translated

• Converted into amino acids to produce protein

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4.8b Translation: Synthesizing Protein 2

Required structures
• Ribosomes, mRNA, tRNA, amino acids
• Protein is the product formed
• Ribosomes
• Composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and protein
• Organelles composed of
• Large subunit—A site, P site, E site
• Small subunit
• rRNAs serve as catalysts during assembly of amino acids into a
protein molecule
• mRNA
• Transcribed from genes
• Carries “instructions” for synthesizing proteins
• Linear sequence of nucleotides
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4.8b Translation: Synthesizing Protein 3

mRNA (continued )
• Read three bases at a time, (codon 3-base unit)
• Types of codons
• Start codon—contains AUG, signal to begin protein synthesis
• Codons following start and before stop, direct assembly
• Stop codon—where mRNA reading ends
• Brings specific amino acids to a specific mRNA codon
• Cloverleaf shape
• Amino acid acceptor region
• Provides attachment site for specific amino acid
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4.8b Translation: Synthesizing Protein 4

tRNA (continued )
• Anticodon region
• Sequence determines the specific amino acid to which tRNA

• Catalyzed by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase

• After binding of amino, tRNA charged tRNA

• Serves as “adapter site” for binding tRNA to complementary codon

of mRNA

• 20 amino acids found in proteins of living things

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Required Structures in Forming Protein

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Amino Acids and Proteins

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The Genetic Code

Raven, Peter, Johnson, George, Mason, Kenneth, Losos, Jonathan, and Singer, Susan, Biology, 11e, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education, 2017, 283.
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4.8b Translation: Synthesizing Protein 5

Three events of translation:

• Initiation
• Elongation
• Termination
• Complex formed between ribosomal subunits, mRNA, tRNA
• Base-pairing between tRNA and start colon in mRNA
• Methionine bound to this tRNA
• Always the first amino acid in protein synthesis
• Later may be removed
• Start codon now on ribosomal P site

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4.8b Translation: Synthesizing Protein 6

• Delivery of all subsequent amino acid by specific tRNAs to
form the protein
• Three steps
• Charged tRNA with complementary anticodon base-pairs with codon
of the mRNA in the A site
• Peptide bond formed between amino acid in P site and A site
• Ribosome moves one codon “downstream”
• tRNA from A site moved to P site
• A site open again
• Uncharged tRNA released from E site
• Repeat until entire mRNA sequence translated
• Yields linear strand of amino acids
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4.8b Translation: Synthesizing Protein 7

• Entrance of stop codon into A site to end translation

• Release factor enters A site instead of charged tRNA

• Two ribosome units separated

• New protein released

• mRNA with many ribosomes attached

• Many copies of that protein made quickly

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Process of Translation

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4.8c DNA as the Control Center of a Cell

DNA directs synthesis of proteins that carry out body


Indirectly responsible for other metabolic changes

• Synthesis of steroids

• Enzymatic pathway of glucose oxidation

• Controls enzymes responsible for decomposition and

synthesis of chemical structures

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Section 4.8 What did you learn?

26. What are the three major structures required for

transcription? Explain where and how transcription

27. What are a codon and an anticodon?

28. How is mRNA attached to ribosomes and translated into

the language of protein?

29. The genetic code of DNA is the specific instructions to

make what biological macromolecule?

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4.9 Cell Division

• Cell division that occurs in somatic cells (all cells other
than sex cells)
• Cell division in sex cells (cells that give rise to sperm
or oocytes)
Somatic cell division
• One cell divides to produce two cells
• Necessary for development, tissue growth, replacement of
old cells, tissue repair

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4.9a Cellular Structures

• Pair of cylindrical centrioles

• Organizes microtubules that facilitate chromosome


Forms of DNA in the cell

• Nucleus with 46 DNA molecules
• Organized as either loosely coiled chromatin or tightly coiled

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4.9b The Cell Cycle 1

Cell cycle depicts steps in replication of somatic cell

• Divides into two identical cells called daughter cells

• Two major phases in cell cycle

• Interphase

• Lasts approximately 23 hours

• Mitotic (M) phase

• Lasts about 1 hour

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The Cell Cycle

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4.9b The Cell Cycle 2

• Time the cell prepares for division
• DNA in loosely coiled chromatin
• Three phases: G1, S, G2
G1 phase
• Growth and production of new organelles
• Structures needed for DNA replication formed
• Replication of centrioles to produce two pairs
S phase
• DNA replicated (46 double helix strands)
• Requires deoxyribonucleotides and DNA polymerase
• All in nucleoplasm of nucleus
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4.9b The Cell Cycle 3

Steps of DNA replication:

1) Unwinding of DNA molecule
2) Breaking parent strands apart
3) Assembly of new DNA strands
4) Restoration of DNA double helix
• Process continues until both strands replicated
• Replicated strands sister chromatids
• Attached at centromere

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DNA Replication

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4.9b The Cell Cycle 4

G2 phase

• Brief phase

• Centriole replication completed

• Enzymes for cell division synthesized

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4.9b The Cell Cycle 5

M phase (mitotic phase)

• Follows interphase
• Includes mitosis and metaphase to produce two new cells
• Mitosis, division of nucleus; cytokinesis, division of
• Four consecutive phases of mitosis:
1. Prophase
2. Metaphase
3. Anaphase
4. Telophase

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• First stage of mitosis

• Chromatic supercoiled into
chromosomes with sister
• Nucleolus broken down
• Microtubules (spindle fibers)
grow from centrioles
• Centriole pairs pushed apart to
opposite poles
• Dissolution of nuclear envelope
mark end
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• Second stage of mitosis

• Chromosomes aligned on
equatorial plate of cell
• Spindle fibers extend from
centriole attach at
centromere of each

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• Third stage of mitosis

• Starts as spindle fibers move
sister chromatids apart toward
• Each chromatid now a
chromosome of one DNA
double helix with its own

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• Arrival of group of
chromosomes at each pole
• Begin to uncoil and return to
• New nucleolus formed in each
• Mitotic spindle broken up
• New envelope forms around
• End of nuclear division
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4.9b The Cell Cycle 6

• Division of cytoplasm between two newly formed cells

• May overlap with anaphase and telophase

• Ring of microfilament proteins at cell periphery

• Pinch mother cell into two separate cells

• Results in a cleavage furrow, two new daughter cells

• After cytokinesis, cell division is complete

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Section 4.9 What did you learn?

30. How is chromatin distinguished from a chromosome?

31. Describe the process of DNA replication that occurs
during the S phase of interphase.
32. What are the events that occur during the mitotic phase
(mitosis and cytokinesis)? Explain each.

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4.10 Cell Aging and Death 1

• Normal, continuous process with obvious body signs
• Not so obvious at molecular level
• Reduced metabolic function of normal cells causes
• Reduced ability to maintain homeostasis

• Lower number of normally functioning cells

• Some abnormal function of remaining cells
• Alternation in structure or number of organelles
• Changes in structure of chromatin and chromosomes

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4.10 Cell Aging and Death 2

Aging (continued )
• Cell death by two mechanisms
• Killed by harmful agents or mechanical damage
• Induced to commit suicide
• Programmed cell death called apoptosis

• Occurs in orderly continuous steps
• Destroys and removes cellular components and cell
• Initiated by ligand-receptor signaling

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4.10 Cell Aging and Death 3

Apoptosis (continued )
• Actions initiated by enzymes during apoptosis
• Destruction of DNA polymerase
• Digestion of DNA
• Digestion of cytoskeleton
• Condensation of cytosol and destruction of organelles
• Formation of blebs (bubbles)
• Initiation of other signals to stimulate destruction of cell
• Programmed cell death occurs to
• Promote proper development
• For example, removing tissue between fingers of developing limb
• Remove harmful cells
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Clinical View: Tumors

Regulatory mechanisms
• Signal cells to divide or stop dividing

Cell signaling disrupted

• Tumors arise

• Interfere with function of normal surrounding cells

• Tumor cells may enter blood or lymph and metastasize

(spread) to other areas of body

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Section 4.10 What did you learn?

33. What are the specific changes that occur to DNA during

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End of Main Content

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