Muslim Famalies in TV Drama

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MASOOD FAMILY IN EASTENDERS. Family seems to be happy. Homely environment represents the comfort. Love is evident when we see Tamwar and Zainab hugging each other. (typically motherly affection.) Same race marriage which conforms to Muslim stereotype. Syed seems reluctant in holding Ameeras hand as we gradually discover him being homosexual. Masoood is positioned to convey himself as the head of the family which conforms the idea of men being the provider in most families including Muslim Families.


Syed & Christian relationship subverts from the stereotype of opposite gender marriage as homosexuality is said to be haram in Islam. Society usually finds it difficult to accept homosexuality as it goes against the conventions. This shot shows the affection between the couple however Zainab (Syeds mum) is oblivious to this relationship. Ameera and Syeds previous relationship was interrupted by this twist.


Adultery is haram in Islam and therefore Yusef and Zainabs extra marital affair goes against the convention. Yusef is represented as a very highstatus character as he is the local doctor. Yusef incidentally happens to be Tamwarss father in law which adds another twist to this TV drama. Muslim families are ideally together for life but these relationships goes against the typical Muslim families. Both, Zainab and Masood recently had a baby which conforms to the stereotypical assumption of Muslim families having multiple children for child benefits.


Tamwar & Afia have managed to survive in a stereotypical marriage who share the same race as well both being opposite genders. Yusef, on the far left, had a mystery previous relationship with Tamwars mother Zainab and therefore they were initially against the marriage and so was Masood. It conforms to the teenage love marriage in most societies. Young marriages are common is Muslim families and both Tamwar and Afia are young adults. This image shows the traditional attire that they wore in their wedding. Tamwars expression shows the dislike he has of his father in law which is typical in most cases.

In conclusion. Muslim families/characters are represented quite differently to how they are stereotyped to be as it reflects the reality in which not all people follow the conventions. The extreme case of Syeds sexuality proves just that! Modernization alter the way people behave and therefore tradition and cultures are often lost in the modern society.

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