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Part 2: Parallel Models (I)

1. What is the mean by model?

2. Sequential Model
3. Classification of Computers According to
Instructions and Data.

A model is a physical, mathematical or logical representation

of a real world entity.
In computer science, models of computation are used :
# to describe real entities, namely, computers.
# as a tool for thinking about problems and expressing
In sequential(serial) computation

sequence of sequence
input unit
instructions of data
control unit processor memory

output unit
In sequential (serial) computation

ٍٍSoftware has been written for serial computation:

# A problem is broken into a discrete series of instructions.
# Instructions are executed one after another.
# Only one instruction may execute at any moment in time.
Universal model for sequential computation is RAM.

RAM (Random Access Machine): consists of (1) memory,

(2) processor, and (3) memory access unit.

# Memory with M locations, where M is (large) finite number.
# Each memory location is capable of storing a piece of data.
# Each memory location has a unique location
# A single processor operates under control of a sequential algorithm.
# The processor can load/store data from/to memory and can perform
basic arithmetic and logical operations.
Memory Access Unit

# Creates a path from processor to memory

# Establishes a direct connection between memory and processor.

Each step of a RAM algorithm consists of:
# Read phase - processor reads data from memory into register
# Compute phase - processor performs basic operations in memory
# Write phase - processor writes contents of register into memory
A parallel computer is a computer consisting of
two or more processors that can cooperate and communicate to solve large
problem fast
one or more memory modules
an interconnection network that connects processors with each other and/or with
the memory modules.
different models of
parallel computation
Michael Flynn’s Classification
(1)instruction streams (2) data streams

SISD single instruction & single data

control unit processor memory

.A serial (non-parallel) computer #

Single instruction: only one instruction #
stream is being acted on by the CPU during any
.one clock cycle
Single data: only one data stream is being #
.used as input during any one clock cycle

Examples: most PCs, single CPU workstations

.and mainframes
Michael Flynn’s Classification

SIMD single instruction & multiple data P1

IN control

.A type of parallel computer #
Single instruction: All processing units execute the same #
instruction at any given clock cycle
Multiple data: Each processing unit can operate on a #
different data element
:Examples #
Processor Arrays: Connection Machine CM-2, Maspar MP-
1, MP-2
Vector Pipelines: IBM 9000, Cray C90, Fujitsu VP, NEC
SX-2, Hitachi S820
Michael Flynn’s Classification
control1 P1
control2 P2
MISD multiple instruction & single data

controln Pn

A single data stream is fed #

.into multiple processing units
Each processing unit #
operates on the data
independently via
independent instruction

Examples :Carnegie-Mellon
C.mmp computer (1971). s
Michael Flynn’s Classification
control1 P1
MIMD multiple instruction & multiple data control2 P2 SM
controln Pn

.Currently, the most common type of parallel computer #

Multiple Instruction: every processor may be executing a #
different instruction stream
Multiple Data: every processor may be working with a #
different data stream
Execution can be synchronous or asynchronous, #
deterministic or non-deterministic

Examples: most current supercomputers, networked parallel

computer "grids" and multi-processor SMP computers -
.including some types of PCs

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