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Commercial acts

Commercial acts can be divided into three

1- The commercial acts by nature.
2- The accessorial commercial acts.
3- The mixed acts.
First: the commercial acts by
The commercial acts by nature. These are acts
that are considered commercial by an explicit
disposition of the code of commerce. They are
also called commercial acts by law.
Types of Commercial acts by
The commercial acts by nature or by law are divided into
two types:
1- the individual commercial acts, which are considered
commercial even if they are undertaken only once.
2- the commercial acts by profession, which are only
considered commercial if they are undertaken as a profession.
Individual commercial acts
Individual commercial acts: are those acts
which are considered commercial by law even if
they are performed only once.
These acts are enumerated in article no.(4) and
article no.(6) of the code of commerce.
Article no.(4)
Article no.(4) of the code of commerce declares
“is considered commercial”
(A) Buying movables of any kind, with the intent of selling or
leasing them as is, and also the selling or leasing of such
(B) Renting movables with the intent of leasing them, and also
the leasing of such movables.
Article no.(6)
Article no.(6) of the code of commerce declares that:
Is also considered commercial act, any act related to
maritime or air commercial navigation, as the following:
(A) Building of ships or aircrafts, and repair or maintenance of
the same.
(B) buying, selling, renting or leasing of ships or aircrafts.
(C) Transport by sea or by air.
Second: the accessorial
commercial acts
The accessorial commercial acts. These are
civil acts by their nature, which, if undertaken
by a merchant In connection with his
commercial business, will be considered
Third: the mixed acts

The mixed acts: these are considered

commercial for one party to the act and civil
for the other party. It is then called the
mixed acts.

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