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Human Sexuality

◦ Natural and healthy part of life of being a male or a female

and is an important aspect in masculine and feminine
◦ Human sexuality is the This involves biological,
psychological, physical, way people experience and
express themselves sexually in many different ways like
desires, fantasies, values, behaviors, beliefs, roles,
attitudes and relationships.
◦biological characteristics of being a
boy or a girl as evidenced by the
external and internal reproductive
◦Primary Sex Characteristics
◦reproductive system
◦Secondary Sex Characteristics
◦not directly related to the reproductive
system, such as breasts and facial hair.
◦the roles and activities that are exhibited by a
person as a male or a female as deemed
◦about who you feel yourself to be and based
on socially constructed features.
Sex VS. Gender
Why is sexuality an important component of
your personality?

◦ It determines who you are.

◦ It allows you to list down all your choices.
◦ It affects what you want to be in the future.
◦ It is a big factor that influences you in making your
decisions in life.
I. Biological Dimension
◦ a person’s biological or physical sexual
characteristics as controlled by the sex
chromosomes and hormones produced by the
sexual glands.
◦ DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) – determines all
the traits and characteristics of all living things.
I. Biological Dimension
◦Human being has 46 chromosomes in every
nucleus of the cell
◦(2 chromosomes are sex chromosomes + 44
chromosomes being responsible for all other
characteristics that we have which are not
related to sex).
Hormones – LH & FSH
(Pituitary Gland)
◦ Luteinizing Hormone – responsible for the
production of sex hormones: testosterone (male)-
regulates the production of sperm cells; estrogen
(female) - regulates the production of egg cells.
◦ Follicle-Stimulating Hormone – triggers the egg cell
to mature in the ovary.
Male Reproductive Parts
Female Reproductive Parts
II. Psychological Dimension
◦involves our sense of being and a learned aspect
of sexuality. It is our attitudes and feelings
towards ourselves and other people.
III. Sociocultural Dimension
◦ sum of the cultural and social influences that affect our
thoughts and actions.
◦ Sexual identities and experiences are acquired from,
influenced and modified by an ever-changing social
◦ People acquire and assemble meanings, skills and values
from the people around them.
Factors that Affects One’s Attitudes and
Practices Related to Sexuality and Sexual
A. Family
◦Everything starts at HOME.
◦Gender is strengthened by teaching children
how they should behave.
◦Gender is strengthened by teaching children
how they should behave.
◦ Males are taught to be strong and brave
◦ Females are taught how to do household chores
A. Family
◦Liberated and Conservative Families
B. Religion
◦differ in their stand on morality
◦Others would disagree on premarital sex
and extramarital sex.
C. Multiculturalism
◦Cultures in different countries differ in
their views of sexuality.
D. Socioeconomic Status
E. Peers and Friends

◦peers and friends would have a lot of

influence to their teenage children.
Peer Pressure
◦sets a dilemma to
young people.
◦It is a matter of being
accepted or being
rejected by the group.
F. Media
◦Media can influence a person’s sexual
behavior and practices depending on the
type of information or program being
◦The effect on the viewer or listener may
be positive or negative.
F. Media
G. Politics
1. Republic Act No. 10354 - State recognizes and guarantees the human
(Responsible Parenthood rights of all persons including their right to
and Reproductive Health equality and non-discrimination which guarantees
Act of 2012) universal access to methods on contraception,
fertility control, sexual education, and maternal
2. Republic Act No. 9262 - State values the dignity of women and children and
(Anti-Violence Against guarantees full respect for human rights. The state
Women and Their also recognizes the need to protect the family and its
Children - VAWC) members particularly women and children, from
violence and threats to their personal safety and

◦ It is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally

and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort.
Identity Crisis
◦It is questioning your sense of self or
identity, unsure of your role in life or you
feel like you don't know the 'real you.
◦often occur due to big changes or
stressors in life, or due to factors such as
age or advancement from a certain stage

◦Intentional taking of one’s own life.


◦Suicide attempt in which a person does

not intend to DIE.
Premarital Sex

◦ a risky sexual activity practiced by persons who are unmarried.

◦ consequences of teen sex namely pregnancy and sexually
transmitted infections can have lifelong impacts.
◦ pregnancy that occurs
for a woman under the
age of 20.
◦ 12 or under who is
pregnant falls into this
definition of teenage
pregnancy as well.
Sexually Transmitted Infections

◦ sexually-transmitted disease (STD) is a communicable disease that is

spread by a pathogen (disease-causing organism) or an infection that
can be transferred from one person to another through sexual contact.
Substance Use and Abuse

◦ Substance abuse is when you take illegal. It’s also when

you use alcohol, prescription medicine, tobacco and
other legal substances too much or in the wrong way.

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