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• MARC 6;
• JOHN 6
Biblical History of Matthew 14
While Jesus was saying good bye to the multitude of 5000 He had just finished
feeding at the edge of the sea of Galilee, and had sent the disciple to again
cross the sea, He went up to a mountain top to pray and be alone with His
Father. Jesus was preparing Himself for the plan of God which for Him to be
crucified for the sins of the world.
While He prayed ,the disciples had a hard time trying to get across because
there was a terrible stormy wind blowing and the waves were too strong for
them to get across. Not only that it was during the dawn which is still dark. But
that is when they saw a figure getting near to them and that figure was walking
on water. They thought it was a ghost but no, it was JESUS.
Peter, asked Jesus to order him to walk on water and Jesus called him. Peter also
walk on water until he paid attention to the roaring winds. When Peter
look away from Jesus he began to sink into the sea. So he screamed save me
and Jesus did save him.
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