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00977001 劉怡廷
00977005 王昱升
00977007 楊丹菊
00977008 吳崇維
00977018 顏莛睿
00977033 彭小行

Case 3 1.Describe and evaluate what Pfizer is doing with its Pfizerworks.
Pfizer is saving the 66500 hours of communicating and
Analysis doing tasks by using its PfizerWorks Virtual Assistant.
Pfizer describes what they need on an online form, which
is then sent to one of two Indian service-outsourcing
firms. A team member in India calls the Pfizer employee
to clarify what’s needed and by when. The team member
then e-mails a cost specification for the requested work.
If the Pfizer employee decides to proceed, the costs
involved are charged to the employee’s department.

2.What structural implications—good and bad—does this approach have?

“I think that some good implications of Pfizer works is that it has work
specialized in things that employees at the base of Pfizer and the
people that work with PfizerWorks do. The people at Pfizer send the
‘busy’ work to employees at PfizerWorks and so they can pay less in
labor costs. Doing this also makes it so that the people working at
Pfizer can do more knowledgeable work than just imputing
information on a computer. A bad implication that I see with what they
are doing is that when it comes to complex things, the employees at
Pfizer should be doing the work so that they know that the plans are,
and they know better of what the outcome should be than those that
work for PfizerWorks.”

Source: https://reurl.cc/3aDZy9

好的 : 工作的專門化 - 切割太細時,員工會感到厭煩、生產力降低、


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