Elect MC 1 Chap-2 Lecture-5

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Electric Machine-I (Course Code: EE 551 )

Chapter –1 ( Transformer )

Lecture No.5

Chapter –2 ( Transformer )
2.5 Equivalent Circuit of Real Transformer:
It is seen that the net magnetic flux remains constant, it does not depend on the load current I 2
and it only depends on no-load current. In order to satisfy these physical conditions of the
transformer, the equivalent circuits of the transformer without load and with load are
developed as shown in Fig.2.9 and Fig.2.10 respectively.

Fig.2.9 Equivalent circuit of transformer at no-load

Fig.2.10 Equivalent circuit of transformer with load

V1 = Input voltage
E1 = Emf induced across the P.W.
E2 = Emf induced across the S.W.
V2 = Load terminal voltage (< E2 )
I0 = No-load primary current (remains constant)
I2 = Load current = S.W. current (Varies with load)
I2’ = Additional current in primary P.W. due to load
on secondary side.
R1 = Resistance of P.W.
X1 = Leakage reactance of P.W. Fig.2.10 Detail Equivalent circuit of transformer
R2 = Resistance of S.W.
~ ~ ~
X2 = Leakage reactance of S.W. V  I ' .( R  jX )  E Since I0 is << I2’ , I1 ≈ I2’
1 2 1 1 1
R0 = Shunt branch core loss resistance ~ ~ ~
Therefore V  I .( R  jX )  E (approximately) (2.11)
X0 = Shunt branch magnetizing reactance 1 1 1 1 1
Iw = V1/ R0 = In phase component of I0 ~ ~ ~
Iμ = V1/ R0 = 90 lagging component of I0
0 And V  E  I .( R  jX ) (2.12)
2 2 2 2 2
Iw 2 R0 = Iron loss (core loss)
Iμ 2 X0 =Reactive power consumes by transformer
to produce magnetic flux in the core
Z  ( R  jX )  Series Impedance of primary winding
1 1 1
Z  ( R  jX )  Series Impedance of secondary winding
2 2 2

The physical significance of leakage reactance can be explained with the help of Fig.2.12.

Fig.2.12 Magnetic flux leakage in transformer

The primary winding current produces magnetic flux in the core. Out of the total flux
produced by the primary current, major part of the flux () passes through the iron core
and links with the secondary winding. However, a small amount of flux leaks through
the air path locally and links with only the primary winding. This flux is known as
primary leakage flux and denoted by ‘ l1’.

Similarly, l2 is the secondary leakage flux.

The emf E1 induced in the primary winding opposes
the supply voltage V1 and it is proportional to the main
flux  and does not depend on load currents. i.e E 1
remains constant.

The primary leakage flux (l1 ) will also causes a self

induced emf el1 in the primary winding. This self
induced emf opposes the supply voltage V 1 causing N .
l  1 l1 (2.11)
some voltage drop (because, there is no opposing flux 1l I
to cancel l1 , increases with I1 ) Similarly, I2.X2 is the reactive voltage drop in
the secondary winding due to secondary leakage
The magnitude of primary leakage flux depends upon flux, where X2 = 2πf (l2l) is the leakage
the primary current I1. Therefore, the self induced emf reactance of secondary winding and l2l is the
el1 also depends upon the primary current I 1. leakage inductance of secondary winding and
can be defined as follow:
The self induced emf el1 which varies with I1 can be N .
l  2 l2 (2.12)
treated as the reactive voltage drop (I1 X1), 2l I
where X1 = 2πf (l1l) is the leakage reactance of primary
winding and l1l is the leakage inductance of primary
winding and can be defined as follow.

2.5 Transformation of Impedance :
The equivalent circuit shown in Fin.2.10
further can be simplified by transferring the
resistance and leakage reactance of the
secondary winding to the primary side as as
shown in Fig.2.13
R2 is transferred to primary side with a new Fig.2.10 Detail Equivalent circuit of transformer
value R2’ in such a way that R2’ produces same
amount of power loss in primary side as it
produces in the secondary side. R 2’ is known
as equivalent of R2 referred to primary side.

Equating power loss in primary and

secondary side, it gives:

(I2’)2 R2’ = (I2)2 R2 (Assuming I1≈ I2’ ) Fig.2.13 Equivalent circuit of transformer
2 referred to primary side
I 
OR R   2 
(I1)2 R2’ = (I2)2 R2 2 I  2
 1
I 2 N1 1
But    R'  1 .R (2.16)Similarly X '  1 . X (2.17)
I1 N 2 K 2 K2 2 2 2

Now final equivalent circuit of the transformer referred to primary side can be written as
shown in Fig.2.14. Here, Load impedance and load voltage also has been transferred to
primary side.

Fig.2.14 Final equivalent circuit of the transformer referred to primary side

R01 = R1 + R2’ = Total series resistance of the transformer referred to primary side

X01 = X1 + X2’ = Total series reactance of the transformer referred to primary side
Z  R 2  X 2 = Total series Impedance of the transformer referred to primary side
01 01 01
Z '  L  Equivalen t of load impedance refer to primary side
L K2

V '  2  Equivalent of load voltage refer to primary side
2 K

The equivalent circuit also can be developed by transferring the resistance and leakage reactance
of the primary winding to the secondary side as shown in Fig.2.15.

R1 is transferred to secondary side with a new

value R1’ in such a way that R1’ produces
same amount of power loss in secondary side
as it produces in the primary side.
R1’ is known as equivalent of R 1 referred to
secondary side.
Equating power loss in secondary and primary
side, it gives: Fig.2.15 Equivalent circuit of transformer
2 2 referred to secondary side
 I'  I 
   
(I2)2 R1’ = (I2’)2 R1 OR R'   2  .R   1  R (assuming I2’  I1)
1 I  1 1
 I2 
 2  
I1 N
But  2 K  R '  R .K 2
I2 N1 1 1

Similarly, X '  X .K 2 , R'  R .K 2 And X '  X .K 2

1 1 0 0 0 0

Now final equivalent circuit of the transformer referred to secondary side can be written as
shown in Fig.2.16. Here, input voltage V 1, I0 and Iμ also has been transferred to secondary side.

Fig.2.16 Complete equivalent circuit of transformer referred to secondary side

R02 = R2 + R1’ = Total series resistance of the transformer referred to secondary side
X02 = X2 + X1’ = Total series reactance of the transformer referred to secondary side

Z  R2  X 2 = Total series Impedance of the transformer referred to seconary side

02 02 02

V '  K.V  Equivalent of V refer to seconary side

1 1 1
I'  0  Equivalent of I refer to secondary side
0 0
I '  w  Equivalen t of I refer to secondary side
w w
' 
I   Equivalent of I refer to secondary side
 
K 9
Illustrative example2.2:
A 2200V/250V, 50Hz, single phase transformer draws a current of 0.5 amp at no-load. The
no-load current lags the applied voltage by an angle of 70 0. Calculate:
a) Iron loss of transfer
b) R0 and X0 parameters

The phasor diagram at no-load is shown below:

Iron loss of transformer = power consumed at no-load =V 1.I0 Cos0

Or Iron loss of transformer = 2200 ×0.5 × Cos70 0 = 376 watts
IW = I0 Cos0 = 0.5 × Cos700 = 0.171 amp
Iμ = I0 Sin0 = 0.5 × Sin700 = 0.469 amp
V1 2200
R0    12865 Ohms
I w 0.171

V1 2200
X0    4691 Ohms
I 0.469

Illustrative example2.3:
A step-up single phase transformer supplies a current of 5 amp to the load at 200V at 0.8
lagging power factor. R1 = 0.5 ohm, X1 = 1 ohm, R2 = 2 ohm, X2 = 4 ohm, R0= 400 ohms, X0
= 240 ohms, turn ratio N2/N1 = 2. Find V1, I1 and input power factor.
The equivalent circuit of the transformer is shown below:

~ ~
Let V be the reference phasor, i.e. V  20000
2 2
I2 lags V2 by 2, where 2 = Cos-1(0.8) = 36.870  I  5  36.870
~ ~ ~
E  V  I .( R  jX ) = 20000 + (5-36.870).(2+j4)
2 2 2 2 2
OR E  20000  (5 - 36.870 ) (4.47263.430 )  220.22.60

~' ~ N
I  I  2  10  36.87 0
2 2 N
~ ~ N
E  E  1  110 .12.6 0
1 2 N
~ ~ ~
And V  E  I ' .( R  jX )  1102.60  (10 - 36.870 ).(0.5  j1)
1 1 2 1 1
V  120.294.70
~ V1 120.294.70 ~ V1 120.294.70
I    0.501  85.30 IW    0.34.70
X0 24090 0
R0 400
~ ~ ~
I  I  I  (0.34.70 )  (0.501 - 85.30 )  0.5825 - 54.530
0 W 

~ ~ ~
I  I  I '  ( 10 - 36.870 ) + (0.5825 - 54.530 )  10.548 - 37.530
1 0 2
~ ~
Phase Angle between V and I    4.70 - (-37.530 )  42.230 I~ Lags V~ by 42.230
1 1 1 1 1
Hence, input power factor = Cos(42.23 0) = 0.74 lagging

Power Losses and Efficiency of Transformer:
- The input power of the transformer is equal to V 1I1Cos1

- The output power is equal to V2I2Cos2.

- The output power of a transformer is always less than the

input power, because there are some power losses within
the transformer.
-There are mainly two types of power losses in the
transformer: i) Iron loss and ii) Copper loss.
i) Iron loss: This is the power loss due to heating of iron core of the transformer. This
power loss is equal to the no-load power loss and remains constant at any load. Therefore,
iron loss is also known as constant power loss. The power loss in the iron core take place
due to eddy current loss and hysteresis loss.

Eddy current loss:

When the time varying magnetic flux circulates through the iron core, according to
Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, emf will also induce in the iron core. Because
of this emf induced in the iron core, current will circulate within the iron core and it is
known as eddy current. The eddy current produces heat in the iron core, which is
proportional to the square of the induced eddy current. The power loss due to heat produced
in the iron core due to eddy current is known as eddy current loss. In order to reduce eddy
current loss, the transformer core is made of laminated core rather than solid iron core.
Hysteresis loss:
Since the exciting current is alternating in nature, in every cycle of exciting current, the
magnetic core undergoes through the process of magnetic reversal thus by causing hysteresis
power loss in every cycle.
In order to reduce the hysteresis loss, silicon steel is used to make the core of the transformer.
About 0.3% to 4.5 % of silicon is mixed with the steel by weight, which helps to reduce
residual flux density and accordingly hysteresis loss will reduce.
Above 5% of silicon content, the resulting alloy will be very brittle and can not be punched.
The addition of silicon with steel increases the resistivity of steel. Hence, the use of silicon
steel also helps to reduce eddy current loss

ii) Copper loss: When the transformer is loaded, current flows through primary winding as
well as secondary winding. The internal resistance of the primary winding and the secondary
winding produces heat due to current flowing through them. The power loss due to the heat so
produced is known as copper loss. The magnitude of copper loss depends upon the square of
current and can be calculate as follow:
Total copper loss = Copper in PW + Copper in SW = I 12 R1 + I22 R2 ( 2.21)
OR Total copper loss = = I12 R01 = I22 R02 (watts)

It is clear from the eqn (2.21) that the copper loss of the transformer varies with the load
current. Hence, it is also known as variable loss.
Input power is given by: Pin = V1I1Cos1
Output power: Pout = Pin – Iron loss – Copper loss = V1I1Cos1 – Wi – I12 R01

Pout Pout
Efficiency of transformer   pu. Or η   100 %
Pin Pin
V1 .I1 Cos1 - Wi - I12 R01
OR η (2.22)
V1 .I1 Cos1

From the eqn (2.22), it is clear that the efficiency of transformer varies with the load
current. At no-load, output power is zero and input power is V 1I0Cos0 = Wi. Hence, the
efficiency is zero at no-load. When the load goes on increasing, the output power goes on
increasing and efficiency also increases accordingly.

However, there is a limit on increasing the efficiency. At a particular value of load current,
the efficiency becomes maximum. Further increased in load beyond this value will cause
decrease in efficiency.

At which particular value of load current, the efficiency will be maximum can be
determined as follow:

V1.I1 Cos1 - Wi - I12 R01
η (2.22)
V1.I1 Cos1

Equation (2.22) can be re-write as :

Wi I1 R01
η  1  Differentiating with respect to I1, gives:
V1 .I1 Cos1 V1 . Cos1
d Wi R01 d
 0  Efficiency will be maximum, when 0
dI 1 V1 .I12 Cos1 V1 . Cos1 dI1
Wi R01 Wi R01
OR When  0 OR When 
V1.I12 Cos1 V1. Cos1 V1.I12 Cos1 V1. Cos1

OR Wi  I12 R01 Wi
OR when I1  (2.23)
Hence, efficiency will be maximum at I1  OR when Iron loss  Copper loss

Fig.2.17 Variation of efficiency with load

Illustrative example 2.4:
A 110V/220Vstep-up single phase transformer has R 1 = 0.05 ohm, X1 = 0.1 ohm, R2 = 0.1
ohm, X2 = 0.4 ohm, R0= 400 ohms, X0 = 240 ohms. Develop the equivalent circuit of the
transformer referred to primary side. If the load resistance is 10 ohm refer to secondary side,
calculate the efficiency of the transformer.
The equivalent circuit of the transformer is shown below:

Transforma tion ratio K  2  2 2
1 1
R2, X2 and RL can be transferred to the primary side as follow:
0.1 2  0.4  0.1  R'  L  10  2.5 
R'  2   0.025  X'  L
2 2 2 2
K 2 22 K 2 22
K 2

R  R  R '  0.05  0.025  0.075  And X  X  X '  0.1  0.1  2 

01 1 2 01 1 2

Hence, the equivalent circuit referred to primary side can be written as follow:

' V' 110

Now, I  2   44 Amp
2 ' 2.5
Output Power P  V '  I '  110  44  4840 Watts
out 2 2
Iron loss = (IW)2 × R0 = (0.275)2 × 400 = 30.25 Watts

 Input power Pin = Pout + Copper loss + Iron loss = 4840 + 145 + 30.35 = 5015.25 W

Pout 4840
Hence efficiency    100   100  96.5%
Pin 5015.25


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