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 What is cyber crime ?
 Hacking
 Types of hackers
 Eavesdropping
 Phishing
 Prevention of phishing
 Fraud emails
 Phone fraud

 Cybercrime is a crime that

involves a computer and a
The computer may have been
used in the commission of a
crime, or it may be the target.
Cybercrime may harm someone's
security and financial health.

 Hacking is an attempt to exploit a

computer system or a private network
inside a computer. Simply put, it is the
Unauthorised access to or control over
computer network security systems for
some illicit purpose
Types of Hackers
 White Hat Hackers
 Black Hat Hackers
 Grey Hat Hackers
 Green Hat Hackers
 Red Hat Hackers
 Blue Hat Hackers

 Eavesdropping is as an electronic attack

where digital communications are
intercepted by an individual whom they
are not intended.

 This is done in two main ways: Directly

listening to digital or analog voice
communication or the interception or
sniffing of data relating to any form of
 A common scam that attempts to lure
you into giving up your username ,
password , or other sensitive
information by masquerading as
someone you know and trust .

This can done by phone , but typically

done in email
Prevention of phishing
 Keep information about phishing
 Think before you click
 Install an anti phishing toolbar
 Use firewalls
 Never give out personal information
 Use Antivirus

 Email is one of the most beneficial ways to communicate

with anyone. But it is also a primary tool used by attackers
to steal money, account credentials, and sensitive
 Email scammers use several strategies to bypass email
defenses and trick users into divulging information or
running malicious code. Some types of scam emails
include a link to an attacker-controlled malicious website
where the attacker collects sensitive data from victims.
When one method stops working, attackers often revise
their approach to improve the number of targeted users
affected by their email scams.
Phone fraud
 Phone fraud, or more generally
communications fraud, is the use of
telecommunications products or services
with the intention of illegally acquiring
money from, or failing to pay, a
telecommunication company or its
customers. Many operators have increased
measures to minimize fraud and reduce their

 source: wikipedia

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