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ECE205C Signals and Systems


Electronics & Communication Engineering

L T P Credits Class Work : 25

3 0 0 3 Examination : 75

Total : 100

Duration of Exam : 3 Hours

Unit 1(10 Lectures)
Introduction To Signal: Signal Definition, Classification with examples: Continuous –Time &
Discrete –Time, Continuous –valued & Discrete –valued, Analog & Digital, Deterministic &
Random, One Dimensional & Multi Dimensional, Even/Symmetric & Odd/Anti symmetric
signals, Causal, Non causal & Anti causal; Real & Complex, Periodic & Aperiodic, Energy &
Power signals; Representation of Discrete –Time signals, Elementary Discrete Time Signals.
Introduction To Discrete-Time Systems And Their Properties: Systems & Their
Representation, Independent variable transformations: Time Shifting, Time Reversal, Time
Scaling, time shifting and reversal; classification of Systems: Hardware, Software & Mixed
Systems; Linear & Nonlinear Systems; Static/without memory & Dynamic/ with memory
Systems, Causal & Non causal System; Invertible & Noninvertible; Stable & Unstable System,
Time variant & Time Invariant Systems.
Unit 2(12 Lectures)
Linear-Time Invarient (Lti) Systems And Their Advantages: LTI Systems, Discrete –time
Signal representation in terms of impulses, Impulse Response of Discrete Time LTI Systems,
Finite Impulse Response System, Infinite Impulse Response System, LTI Systems Properties, LTI
systems representation by Constant –Coefficient Difference Equation, LTI System
Characterization, Cascade & Parallel Connection of LTI Systems.
Introduction To Frequency Domain Representation:Concept of frequency for analog signals
and discrete –time signals, Fourier Series Representation of Periodic Signals, I/P O/P
Relationship for LTI Systems using Fourier Series, Filtering Concept. Fourier Transform
representation for Discrete –Time Signals, Properties of Discrete –Time Fourier Transform,
Systems Characterized by Linear Constant Coefficient Difference Equations.
Unit 3(12 Lectures)
Laplace Transform: Definition and Region of Convergence, Laplace transform
applications to LTI systems, Transfer function of LTI systems, Poles and Zeros in S-
plane, Stability in S-domain.
Z-Transform And Its Inverse: Introduction to Z-Transform, Region of
Convergence (ROC) for Z-Transform, ROC for: Finite & Infinite Duration; Causal,
Anti causal & Noncausal signals; Z-Transform Properties, Relationship with Fourier
Transform, Inverse Z-Transform, Rational Z –Transforms, Poles & Zeros of Signals
& Systems, Pole Location and Time Domain behavior for Causal Signals;
Applications of Z-Transform: System Function of an LTI System, Causality &
Stability of LTI Systems, Pole Zero Cancellation.

Unit 4(10 Lectures)

State Variable Technique:State Space Representation of Continuous –Time LTI
Systems with multi-input, multi-output; Solution of state equation for Continuous –
Time Systems.
State Space Representation of Discrete –Time LTI Systems: single input single
output and multiple input multiple output systems, Solution of State Equation for
Discrete-time LTI Systems, Determining System function H(z).
Text Books:
•A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky, with S. Nawab “Signals & Systems”, 2 nd Edition,
Pearson Education, 2015.
•S. Salivahanan, C. Gnanapriya, “ Digital Signal Processing”, Second Edition,
McGraw Hill Education.
•J. G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms,
& Applications”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education.
• Anand Kumar “Signals and Systems” , PHI.

Reference Books:
•Smarajit Ghosh,”Signal & Systems”,Pearson Education.
•Nagrath & R. Ranjan, “Signals & Systems”, TMH.
•Schaum Series, “Signals & Systems”,Sue & Ranjan.
•R.F. Ziemer, W.H. Tranter and D.R. Fannin, "Signals and Systems - Continuous and
Discrete", 4th Edition, Pearson Educatio.
•B.P. Lathi, "Signal Processing and Linear Systems", Oxford University Press,
•Douglas K. Lindner, "Introduction to Signals and Systems", McGraw Hill
International Edition
•M. J. Roberts, "Signals and Systems - Analysis using Transform methods and
MATLAB", TMH, 2003.
Course outcomes: At the end of this course students will
demonstrate the ability to:
•Understand and classify different types of signals and systems as per their
•Represent continuous and discrete time signals and systems in time and
frequency domain using different transforms. Understanding frequency
concepts for analog and digital signals.
•Get familiarized with the characteristics and applications of Linear Time
Invariant Systems for practical applications.
•Analyze LTI systems using Laplace/Z-Transform. Use of LTI systems as filters
for various applications.
•In Semester Examinations, the examiner will set two questions from each unit
(total 8 questions in all) covering the entire syllabus. The students will be
required to attend only five questions selecting atleast one question from each
•The use of scientific calculator will be allowed in the examination. However,
programmable calculator and cellular phone will not be allowed.
What is a Signal?

Signal: any physical quantity that varies with time, space,

or any other independent variable or variables
“Anything that contains information”
its value should vary

Examples: pressure as a function of altitude

sound as a function of time,
color as a function of space,
x(t) = cos(2πt),
x(t) = 4√ t + t 3 , x(m, n) = (m + n) ×2
A signal is a function of one or more variables that conveys
information about some (usually physical) phenomenon.
For a function f , in the expression f (t1, t2, . . . , tn), each of the {t k}
is called an independent variable, while the function value itself is
referred to as a dependent variable.
One dimensional signal- only one independent variable
Multi-dimensional (2D, 3D…)- more than one independent variable

Some examples of signals include:

a voltage or current in an electronic circuit
the position, velocity, or acceleration of an object
a force or torque in a mechanical system
a flow rate of a liquid or gas in a chemical process
a digital image, digital video, or digital audio
a stock market index
Linear system

Signal Classification

 Continuous and discrete time

 Continuous and discrete valued
 Analog and digital
 Deterministic and stochastic (random)
 One dimensional and multi dimensional
 Periodic and aperiodic
 Energy and power
 Even and odd (symmetric and anti-symmetric)
 Real and complex
 Causal, noncausal , and anticausal

Continuous or discrete independent variables:

A signal with continuous independent variables is said to be

continuous time (CT) (e.g., voltage waveform).
A signal with discrete independent variables is said to be discrete
time (DT) (e.g., stock market index).
Continuous or discrete dependent
A signal with a continuous dependent variable is said to be
continuous valued (e.g., voltage waveform).

A signal with a discrete dependent variable is said to be discrete

valued (e.g., digital image).

A continuous-valued CT signal is said to be analog (e.g.,

voltage waveform).


A discrete-valued DT signal is said to be digital (e.g., digital

Continuous & Discrete-Time Signals
Continuous-Time Signals
 Most signals in the real world are
continuous time, as the scale is x(t)
infinitesimally fine.
 Eg voltage, velocity,
 Denote by x(t), where the time
interval may be bounded (finite) or t
Discrete-Time Signals
 Some real world and many digital
signals are discrete time, as they are
 E.g. pixels, daily stock price (anything x[n]
that a digital computer processes)
 Denote by x[n], where n is an integer
value that varies discretely
Sampled continuous
signal x[n] =x(nk) – k is sample
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Difference between the Analog signals and Digital signals
Analog signals Digital signals
Analog signals are difficult to get Digital signals are easy to analyze.
analysed at first.
Analog signals are more accurate Digital signals are less accurate.
than digital signals.
Analog signals are difficult to be Digital signals can be easily stored.
stored. It has infinite memory.
To record an analog signal, the In recording digital signal, the
technique used, preserves the sample signals are taken and
original signals. preserved.
There is a continuous representation There is a discontinuous
of signals in analog signals. representation of signals in digital
Analog signals prone to noise. Digital signals are more immune to
Examples of analog signals are Examples of digital signals are
Human voice, Thermometer, Analog Computers, Digital Phones, Digital
phones etc. pens, etc.
Discrete-Time Signals: Time-Domain Representation

l Signals represented as sequences of numbers, called samples

Sample value of a typical signal or sequence denoted as x[n] with n being an integer in
the range -∞≤ n ≤∞
l x[n] defined only for integer values of n and undefined for non-integer values of n
l Discrete-time signal represented by {x[n]}
l Discrete-time signal may also be written as a sequence of numbers inside braces:
{x[n]}={…,-0.2, 2.2, 1.1, 0.2,- 3.7, 2.9,…}
l The arrow is placed under the sample at time index n = 0
l In the above, x[-1]= -0.2, x[0]=2.2, x[1]=1.1, etc.
l Graphical representation of a discrete-time signal with real-valued samples is as
shown below:
Classification of Signals:

Number of independent variables (i.e.,

A signal with one independent variable is said to
be one dimensional (e.g.,
A signal with more than one independent variable
is said to be
multi-dimensional (e.g., image).
f(x, y)=3xy+7;
f (t )
Even /symmetric signals

f (t )  f (t )

Odd/ antisymmetric signals f (t )

f (t )   f (t )

A function x is said to be even if it satisfies
x(t) = x(−t) for all t.
A sequence x(n) is said to be even if it satisfies
x(n) = x(−n) for all n.
Geometrically, the graph of an even signal is symmetric about the origin.
Some examples of even signals are shown below.
Causal signals
f (t )  0, for all t 0

Anticausal signals
f (t )  0, for all t 0

Noncausal signals
f (t )  0, for any t or  0

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Real and complex signal
A signal having real values for all time, is a real signal, otherwise
complex signal.
A function x is said to be periodic with period T (or T-periodic) if,
for some strictly-positive real constant T, the following condition
holds: x(t) = x(t +T) for all t.
A T-periodic function x is said to have frequency and angular
frequency 2π/T .
A sequence x is said to be periodic with period N (or N-periodic) if,
for some strictly-positive integer constant N, the following
condition holds: x(n) = x(n+N) for all n.
An N-periodic sequence x is said to have frequency 1/N and angular
frequency 2 π/N .
A function/sequence that is not periodic is said to be aperiodic.
The period of a periodic signal is not unique. That is, a signal that
is periodic with period T is also periodic with period kT, for every
positive integer k.
The smallest period with which a signal is periodic is called the
fundamental period and its corresponding frequency is called the
fundamental frequency.

Define and differentiate following types of

signals with at least one example:
2. Discrete-time and digital signals
3. Analog and digital signals
4. Random and deterministic signals
5. Odd and even signals
6. Symmetric and antisymmetric signals
7. Single channel and multichannel
8. One dimensional and multidimensional
9. Real and complex signals
10.Causal and noncausal signals
11.Energy and power signals
12.Periodic and Aperiodic signals
Basic/ Elementary signals:
-Using these signals one can design any signal.

 (t )  0, t  0
Unit impulse signal 
(Continuous-time) and   (t )dt  1

Unit sample signal

(Discrete –time signal)
Unit Step Signal
Integral of unit impulse signal

1, t  0
 (t )dt  0, t 0  u (t )
Unit –ramp signal
integration of Unit step
double integration of Unit impulse
0, t  0
r (t )  
 t , t 0
0, n  0
r ( n)  
 n, n  0
Complex exponential signal (Analog)
x(t )  e st , where , s    j is a complex number.

x(t )  et (cos t  j sin t )

Real and imaginary parts of this signal are :
Exponentially increasing, if  0 Exponentially decreasing, if  0
Discrete time Complex exponential sequence
x ( n)  Ca n
C , a are in general complex numbers,
C  Ae j , a  re j0 , x(n)  Ar n e j (0 n  )  Ar n (cos(0 n   )  jAr n sin(0 n   )
If,x(n)  Ar We get real discrete time exponential sequence

For r 
Continuous time sinusoidal signal x(t )  A sin(0t   )
Periodic with Fundamental period T0 
Discrete time sinusoidal signal x(n)  A sin(0 n   )
Has periodic envelope, but will be periodic with Fundamental
period N0, only if 0  m , where m is a positive integer. Then
2 N0
Fundamental Period is given by: N  m( 2 )
As, 0  2f 0 , this implies, for discrete time sinusoidal to be
periodic, f 0  m , that is a rational number.

--Sum of two or more periodic Continuous-time signals will be

periodic, only if ratio of their fundamental periods is rational.
-- Sum of two or more periodic Discrete-time signals will be always
Simple Manipulations of Discrete –time signal:
To check, whether signal is periodic or not

x(t )  cos t  sin 3t  x1 (t )  x2 (t ) Fundamental period of

x1 (t )  T1  2 , x2 (t )  2 / 3,  1/ 3 Not a rational number, Not Periodic

j( )n 2  4
x ( n)  e 4
,    / 4, f 0   / 2 ,1 / f 0  N 0   8 ,As f0 is a rational number, hence period

x(n)  cos(n / 3),   1 / 3, f   / 2  1 / 6 Not a rational number, hence not periodic

Check for following signals, find fundamental period if periodic

1) x (t )  sin t , 2
2) x ( n)  sin( n  1)
 
3) x ( n)  cos ( 2
n), 4) x (t )  cos(3t  )
8 3
j [( ) t 1]
5) x (t )  e 4
Determine whether these signals are energy or power signals
1) x(t )  e 4t u (t ) 2)tu (t ) 3) x(n)  (.5) n u (n)
4) 2 A j 3 n 5) x(t )  e 3t 6) Unit step signal, both analog and digital
Sketch following signals: i) x ( n)  {0,2,1,0,2,1,1,0,1}
ii) x (  n)
iii) x ( n  3)
iv) x (1  n)

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