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Pollen grains

Pollination Pollination is the act of

transferring pollen grains
from the male anther of a
flower to the female stigma
Formation of seeds Pollen- male cell
Ovule-Female cell

Male Cell + Female Cell= Zygot(seed)

Seeds are the result of plant reproduction. ...

When pollen lands on the flower's stigma, it
germinates and forms a pollen tube, which then
quickly grows towards the plant's ovary. Once it
finds an ovule, the pollen tube bursts to release
male cells(pollen), which fertilize the ovule(egg)
and initiate seed formation.
Step- by- step process of seed formation
When pollen lands on the flower's stigma

The pollen grains travel from stigma to

ovary through pollen tube

Pollen grain reaches inside the ovary

Pollen grain and ovule fuse together and

form an embryo(seed)
Non-Flowering Plants.


Conifers mosses cycads


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