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English Presentation

Presenter : Yeap Xuan Khai

Class : 2T14
Physical Bullying
Sexual Bullying
Bullying differ from mean actions in the
following ways:
● Power imbalance — The target of bullying is usually
defenseless due to a disparity in power with their
attacker. It may be physical, the bully could be stronger
or have ‘bullying assistants’. Or it could be intellectual,
such as children with learning differences.
● Repetitive behavior — Bullying is ongoing and
habitual, not a one-time act.
● Intentional actions — The bully carries out violence
with the intention of harming the other child.
What’s physical bullying?

Physical bullying is using one’s body and physical

bodily acts to exert power over peers. Unlike
relational and verbal bullying, the effects of physical
bullying can be easier to spot.
Examples of physical bullying

● Hitting or kicking
● Shoving or pushing
● Tripping
● Pinching
What’s the effect of physical bullying?

Physical bullying can cause both short- and long-

term physical harm. It can also result in
psychological effects like low self-esteem, anxiety,
and depression.
How to prevent physical bullying?

● Define Physical Bullying

● Build Positive Self-Concept Among Students
● Create a Sense of Community
● Be on the Lookout for Gateway Indicators of
Pictures of physical bullying
What’s cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying can be overt or covert, as it entails
bullying behaviors through digital technologies like
computers and smartphones. Because of the nature
of technology, cyberbullying can happen at any
time, day or night, leaving little room for the victim
to escape.
Examples of cyberbullying

● Abusive or threatening emails and messages

● Mocking social media posts
● Deliberately excluding a person online
● Spreading rumors online
● Imitating others by accessing and using login
What’s the effect of cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying can be particularly harmful because

there’s no relief from it. It doesn’t cease when the
person leaves school or wherever their bully is. It
can cause anxiety, depression, social isolation, and
self-esteem issues.
How to prevent cyberbullying?
● Protect Accounts and Devices
● Use Privacy Tools and Settings
● Keep Personal Stuff Private
● Log Out After Using Public Devices
● Think Before Posting Anything
● Refuse to Respond to Cyberbullies
● Report Cyberbullies
Pictures of cyberbullying
What’s sexual bullying?
Peer to peer sexualised bullying and harassment
can and does happen at school, college, socially or
online. Children and young people may find it hard
to talk about what is happening to them because
they may feel fearful, embarrassed and ashamed
even though whatever is happening to them is not
their fault.
Examples of sexual bullying
● Spreading rumors of a sexual nature
● Sharing intimate photos or videos
● Grabbing or groping someone without
● Making inappropriate jokes
● Using sexual name-calling
● Touching others people d*cks or ass without
What’s the effect of sexual bullying?

Sexual bullying can lead to severe depression and

social anxiety and cause someone to have trust
issues in the future.
How to prevent sexual bullying?
● Keep Sexual Bullying Prevention Training
● Take Swift and Decisive Actions as Issues Arise
● Make it Crystal Clear that Sexual Bullying
Prevention is a Sexual Priority
● Make Sure That Students Understand What
Sexual Bullying Is
Pictures of sexual bullying
Pictures of sexual bullying
Pictures of sexual bullying
Pictures of sexual bullying
My opinion

I think that all bullying actions should be stopped

for the sake of the world. When that happens, we
will live in peace and all of us won’t be in a
negative mood anymore.
Khai Yuan’s opinion

Bullying is something that, in my opinion, is futile.

Just because it helps you feel better doesn't
mean it's worthwhile to belittle others.

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