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I AS Gaudan,Jadine V.
NA Salazar, Shanine Mae
TI Awitan, Maria Angela
AL Salvo, Julie Marie
GH DeGuzman, Shandy
SC Nunez, Angel
OL Bautista,John Iver
Communication Media Channels

 As emerging technologies provide

communication practitioners and
auidiences with a wider range of
source selection and channels of
information, individuals are selecting
a media reppetoire to suit their
communication needs and achieve
their communication goals.
Mass Media
 Mass Media in the form of broadcast ( radio and
television) and print is one of the popular communication
channels for reaching large audiences due to its
accessibility and wide coverage. Briefly, let us take a
look at these forms of mass media and learn when to
utilize them to achieve our communication goals.
 Print Media includes newspapers, magazines,
brochures, pamphlets, catalogs,journals, and the
like. While there has been a decline in the use of
print media, particularly newspapers, in recent
years due to the popularity of accessing news and
other information that on mobile devices and
online, print remains relevant in terms of spreading
information that serves as a material artifact of
 Even before television captured the minds of the
Filipinos, radio was their primary source of
information and entertainment. Due to its lower
cost as compared television, radio is utilized for
both commercial and developmental purposes
especially for rural communities.
According to Ling and Donner (2009), mobile phones
have become one of the most successfully
incorporated technologies of all time. In the
Philipinnes, mobile phones have facilitated faster,
cheaper, and easier connections with love ones, some
of whom were not catered to by the installation of
telephones lines. It is also used for business
New Media
 As part of the telecommunications network, the internet is
the most important piece of the convergence
puzzle.Smartphones would just be another phone for texting
and talking if not for its connection to the internet. While
there are many issues in terms of influence, use and abuse,
privacy, credibility and accessibility, it cannot be denied that
the internet has radically alerted the communications
industry and its relationship with its users and the general
society as well.
 The rise of Internet has led to a form of
technology known as new media which is
digital in nature, as opposed to the analog
beginnings of broadcast media ( but now also
shifting into digital transmission) networked and
dense, as thi is connected to and by various links
( websites and webpages) and platforms;
compressible in terms of data storage ( such as
CD- ROMs and DVDs) and interactive, as it
utilizes print, video, and audio capabilities ( as in
the case of computer games)
Social Media
 Social Media is considered a subset of new
media. It allows for the creation and exchange
of user-generated content. Social Media is
dependent on mobile and web-based
technologies to create highly interactive
platforms through which individual and
communities share, cocreate, discuss and
modify information.
Tools in Communications
 Language- The main tool that we use in communication is language- in written and
verbal form. We use language in every day. Moreover, movements, gestures, and
signs as a form of body language also function as a way of communicating.
 Technology- Technology is crucial tool in communication. Both communication
professionals and ordinary people use technology in order to communicate and reach
other people. Examples of technologies in communication are smartphones,
telephones, computers, laptops, cameras, and satellites.
 Printed Materials- These materials, such as books, magazines, pictures, posters,
brochures, journals, are tools of communicating.
 Non- print materials- Examples of these tools are videos, televisions shows, movies
and radio progrms, among others.
 Online Tools- Examples of these tools are e-mails, social media websites, blog, and
podcast, among others.

The settings in communication can be categorized as individual, academic, and professional, and
civic. The individual is the most basic setting as it pertains to interpersonal and intrapersonal.
The academic setting helps hone our skills for professionals use which encompasses various
oppurtuinites. Lastly, communications makes itself felt in our civic engagement whether on the
microlevel ( individual) or macro level (mass media). The fields dyanism also means there is an
overlap in practice.
 The three processes in communications are transmission, interactional, and transactional,
Transmission is sender-message oriented with focus on the elimination of noise. Interactional
treats the sender and receiver on the same level but adds context as an important consideration,
Transactional treats sender and receiver as just communicators with equal powers, roles, and
responsibilities and talks about communicating with a purpose.
 The three communication channel are mass media, telecommunications, and new media. Forms
of mass media include broadcast ( radio and television) and print. Telecommunication involves
the convergence of different technologies to transmit information in the form of cables or
electromagnetic waves. It includes telegraph,telephone, microwave, and satellite transmissions,
convergence. It is available on-demand and is capable of being accessed through mobile phones,
computers, laptops, and tablets, among others.

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