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Google Classroom

Participants w i l l be a b l e to:
❏ Create classes in the Google Classroom
❏ Add students to classes
❏ Post assignments & announcements
❏ Grade assignments & provide feedback for
❏ Explore the student & teacher Google
Classroom features
Google Classroom
Google Classroom is part of the G Suite
for Education (Google for Education)
package that includes Gmail, Google
Drive, Google Calendar and other apps.
It’s targeted to teachers and students in
both K-12 and higher education markets.
Google Classroom Features
•Set Classroom themes with school colors or logo
•Reuse assignments, tests or other course content in
future classes
•Add content to assignments, such as video, PDFs,
Google Docs or Google Forms survey
•Share videos, links or images from other websites with
•View assignments, announcements and other resources
on a class resource page
Google Classroom Features
•Draft assignments or announcements and schedule
them to post on a later date
•Use Google Calendar to track assignment due dates
•Export grades to Google Sheets or a .CSV file
•Set permissions on whether students can make posts
or comments (or mute individual students)
•Set permissions on which teachers can create and
manage classrooms, or which schools within a district
can use Google Classroom
Steps in Creating
Google Classroom
Step 1: Create
Click on the plus (+)
sign, and select
“create class.”
Enter the following
information and click
Once y ou have
created a folder
for all classes,
your home
screen should
look similar to
this page.
In the class you have created. You
can generate the link for google meet
and get the class code.

Click generate
meet link to
create the
google meet
link. At the
upper corner
you will get the
class code.
In order to c h a n g e
the theme of y o u r
class, click, “Select
theme or You can
upload photo.”
Step 2: Add
Go to People Tab To add students and
teachers in your class
click the icon or you may
use the class code.
Type the email address of the
students or teachers and click
After inviting your
remind them that there
will be an email from
you for them to join the

Open the email and

click join
Go to Join class using the classcode.

Click join
Step 3: Create Announcements
& Classwork
In order to communicate to
the class for
announcements go to
stream tab and click “Share
something in your class” .
When posting a n
announcement, y o u m a y
select multiple
classes/students to
receive the
In order to post a class work, go
to Classwork tab and click Create.
Create Assignment After filling out the Select assign,
Option details click assign schedule, save
draft, discard draft
Create Quiz Assignment After filling out the
Select assign,
Option details click assign
schedule, save
draft, discard draft

To link in the
google form
Create Question Option After filling out the Select ask, schedule,
save draft, discard
details click ask draft

Choose multiple
Choose short choice
Create Material Option Select post,
schedule, save
draft, discard
After filling out the
details click post
Reuse Option

Pick one or more


Select class

Click Reuse
All works are reuse
Add Topic Option

Type the topic you

want to add and
click “Add”
All created assignments, quiz,
questions, materials etc. will appear
in the Classwork tab.
You may leave feedback for students on their individual
assignments upon return in grades tab or you can email
the students. .
In addition to feedback, you may also assign grades to
each student assignment/work .
You may also monitor each work of
your students in Grades tab.

Click the icon

with the name of
your student.
You may see the updates of classworks created in
the upcoming just click “View All”.
Step 4: Integrate
with Google
Classroom creates a Google
Drive folder for each
created class. Click the “Class Drive
Exploring Classroom
2. S t u d e n t P e r s p e c t i v e
❏ Joining a new class
❏ DIgital workflow - complete & submit
❏ Digital communication - discussion &
❏ Integration with Drive
Step 1: Join
In order to join a class, students can
accept the invitation sent b y his or
her teacher through email, or can
enter the class code.

Class Code
Step 2: Submit
The students’
home screen will
display the names
of all their classes,
teachers and
The “Classworks” page will
keep track of past and
upcoming class works.
Students can also access, complete, and
turn in their assignments from the class

Click turn in when

finishing the task.
Studens can also
communicate by having
a private comment.
Once the teacher h a s g ra d e d a n d
returned the submitted assignment, the
student m a y a c c e s s his o r her g r a d e o n
Click “View your work”
the “Classwork” page.
Step 3:
Stude nts c an po st
attachments, YouTube
videos, a n d links
directly to the class
Stude nts m a y
communicate directly
with the teacher o n
assig n me n ts using
the comment feature.
Step 4: Integrate with
Google Drive
automatically creates
a Google Drive folder
for each class.

Stude nts & teachers

m a y a c c e s s the
Google Drive folder in
Classroom o n the
“About” page.
Students m a y also
a c c e s s Classroom
folders from
Google Drive.
Stude nts m a y attach
files from Google Drive
o r create a n
assignment in Google
Drive from Classroom.
Additional Res o u r c es
● Classroom Help Center
● Introduction to Google Classroom Article
● Teacher & Student Classroom Point of View Video
● Introduction to Google Classroom Video
Jennifer Keigher
St. Anne Community High

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