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Title: Exploring the effect

of diversity and its impact

on equity and inclusion
associated with learning
environment among
medical students.
Dr. Renu Yadav
Faimer Fellow 2023

Renu Yadav, Subodh Kumar Yadav, Violeta Nikolova,

All Saints University School of Medicine, St. Vincent and Grenadines
Problem statement!!

 Medical schools aim to enroll a diverse group of students for the enrichment
of learning environment. It has been observed that members of some
(ethnic/cultural) groups achieve different academic outcomes as compared to
other groups.

 There is lack of concrete data regarding the learners' perception on the effect
of diversity and impact of equity and inclusion on learning environment and
academic achievement of students enrolled in medical school.
Literature Review

• Discrimination
• Poor communication
• Withdrawal
• Lack of confidence
• Cultural misunderstanding

 As society is diverse in many respects, including gender/sex, ethnicity, nationality, age, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation,
and disability1, future medical practitioners must be prepared to meet the needs of this diverse patient population 2 however little is
known regarding its effect among learners in medical schools.

 The study has documented the medical students’ perceptions of the curriculum that students generally do not feel prepared to work in a
culturally diverse society as knowledge about difference, bias, resilience, and more is lacking in their education. 3
Project Goal!!
 Prior studies have recommended that medical schools must
incorporate diversity education into their curriculum so that health
professionals can provide the best quality of care for their diverse
patient populations.

 The present study attempts to explore the perception and awareness

of diversity and its impact on equity and inclusion among medical
students and medical professionals.
What was tried?
1. Ethical clearance obtained by institutional review board.

2. Preparation of questionnaire (5-point likert scale from strongly disagree =1 to strongly agree=5) related to the perception
and awareness of students (20 items) and faculties (18 items) separately towards learning in diverse population.

2. Preparation of consent form

3. Purposive sampling was employed for qualitative pilot study among students and medical professionals of All Saints
University School of Medicine from medical nursing stream.

4. Written informed consent was obtained from study population groups for pilot study (student = 10 and faculty= 5).

5. Administration of questionnaire online/onsite based on feasibility.

6. Obtaining data, analysis with project team.

Outcome Chain
1. Cronbach’s alfa (items for students = 0.74, items for faculty members = 0.75) reliability test.

2. Descriptive analysis result was obtained for students (n=10, female 6, male 4).
 The highest mean value (4.40) for “students work better in diverse environment”
 Least mean value (2.40) for “The school has sufficient programs and resources to foster the
success of a diverse student body.”

3. Similarly, Descriptive analysis result for the faculty (n=5, female 2, male 3).
 The highest mean value (4.80) was for “diversity boosts the creativity and innovation”
 Least mean value (2.60) was for “feel comfortable in work place.”
Grove Game-plan
Year 1 target
 The year 1 target is completed to validate the questions by pilot study.
 Preliminary data analysis was performed to explore insights of learning among diverse group of students
and teachers.

Lesson learned
 Time management
 Coordination of academic schedule of
students and teachers with project work
 Creating interactive environment

 Funding source; Institute (All Saints

University School of Medicine)

• I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Dr. Maria Padilla, my advisor

for her invaluable contribution and support throughout my work.

• I would like to acknowledge the assistance and effort of my co-authors, dean,

assistant dean of student affair who provided me with consistent advice and
constructive criticism that greatly improved my performance ability.

• Delisa JA, Lindenthal JJ. Commentary: Reflections on diversity and inclusion in

medical education. Acad Med. 2012;87:1461–3.

• Milem J, Dey L, White C. In the nations compelling interest: Ensuring diversity in

the healthcare workforce. vol. 31. Institute of Medicine, editor. National
Academies Press: 2004; 345–90

• Kai J, Bridgewater R, Spencer J. ‘Just think of TB and Asians, that’s all I ever
hear’: medical learners’ views about training to work in an ethnically diverse
society. Med Educ. 2008; 35: 250–6.

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