English Studies Js3 WK 6

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JS 3

Week 8
A preposition is a word that shows relationship
between two nouns. It can also be used to indicate
the position of things. Examples on, at ,of,
under,between,across,in,about,inside,beside etc.
1. The plates are on the table
2. The shoes are under the bed
3. The old man is in front of the house
The word or phrase the preposition introduces is
called the object of the preposition
A preposition is used with a noun or pronoun to form
a phrase.
A prepositional phrase therefore is made up of a
preposition followed by a noun, pronoun or gerund.
Examples at school, from me, with lucy, by dancing

1. It can function as an adjective phrase.

E.g. a. The girl with a beautiful face is my sister.
(It qualifies the noun "girl")
b. The doctor in blue shirt will soon retire
(It qualifies the noun "doctor")
2. It can function as an adverbial phrase.
a. We watched films at the National Theatre.
(It modifies the verb "watched")
b. She ran down the road
(It modifies the verb "ran")
Class exercise
Underline the prepositional phrase in the following
sentences and state their functions
1. The girl at the gate saw me
2. I work with an oil company
3. He remained behind the door
4. He threw the clothes into the cupboard
5. Seyi sees beyond the physical

An idiom is a phrase or expression that presents a

figurative, non-literal meaning attached to the phrase.
They are phrases which cannot be understood simply by
looking at the meaning of the individual words in the

Hard to swallow Difficult to believe

Digging around Looking for

He's a really bright spark He's an intelligent student

Deadend job A job that offers no opportunity for

One step at a time Doing something slowly and carefully

Tomove at a snail's pace To move slowly

She's hitting the books She's studying hard

To be at a crossroad TTo be at a point of confusion

To devour someone or something To consume something quickly

To get on with your life To make progress in life goals after a

Words Associated With Science and Technology With
Words Associated With Science and Technology
With Meaning
Astronomy and Physics:
Atom – The basic unit of a chemical element.
Doppler effect – The change in frequency or wavelength
of a wave in relation to an observer.
Hertz – A unit of frequency, one cycle per second.
Orbit – The path of a celestial object around a star, planet,
or moon.
Photon – A particle representing a quantum of light or
electromagnetic radiation.
Photon – A particle representing a quantum of light or
electromagnetic radiation.
Quantum – The discrete amount of some physical
property, usually energy.
Superconductor – A material that can conduct
electricity without resistance.
Ultraviolet – Electromagnetic radiation with a
wavelength shorter than visible light but longer than X-
Xenobiology – The study of biology related to
organisms not from Earth.
Biology and Genetics:
Biodiversity – The variety of life in a particular habitat
or ecosystem.
Epigenetics – The study of changes in gene activity
that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence.
Genome – The complete set of genes in an organism.
Genetics – The study of heredity and variation in

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