Applications of AI & ML

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Applications Of Artificial Intelligence &

Machine Learning

Name – Rishav Chakrabarti

SRN - R22MK181

Artificial Intelligence - Overview

 Artificial intelligence refers to computer systems that are capable of

performing tasks traditionally associated with human intelligence —
such as making predictions, identifying objects, interpreting speech and
generating natural language.
 Artificial intelligence (AI) aims to provide machines with similar
processing and analysis capabilities as humans, making AI a useful
counterpart to people in everyday life. AI is able to interpret and sort data
at scale, solve complicated problems and automate various tasks
simultaneously, which can save time and fill in operational gaps missed
by humans.
 Over time, AI systems improve on their performance of specific tasks,
allowing them to adapt to new inputs and make decisions without
being explicitly programmed to do so.
Approaches to AI

Approaches To AI

How does AI work ?

 To promote learning, AI systems require constant data input.

Thus, the combination of these three pillars has produced
artificial intelligence:
 High-quality data models and structures that enable precise
data processing, classification, and analysis.
 Access to a vast amount of unprocessed data.
 Reliable and reasonably priced computing equipment that
facilitates quick and effective data processing.

Critical Processor of AI :Algorithms
Algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or Algorithms typically follow a logical structure:
accomplishing a task. In the context of data structures and
algorithms, it is a set of well-defined instructions for  Input: The algorithm receives input data.
performing a specific computational task.
 Processing: The algorithm performs a series
of operations on the input data.
 Output: The algorithm produces the desired
Algorithms are essential for solving complex
computational problems efficiently and effectively.
They provide a systematic approach to:
 Solving problems: Algorithms break down
problems into smaller, manageable steps.
 Optimizing solutions: Algorithms find the best
or near-optimal solutions to problems.
 Automating tasks: Algorithms can automate
repetitive or complex tasks, saving time and

Applications of artificial intelligence

Terminologies Related To AI

Terminologies Related To AI

 Machine Learning: One of the technologies that helps AI provide the desired outcomes is machine learning (ML),
which encourages systems to learn on their own and adapt. Thus, without requiring the system to be programmed
to arrive at a predetermined conclusion, machines can make decisions as a result of data processing and the
detection of standards.
 Deep Learning: A more precise and accurate learning process is made possible by deep learning, which is a
deeper form of machine learning that produces even more exact and accurate outcomes. DL mimics the structure
of neuronal connections in the human brain since it makes use of intricate neural networks.
 Natural language processing: Machine learning has made it possible for machines to interact and communicate
with humans. This happens as a result of the system’s ability to analyze, comprehend, recognize patterns, and
naturally express itself in human language—including speech. Sentiment analysis, processes based on algorithms
that determine the content of a particular text, for ex. Chatbots in the user/consumer service industry are areas
where natural language processing excels.

Terminologies to AI - Machine Learning
 Machine learning (ML) is a subdomain of artificial
intelligence (AI) that focuses on developing
systems that learn—or improve performance—
based on the data they ingest. Machine learning
and AI are frequently discussed together, and the
terms are occasionally used interchangeably,
although they do not signify the same thing.
 Machine Learning is the field of study that gives
computers the capability to learn without being
explicitly programmed.

How Machine Learning Works ?
 Forward Pass: In the Forward Pass, the machine
learning algorithm takes in input data and produces an
output. Depending on the model algorithm it computes the
 Loss Function: The loss function, also known as the
error or cost function, is used to evaluate the accuracy of
the predictions made by the model. The function
compares the predicted output of the model to the actual
output and calculates the difference between them. This
difference is known as error or loss.
 Model Optimization Process: The model optimization
process is the iterative process of adjusting the internal
parameters of the model to minimize the error or loss
function. This is done using an optimization algorithm,
such as gradient descent. The optimization algorithm
calculates the gradient of the error function with respect to
the model’s parameters and uses this information to
adjust the parameters to reduce the error.

Machine Learning Types

Applications Of Machine Learning

Terminologies to AI - Deep Learning

 Deep Learning is a part of Machine Learning that uses

artificial neural networks to learn from lots of data without
needing explicit programming.
 These networks are inspired by the human brain and can
be used for things like recognizing images, understanding
speech, and processing language.
 There are different types of deep learning networks, like
feedforward neural networks, convolutional neural
networks, and recurrent neural networks.
 Deep Learning needs lots of labeled data and powerful
computers to work well, but it can achieve very good
results in many applications.

Terminologies to AI - Natural Language Processing

NLP stands for Natural Language Processing. It is the

branch of Artificial Intelligence that gives the ability to
machine understand and process human languages. Human
languages can be in the form of text or audio format.
 There are two components of Natural Language
 Natural Language Understanding
 Natural Language Generation

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