23 24 LP Ig8 Data Transmission

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Data Transmission

Data Transmission
Unit 3.1
Lesson Objectives:

• show understanding of what is meant by transmission of data

• distinguish between serial and parallel data transmission
• distinguish between simplex, duplex and half-duplex data transmission
• show understanding of the reasons for choosing serial or parallel data
• show understanding of the need to check for errors
• explain how parity bits are used for error detection
• show understanding of the use of serial and parallel data transmission, in
Universal Serial Bus (USB) and Integrated Circuit (IC)
What is Communication?

• Exchange of thoughts,
ideas, information.
How do you think our Computers communicate?

• Communicates through

• Transfer data from one

system to another
Lets understand Data Transmission..

Sender Receiver
Data Transmission

• Data transmission is the movement of data (bits)

between at least two digital devices.

• Data transmission can be over a short distance (e.g.

from your computer to a plugged in device) or over
longer distances (e.g. networks).

• When data needs to be sent from one device to another,

it is important to consider how that transmission is
going to occur.
Data packets
• Data sent over long distances is usually broken up into data packets (datagrams) typically of size 64 KiB
• Each packet can be sent along a different route to its destination.


Activity 2.1(Page 49)
Types of data transmission
Activity 2.2(Page 51)
Synchronous Transmission

• A continuous stream of data

• The data is accompanied by timing signals (generated by an
internal clock)
• The clock ensures the sender and receiver are in step with
each other
• The receiver counts how many bits were sent over a period of
time then reassembles them into bytes (multiple bytes sent at
• Timings have to be accurate as there are no control bits
• Faster than asynchronous
Asynchronous Transmission
• Data is transmitted in discrete packets (usually 1 byte)
• Each packet of data is sent with control bits
• The control bits allow the receiver to know when the data starts
and ends
• The control bits prevent the packets of data getting mixed up
• Packets are sent intermittently (they have uneven time intervals
between them)
• Slower than synchronous
Universal serial bus (USB)

• Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a form of serial data transmission.

• USB is the most common type of input/output port for the transfer of data
between devices and a computer.
• USB allows both half-duplex and full-duplex data transmission.
Methods of error detection
Why check for errors…..
You connat cortnol the beivahor of otrehs, but you can ayawls csoohe how you reopsnd to it.
You cannot control the behavior of others, but you can always choose how you respond to it.

Sueccss is not how hgih you hvae clebmid, but how you mkae a poitisve diferefnce to the wlrod
Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world

• Checking for errors is important since computers are unable to understand text, for
example, if the words are not recognized by its built-in dictionary.
Error Caused –Data Transmission
Error Detection

Parity Echo
ARQ Checksum CheckDigit
Check Check
Parity Check

• The sending and receiving computers agree the protocol to be used

(even or odd)
• The sending computer adds the correct parity bit to the binary data
(either an extra 1 or 0)
• The sending computer sends the binary data, including the parity bit
• The receiving computer checks to make sure the overall parity of the
data received is as agreed (an even or odd number of 1 bits)
• If the parity of the data is incorrect, the receiving computer will request
that the data is transmitted again.
The situations which parity check may not identify that a bit has been transmitted
• 2 bits interchanged (e.g. 1 –> 0 and 0 –> 1) that won’t change parity value
• even number of bits/digits are transposed
• If there are multiple errors in the same byte/column, that still produce the same parity
ACTIVITY 2.4/2.5(PAGE 55)
bit, the error will not be detected
Parity Block


• The sending computer uses the block of data to be sent, and a predefined
mathematical algorithm, to calculate a checksum value
• The sending computer sends the data, plus the checksum value
• The receiving computer uses the data it receives to also calculate what it believes
should be the checksum, using the same mathematical algorithm
• The two checksum values are compared by the receiving computer
• Due to the nature of the algorithm, it is highly unlikely that corruption has occurred
if the checksum values match
• If the checksum values don’t match, the receiving computer requests that the data
is transmitted again.
Checksum Example


1) Break the data into blocks(1 byte)

2) Add the block of binary digits
3) The sum – if no carry over find 1’ to get the checksum
- If carryover , remove it and add it to the remaining
sum…… then find 1’ to get the checksum


1) Add all the blocks and the checksum

2) If all 1 then accept otherwise reject

10101001+00111001+00011101 = 11111111
Hence the transmitted data is correct
Echo Check

• With an echo check, the receiving

computer sends a copy of the data
immediately back to the sending
computer for comparison.
• The sending computer compares the two
sets of data to check if any errors
occurred during the transmission
• If an error has occurred, the data will be
transmitted again.
Drawback of echo checks

• If the two sets of data are different you will have no way of knowing
whether the error occurred when originally sent, or when it was sent back

• Echo checks require a lot of extra data to be transmitted

Check digits

• A check digit is the final digit included in a code; it is calculated from all the other digits in the code.
• Check digits are used for barcodes on products, such as International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN) and Vehicle
Identification Numbers(VIN)

They can usually detect the following types of error:

» an incorrect digit entered, for example 5327 entered instead of 5307
» transposition errors where two numbers have changed order, for example 5037
instead of 5307
» omitted or extra digits, for example 537 instead of 5307 or 53107 instead
of 5307
» phonetic errors, for example 13 (thirteen), instead of 30 (thirty).

Methods to generate a Check digit…1/2

» ISBN 13 The check digit in ISBN 13 is the thirteenth digit in the number.
Generation of the check digit.
Methods to generate a Check digit…2/2

» Modulo-11- method can

have varying lengths of
number which makes it
suitable for many
applications, such as product
codes or VINs.

Activity 2.7[pg 62]

ARQ (Automatic Repeat request)
ARQ (Automatic Repeat request)
• Error control protocol, when an error is detected in a packet of data a request is automatically sent
for the data to be resent.
• Uses acknowledgement / request and time-out
• The receiving device recieves an error detection code (Cyclic redundancy check)
• Check performed on receiving data // error is detected by e.g. parity check, check sum
• If error detected, request is sent to resend data // negative acknowledgement is used
• Resend request is repeated till data is sent correctly / requests time out / limit is reached
• Send acknowledgement that data is received // positive acknowledgement is used
• If acknowledgement not received in set time data is resent
Symmetric and asymmetric encryption
When data is transmitted over any public network (wired or wireless), there is always a risk of it being intercepted,
encryption helps to minimise this risk.
ACTIVITY 2.9(PAGE 65,66)
Exam style questions
• Do in the text book itself
• Mark the q and answers

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