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Skill 1 - 6
Listening skill in TOEFL IBT

1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand Understand the Understand the Understand the Understand Understand
The Gist detail function speakers’ stance the organization relationship
Understand the gist
Example: Narator: listen as a student consults with his advisor.
1. Why does the student go to see (Student): I see that a comprehensive Exam is required
the advisor? for my major, and I'm not exacly sure what a
comprehensive exam is.
A. To take To exam that ho missed (Advisor): a comprelensive exam is an exam that you
take in the final quarter of your studies tis purpose is to
B. discuss what his major should be
determine your overall competency.
C. To change his major (Student): How is this comprehensive exam different
D. To learn about a requirement for from a final Exam?
his major (Advisor): A final exam covers all the material taught in
specific course; a comprehensive exam, on the other
hand, covers all of the materials taught in the entire
(Student): And it's true that the comprehensive exam is
required for my major? It's not an option?
(Advisor) : (laughs) Νo...., it's not on option
A comprehensive exam isn't required for all majors at
this university, but it is required for your major sorry
Understand the details

1. What is stated in the lecture professor) Halley's comet, which

about Halley's comet? passes by our planet every seventy-
six years, last came by our planet in
A.It last came by in 1976, 1986. This comet was named after
astronomer Edmund Halley, who
B.It comes by once every seventy-
correctly predicted its return in 1758,
six years.
sixteen years after his death..
C.It did not appear between 1758
and 1986.

D.It gave its name to an

Understand the function
(narrator) : Listen as a student consults with professor.
(student) : Professor Roberts, I have a question for you about the
1. What does the professor mean when
he says (professor) : OK, if it's a short question.

A. He hopes it is an easy question. (student) : It is. The assignment on the syllabus lists pages 101 through
120 in the text, and the last page of the assigned reading is a list of
questions. I was wondering if we were supposed to read through the
B. He does not like to give long answers.
questions and just think about the answers or actually write out the
answers to the questions.
C. He thinks that short questions are the
easiest (professor) : Well, you don't need to write out neat and formal answers to
the questions, but you should be really familiar with the answers because
D. He does not have much time to we'll be talking about the questions during class and I expect you to have
answers ready.
answer a question.
(student) : You mean, we don't need to turn in written answers to the

(professor) : That's right, but you might want to jot down notes about your
answers so that you can refer to them during our discussion.
Understand the speaker’s stance
Question woman) Do you enjoy playing chess?
Which sentence best expresses how the
man feels? (man) Yes, I really do.

A. "I don't want to go to meetings unless I (woman) Well, you might think about joining the chess club. I belong to it,
can play in tournaments." and I think you might really enjoy it, too.

(man) What does the chess club do?

B. "I don't want to take part in the
meetings or the tournaments." (woman) The members get together once a week for friendly
competitions. Then each semester, the three best players from the club
C. "I really don't feel comfortable playing compete in a tournament
in tournaments." with players from other schools.

(man) The meetings once a week sound like a lot of fun,
D. "I'm just about ready to play in chess playing just...uh...might not be quite up to the level of tournament
tournaments." play.

(woman) Well, why don't you

come with me this wednesday and try out one of the weekly meetings?
You can come to the meetings for a while and then see if you're ready to
compete in a tournament in a few months.
Understand the organization
1. How is the information in the lecture Today, I'll be talking about the major rivers of the world. The four longest
organized? are the Nile, the Amazon, the Mississippi, and the Yangtze.

a. Rivers in the western world are The Nile River in Africa is the longest, at 4,145 miles in length. It flows
contrasted. north from the equator to empty into the Mediterranean and irrigates more
than a million acres of land.
b. Characteristics of the continents are The Amazon River in South America is slightly shorter than the Nile at just
compared. over 4,000 miles in length. Though it is the world's second longest river, it
carries more water than any other river.
c. Steps in the development of rivers are
explained. Asia also has a massive river system. The Yangtze River in China is
Asia's longest at 3,436 miles. Because the mountains at its source are at
such a high altitude, the Yangtze flows rapidly than other major rivers for
d. Features of major rivers are outlined. most of length.

The Mississippi River is the best- known river system in North America,
and it's the United States inland waterway. However, it's not the longest
river in North America; the Missouri River, at 2340 miles in length, is
slightly longer than the Mississippi.
Understand relationships
1. What will the man most likely do? (Narrator) Listen as two student have a conversation.

A. Get a new car (Man) Can you tell me about parking on campus? I've just gotten a
B. Ride his bike to campus car, and i'm going to be parking on campus. I'm so glad i don't have to be
C. Get a daily sticker riding my bicycle to class anymore.
D. Get a permanent sticker
(Woman) Parking is kind of difficult on campus because there just
aren't enough space for all the people who want to park. You do know that
of you're going to park on campus, you'll need a parking sticker?

(Man) A parking sticker? What kind of parking sticker?

(Woman) Well, if you're only going to park on campus once in a

while, you can get a daily sticker each day that you park. But if you're
going to be parking on campus often, then you should really get a
permanent sticker.

(Man) I have classes almost every day of the week, so i know

what I've got to do..
Thank for your
attention 

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