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Module 5 Explain positive

aspects of certain level of

5.1 Identify possible positive
aspects of conflict
Positive aspects of certain level of conflict
i. Increased Understanding and Communication:
This point is consistent with the principles of Constructive
Conflict Resolution, which emphasizes the importance of
addressing conflicts in a positive and productive manner.
Scholars such as Deutsch (1973) advocate for
constructive approaches to conflict that promote
communication and understanding among parties
This school of thought believes that conflicts can serve
as opportunities for dialogue and learning, ultimately
enhancing empathy and collaboration.
Positive aspects of certain level of conflict
ii. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: The viewpoint
presented here resonates with the School of
Collaborative Problem-Solving. Scholars like Johnson and
Johnson (2009) emphasize the role of conflict in
stimulating creative problem-solving skills.
This approach encourages individuals or groups to
explore various solutions and evaluate their effectiveness
through collaborative efforts. By working together to
resolve conflicts, individuals develop innovative problem-
solving techniques that contribute to improved decision-
Positive aspects of certain level of conflict
iii. Strengthened Relationships: This point aligns with
the principles of Relationship Conflict Management.
Scholars such as Jehn (1995) emphasize the importance
of managing conflicts effectively to enhance relationship
quality and foster a positive work environment.
Relationship Conflict Management focuses on building
trust and respect among parties involved by promoting
open communication and constructive dialogue. This
approach recognizes conflicts as opportunities for
strengthening interpersonal connections and mutual
Positive aspects of certain level of conflict
iv. Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion: The
viewpoint presented here is consistent with the School of
Diversity and Inclusion. Scholars such as Jehn and Mannix
(2001) highlight the role of conflict in promoting diversity
and inclusion within organizations and communities.
This school of thought emphasizes the value of embracing
diverse perspectives and experiences through
constructive dialogue. By acknowledging and addressing
conflicts arising from differences, organizations can create
more inclusive environments that foster creativity and
Positive aspects of certain level of conflict
v. Organizational Learning and Adaptation: This
point resonates with the principles of Organizational
Learning and Adaptation. Scholars like Van de Ven and
Poole (1995) emphasize the role of conflict as a catalyst
for organizational change and improvement.
Organizational Learning and Adaptation focus on
leveraging conflicts as opportunities for reflection and
growth. By reassessing strategies, policies, and practices
in response to conflicts, organizations can adapt to
changing conditions and achieve continuous
improvement and resilience.
5.2 Describe possibility of stimulating
creative solutions, releasing tension,
changing the existing powerbase in
the team
5.2.1. Stimulating Creative Solutions
Conflict often arises when there are differing opinions or
perspectives on how to approach a problem. This diversity
of viewpoints can stimulate creativity by encouraging team
members to consider alternative solutions or approaches.
When faced with conflict, individuals may be prompted to
think outside the box, challenge conventional thinking, and
generate innovative ideas to address the underlying issues.
By fostering a culture that embraces constructive conflict,
teams can harness the creative potential of conflict to
develop novel and effective solutions to complex problems.
5.2.2 Releasing Tension
Conflict can serve as a release valve for pent-up tension
or frustration within a team. Addressing conflicts openly
and constructively provides an opportunity for team
members to express their concerns, grievances, or
differences of opinion in a supportive environment.
By acknowledging and validating these feelings, teams
can alleviate interpersonal stress, diffuse tension, and
promote a sense of psychological safety. This can lead to
improved communication, collaboration, and overall team
5.2.3 Changing the Existing Powerbase
Conflict has the potential to challenge and reshape
existing power dynamics within a team. When conflicts
arise, individuals or factions may assert their interests,
challenge authority, or seek to influence decision-making
This can lead to shifts in power and influence as new
alliances are formed, perspectives are considered, and
consensus is reached.
By addressing power imbalances and promoting inclusivity,
conflict can create opportunities for greater equity,
empowerment, and participation among team members.
5.3 Describe possibility of creating
competition and motivation for
better performance, changing
direction to cope with changing
5.3.1Creating Competition and Motivation for
Better Performance
Conflict often arises when individuals or groups have differing
opinions, goals, or approaches. This divergence can lead to
competition as team members strive to prove the superiority
of their ideas or solutions.
The competitive aspect of conflict can motivate individuals to
perform at their best, driving them to innovate, excel, and
achieve superior results.
By harnessing the energy and intensity of conflict in a
constructive manner, teams can foster a culture of healthy
competition that spurs continuous improvement and drives
organizational success.
5.3.2 Changing Direction to Cope with Changing
Conflict can serve as a catalyst for change, prompting teams or
organizations to reassess their strategies and adapt to evolving
conditions. When faced with conflicting viewpoints or external
pressures, it may become necessary to pivot in a new direction to
maintain relevance and effectiveness.
Conflict can highlight areas of weakness or opportunity, prompting
teams to innovate, experiment, and explore new approaches to
address emerging challenges or capitalize on emerging opportunities.
By embracing conflict as a driver of strategic adaptation, teams can
enhance their agility, resilience, and capacity to thrive in dynamic

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