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Electrical Power

Electrical Power
the rate at which electrical energy is transferred by an electric circuit. It
is typically measured in watts (W) and represents the amount of energy
consumed or produced per unit of time.
Mathematically, electrical power can be calculated using the formula:
Power (P)=Voltage (V)×Current (I)
P is the power in watts (W),
V is the voltage in volts (V),
I is the current in amperes (A).
additional concepts related to electrical
power in DC circuits:
• Power Dissipation: When electrical energy is transferred through a
circuit, it is often converted into other forms of energy, such as heat,
light, or mechanical motion.
• This conversion process is known as power dissipation. In resistive
elements like resistors, power dissipation typically results in the
generation of heat.
additional concepts related to electrical
power in DC circuits:
• Ohm's Law: Ohm's Law is a fundamental principle in DC circuits that
relates voltage, current, and resistance. I
• t states that the current flowing through a conductor between two
points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points and
inversely proportional to the resistance between them.
• Ohm's Law is represented by the equation 𝑉=𝐼×𝑅, where 𝑉 is the
voltage, I is the current, and R is the resistance.
additional concepts related to electrical power
in DC circuits:
Power in Resistive Circuits: In circuits consisting only of resistive
elements (such as resistors), the power dissipated by each resistor can be
calculated using either of the following formulas:
where V is the voltage across the resistor
and I is the current flowing through it.

where R is the resistance of the resistor.
additional concepts related to electrical power
in DC circuits:
• Power Supply Rating: The power supply rating indicates the
maximum amount of power that a DC power source can deliver to a
load. It is typically expressed in watts (W) and is an important
consideration when designing or selecting power supplies for
electronic devices.

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