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IV° A March, Wednesday 29th

IV° B March, Monday 27th

IV° C March, Friday 31st
IV° D March, Friday 31st.
IRRE IV° E March, Monday 27th

GULA (ser o estar)

R (derrotar)
(llegar a ser)
VERB (comenzar)
S (apostar)

LIST (morder)

QUIZ (quebrar / romper)

N°1 (transmitir)
Today’s class:
OBJECTIVE: Identify and use PAST Forms (Past Simple, Past
Continuous and Past Perfect Simple) according to context.

• what for? Mixing tenses is what we do all the time when we

express ourselves naturally, therefore our main grammar objective
this year.

• How? Today we will basically work on a handout with drilling

exercises to reinforce the grammar rules.

• Expectations: Active participation and 80% correct answers.

Unit 0: “Recap”. Past Forms: “Past Simple, Past
Continuous and PAST Perfect Simple”.
I. Let’s brainstorm - Team up and
Take 3 minutes to respond to the
questions below:

1. Witch Past forms have we seen?

• Past Simple.
• Past Continuous.
• Past Perfect Simple.

2. Differences?
• Past Simple: finished past actions.
• Past Continuous: in progress in the past.
• Past Perfect Simple: “past of the past”
Unit 0: “Recap”. Past Forms: “Past Simple, Past
Continuous and PAST Perfect Simple”.
Unit 0: “Recap”. Past Forms: “Past Simple, Past
Continuous and PAST Perfect Simple”.

had bought
was running
did say
didn’t have
was working
hadn’t seen
had formed
Unit 0: “Recap”. Past Forms: “Past Simple, Past
Continuous and PAST Perfect Simple”.
had heard
had written

was travelling reached
had invented
were enjoying was thinking
To Wrap Up:
Objective N°1 Identify Past Forms:

• I watched a great movie last weekend. Past Simple.

• I was watching a great movie last weekend. Past Continuous. Difference?

• I had watched this movie before. Past Perfect Simple.

• Finished action (the movie ended).

• Action was in progress (the movie was playing).

• Action had happened before (the movie wasn’t new for him).

Objective N°2 Use Past Tenses according to context:

• Show hands for correct answers: 50%? 70%? 90% or more?

IV° A March, Wednesday 29th
IV° B March, Monday 27th
IV° C March, Friday 31st
IV° D March, Friday 31st.
IRRE IV° E March, Monday 31st

GULA (ser o estar)

R (derrotar)
(llegar a ser)
VERB (comenzar)
S (apostar)

LIST (morder)

QUIZ (quebrar / romper)

N°1 (transmitir)
Today’s class:
• Identify and use PAST PERFECT SIMPLE in context.

• what for? Past Perfect is always useful when telling stories and anecdotes,
also this is something we will use again this year.

• How? We will respond to a Google form and we will check the results

• This is a recap. Class in which we will practice Past Perfect Simple,

something we consolidated last year. We will use this class only for this
content and then we will take it up this year in the future.

Unit 0: “Recap”. "Diagnostic Quiz 2022 - Part 2. Past Perfect

To wrap up:

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