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Factors Affecting

Solute Transport
IWRE Lecture No. 7
Department of Agricultural Engineering
 Factors affecting solute transport
 Transformation
 Retadation
 Attenuation

1-D Advective-Dispersive equation
for solute transport with changes
C 2
C  b C  C  C *
DL 2  v x    
x x V t  t  rxn t
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Dispersion Advection Sorption Reaction Mass flux

C* = amount of solute sorbed/unit wt. of solid

rb = bulk density of aquifer
rxn = reaction of the solute (excluding sorption)
qv = volumetric water content
Types of Reactions
 Reaction rate:
 Sufficiently fast and reversible
 Insufficiently fast and/or irreversible (relative to GW
 Location:
 Homogeneous reactions within a single phase
 Heterogeneous reactions in both phases
 Process:
 Surface reactions: adsorption; ion exchange
 Classical reactions: precipitation; dissolution

 Sorption is the transfer of the solute from
the liquid phase to the solid particles
 There are many different forms of sorption
depending on the type of attachment to
the solid particles
 Adsorption
 Chemisorption
 Absorption

Adsorption vs. Absorption
 Adsorption - the process by which the solutes
cling to the solid surface due to its (-) charge
 Chemisorption is the process in which the
anions are attracted to the (+) charged sites on
the edges of clay particles
 Absorption is the process where the solutes
migrate into the pores of the particles

 The distribution of solutes between the
solution and the solid phase
 Partitioning depends on the concentration
of the solutes present
 The higher the concentration the greater
the amount attached to the solid phase
 Linear (if the process is fast)
 Non-linear (if the process is slow)

Linear Sorption Isotherm
C  Kd  C

C* = Mass of solute sorbed/wt. of solid

C = Conc. of solute in solution (mg/L)
Kd = Distribution coefficient (L/kg)
(= slope of the linear sorption

Limitations of the Sorption Isotherm
 Theoretically, no upper limit to the amount sorbed
on to the surface (not true in real life)
 The coefficients are obtained by empirical fit to
experimental data

Irreversible first-order kinetic
sorption model
C *
 k1  C
k1 = a first-order decay rate constant
 Rate of sorption is a function of the
concentration of solute remaining in solution
 The sorbed solutes do not desorb

Reversible linear kinetic sorption
C *
 k 2  C  k3  C *

k2 = forward rate constant
k3 = backward rate constant
 This applies to situation where the rate of solute
sorption is related to the amount already sorbed
onto the surface and the reaction is reversible

Sorption of Hydrophobic Compounds
(organic compounds)
 Organic compounds have differing
degrees of polarity
 When dissolved in water, they tend to be
attracted to surfaces less polar than water
 The fraction of organic solids in soils
become the preferred adsorptive sites for
organic compounds if the organic carbon
fraction (foc) > 1%

Organic-Carbon Partition Coefficient
K oc 
f oc

foc = fraction of organic carbon

Kd = distribution coefficient

Chemical Reactions
 Chemical equilibrium for reversible
reaction (fast) should be considered
 Chemical kinetics for slow processes
should be considered
 The speed of reactions are measured with
respect to groundwater flow velocity

Radioactive Decay

 C  ln 2
   C
 t  decay 

l = half-life of the radionuclide

 The above term is used in place of the
reaction term in the original equation

 Hydrocarbons form a substrate for
microbial growth which leads to the
formation of biofilm on the solid surface
 The microbes may require oxygen if it is
an aerobic biodegradation

Colloidal transport
 Colloids are particles < 1 mm in size
 Dissolved organic macromolecules
 Tiny droplets of organic liquids
 Minerals
 Contaminants sorbed onto the colloids can
be carried within the porewater
 Immobile ions can be carried by colloids

Size-exclusion effect
 Macromolecules travel through larger
pores where the GW velocity is much
 The contaminants will travel farther and
faster than the average GW flow

 Be familiar with the different solute
transport mechanisms
 Be able to formulate additional terms
describing the process
 Know the simplifying assumptions


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