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Theme Nine

Dispute Resolution
 [Ensure to know the dispute resolution procedures
as discussed as part of the other prescribed
themes (3-8) – This deems an overview of the
Disputes résolution structures – Par 19.2

 As determined in the LRA:

- Bargaining Councils (conciliation & arbitration)
- Statutory Councils
- CCMA (conciliation & arbitration)
- LC
- C/A or Private agreement with regards to dispute resolution (conciliation &
arbitration) take precedence –
- Sec 147(6) See table on P404 Also see steps for certain steps - P415 - 424
Disputes that can be conciliated and
arbitrated by councils
 By councils (par 19.3.2)
 By CCMA (par 19.4.1)
 Exclusive jurisdiction of CCMA (par 19.4.1)
Conciliation - CCMA (par 19.4.2)

 No legal representation – only parties NB!!

 Referral: any party -dispute – complete form & submit (Form 7.11)
 Applicant – refer dispute, serve copy of referral on respondent (usually
employer), proof with forms to CCMA (same applies to Arbitration)
 Neutral 3rd party – commis
 Unfair dismissal disputes within 30 calendar days
 ULP disputes within 90 calendar days
Conciliation process: CCMA (par 19.4.2)

 Conciliate within 30 calendar days

 Essential service – within 7 days appoint Comm
 Parties must be present
 Representation by Trade Union BUT NO legal representation!
 Dispute not resolved: Commissioner issue outcome certificate or 30 calendar
days passed since referral (Form 7.12)
 Dispute resolved: parties sign settlement agreement
Arbitration – CCMA (par 19.4.3)

 Request arbitration within 90 calendar days (FORM 7.13)

 App commissioner Evidence/witnesses
Legal representation -arbitration

 Not automatically for cases of dismissal for misconduct and incapacity

 Party must apply ito Rule 25(1)(c)
 Comm must consider ´Complexity of case
 Public interest
 Comparative ability of opposing parties
Arbitration – CCMA (par 19.4.4)

 Arb award – within 14 calendar days after arbitration Arb award:

binding & final
 No appeal but can be referred to LC for review: certain circumstances
like closed shop agreement and agency shop agreements)
 Commissioner guilty misconduct, gross irregularity, exceed powers
 Con-Arb (19.5)
“Inquiry by Arbitrator” takes place of
disciplinary hearing (19.6)
 ´Pre-dismissal arbitr – “inq by arb” takes place of disciplinary hearing
Requirements: NB!!
1. Alleged misconduct/incapacity
2. Employee must consent
3. Employer submit application (initiates process
4. Legal representation only by agreement
5. Decision has same status as arb award

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