Food Sampling 3 Przentation

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Food Sampling and


June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 1

 Definition of key terms
 Importance of Sample Collection
 Quality of laboratory analysis result
 Food Sampling techniques/method
 Sampling status
 Sampling technique and size determination
 Sample handling and transportation
 Laboratory result interpretation

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 2

Definition of key words

 The total quantity from which a sample is obtained

 a portion, that is representative of the whole (sub set of the population)



June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 3


• the process of taking samples of something for analysis.

• Lot: A quantity of food or food units produced and handled under
uniform conditions.
• Sample: A number of food units that resembles the characteristics of
the lot
• Sampling : Procedure used to draw or constitute a sample.

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 4

Quality of Analysis Results
Quality of laboratory analysis results Relays on:
1. Representatives of sample /collection, techniques
2. Sample handling /as per the product nature
3. Sample transportation
4. Lab Sample preparation
5. Analytical Methods
6. Facility /personnel, equipment, Chemicals reagent

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 5

Importance of Sample Collection
• Sample collection is very important to ensure that analytical data is reliable
and to draw a representative sample.
Activities in Analysis
• 1- Collection of representative sample
• 2- Sample preparation
• 3-Analysis using proper methods & instruments

• Potential sources of variation for above activities to be identified and

minimized or avoided Proper sample size, suitable containers for sampling or
use of appropriate preservatives to prevent spoilage damage before analysis.

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 6

Purpose of sampling
• Regulatory samples are picked for evaluation in case of certain
concerns, issues ,during market assessment, others

• The reports of these analyses are filed for legal actions.

• Keeping this in mind, sample integrity, homogeneity, and

representativeness is vital for a fair and meaningful inference
and subsequent actions

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 7


• Samples to be drawn for the monitoring purpose,

• Monitoring activity is an ongoing process and samples picked for

this activity .

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 8

• Chemical analysis:
• Required chemical tests to prove the safety of
the product.

• Nutritional tests required if product exhibits a

• Microbial analysis: Test for Absence of pathogens and
safety in microbial counts

• Physical analysis: Test for extraneous matter, damaged

• Sensory analysis: Test for retention of original
characteristics including flavor, texture etc. and other
June 9, 2024 expected characteristics
Food sampling techniques and procedures 9
What are sampling techniques?

Basic sampling techniques:

Probability sampling
Non-probability sampling

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 10

What are the d/f b/n Probable & Non p. sampling?

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 11

Probability sampling
• Involve random selection procedures
• A sampling frame exists or can be compiled
• Every elements in the population has known non zero probability of
being included in the sample
• Generalization is possible (from sample to population),
• All units of the population should have an equal or at least a known
• Reliability and validity of estimate can be evaluate
• Used to estimate population parameters with accuracy

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 12

Non-probability sampling
• Used when a sampling frame does not exist
• No random selection(unrepresentative of the given population)
• Inappropriate if the aim is to measure variables and generalize
• Useful for pilot studies, case studies, qualitative research, and for
hypothesis development

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 13

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 14
Simple Random sample

• Each unit should be

numbered from 1 to
• Use a random
number table for
select the required

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 15


 Easier to perform for small populations

 unpractical for large populations

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 16

Systematic sampling
 Convenient and relatively easy to N
administer k=
 Population elements are an ordered
sequence (at least, conceptually). Where
n = sample size
 The first sample element is selected N = population size
randomly from the first k population K= size of selection interval
 Thereafter, sample elements are
selected at a constant interval, k, from
the ordered sequence frame.(some
times called interval sampling)

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 17

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 18
Stratified random
 involves dividing the population into
overlapping subgroups so that each subgroup
is as homogenous as possible.
• The population is first divided into groups
(strata) according to a characteristic of
interest(eg, sex, geographical area, economical
 Random samples are then taken from each
 The procedure provides a representative
sample because no part of the population is
excluded and it is less expensive than simple
random sampling.
June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 19
Cluster sampling
• Similar to stratified sampling but
the groups are selected for their
geographical location
 dividing the population into
clusters or subgroups so that
cluster’s characteristics are as
identical as possible.
• The clusters should
behomogeneous, unlike stratified
sampling where the strata are
 The clusters are sampled randomly
and may be either totally inspected
or sub sampled for analysis. Food sampling techniques and procedures
June 9, 2024 20
What are the difference b/n S&C?

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 21

Multi-stage sampling
• Similar to the cluster sampling, except that it involves
picking a sample from with in each chosen
cluster ,rather than including all units in the cluster.

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 22

Non-probability Sampling?

 Non-probability sampling is used when it is not possible to collect a representative

sample, or a representative sample is not desired.

• In non-probability sampling, every item has an unknown chance of being selected.

 The sample collector uses judgment rather than statistical considerations in the
selection of the sample.

 The unusual or unexpected characteristics in a population could be selected to be


June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 23

Purposive/ Judgment/ Sampling

 Sampling with “a purpose” in mind

 Assessor recruits target population in need.
• The underlying assumption is that the investigator will select
units that are characteristic of the population.
• The critical issue here is objectivity
Example: when adulteration is an issue
 Able to quickly reach targeted sample when sampling for
representativeness is not a major concern
 Usually includes unique or special cases
 Often used in rapid assessments
June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 24
Quota sampling

• This is one of the most common forms of non-probability sampling.

• Sampling is done until a specific number of units(quotas) for
various sub-populations have been selected.
• Is generally less expensive than random sampling. It is also easy to
•It is an effective sampling method when information is urgently
required and can be carried out sampling frames
 Key is to select sample which match target population.

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 25

Convenience Sampling

 Draw sample from population that are available and easy to reach
 This involves selecting the nearest and most convenient people to
participate in the research.
• is sometimes referred to as haphazard or accidental sampling.
• Used for pilot testing such as a random survey
 Low cost and quick results
 May match and compare convenience samples to reduce bias.

• For example, a scientist could use this method to determine whether a

lake is polluted or not.
• Assuming that the lake water is well-mixed, any sample would yield
June 9, 2024
information. Food sampling techniques and procedures 26
Snow ball sampling/referral/

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 27


• A technique for selecting a research sample where existing study

subjects recruit future subjects from among their acquaintances.

•Thus the sample group appears to grow like a rolling snowball.

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 28

What types of sampling Techniques used in this scenario?

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 29

What types of sampling Techniques used this

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 30

What types of sampling Techniques used this

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 31

Sampling tools and containers
• Samples collected from bulk packages or unpackaged foods sold at retail must be placed in
suitable containers for storage and handling to be presented for laboratory analysis.
• Sampling tools:
• Common tools such as pliers, spoon, screwdriver and knife are useful for opening containers,
cutting bags of food products.
• Sample containers:
• In general,
• 1- For liquids, the officer should use clean dry containers of appropriate waterproof and
leakproof material including glass, stainless metal, and suitable plastic material which can be
sterilized by heat if necessary
• The containers must have a secure closure of rubber or plastic stoppers or a screw-cap of
metal or plastic coated.
• 2- For solids or semi-solids, should be used clean, dry, wide-mouth, cylindrical receptacles of
suitable water proof.
• 3- ForJuneOil or butter, suitable wide-mouth
9, 2024 jars
Food sampling should
techniques be used. The butter must not be allowed
and procedures 32
Precautions during sampling
• 1- The condition of the sample received for examination is of primary importance.
• 2- representative sample is essential when pathogens or toxins are sparsely distributed within the food.
• 3- The number of units that comprise a representative sample from a designated lot of a food product
must be statistically significant.
• 4- The proper statistical sampling procedure, according to whether the food is solid, semisolid, viscous,
or liquid, must be determined by Method analysis at the time of sampling.
• 5- Clean, dry, leak-proof, wide-mouthed and sterile containers of a size suitable for sample of the
product must be used.
• 6- Sample must be submitted in original and in sealed condition.
• 7- Dry or canned foods that are not perishable and are collected at ambient temperatures need not be
• 8- Collect frozen samples in pre-chilled containers.
• 9- Follow storage norms
June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 33
Sample Collection Techniques:
The Person Officer must obtain the following Information
1. Name of the food
2. Lot number (Number of sample)
3. Container size or sizes
4. Product code numbers
5. Labelling information
6. Condition of the lot, i.e., broken packages, Evidence of rodent or insect
infestation, debris

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 34

cases to consider special to food samples

In case of heterogeneous test food

• It is generally necessary to collect lots of samples.

• In case of collecting a little quantity of sample can be collected from

suspected target .

• Product, which is not homogeneous because of sedimentation floating

etc., shall be wholly treated to be as homogeneous as possible.

• Sample
June 9, 2024 homogeneity is dependent ontechniques
Food sampling test anditems.
procedures 35
Sampling of packaged food

Sample of food, which is circulated in container and packaging such as

can, bottle, box etc., shall be collected in itself, not to be as opened as

For food which is put into large container and packaging, some of food to
represent whole test target can be collected as sample.

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 36

 Sampling of refrigerated & frozen food

• In case of sampling of refrigerated or frozen food, sample shall be

collected as its temperature status is maintained.

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 37

Sampling To Require Microbiological Test

When collected, transported, or stored, Airtight

sample is
Container/Package shall be used so that its sampling state can be

When a portion of food is collected as sample, it shall be aseptically

performed by using sterilized utensil/container etc.

Sample shall be, except as unavoidable situation, collected from normally

stored and circulated products.

Sample shall be collected from completely packaged products, except as

sampling cases due to relevant information & special collection plan.
June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 38
Sampling of gas-generating Foods

A. One packaged product shall be collected in itself as sample unit, not to

open packaging.

B. However, when a portion of food is collected as sample, the collected

sample shall be immediately sealed and cooled as soon as possible.

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 39

Quantity of sample to be drawn as sufficient for analysis

Quantity of sample to be drawn which will be sufficient

for the required analysis should be taken.

Odd expensive items can be given due consideration.

Quantity will vary according to product and type of


It will also depend on the purpose for which the

analysis is undertaken.
June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 40
Sampling technique and size determination
 For packed food sample as much as possible don’t contact with
sample food
 Mixing
 Quantity of Food sample based on food product amount/size/
and type.
 If food quantity less than 5 kg or liter all of the product use as
 If food quantity greater than 5 kg or liter Sample use as
follow below table

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 41

Table : Minimum Number of Primary Samples to be taken from a Lot

Weight/volume of lot (in kg or l) Minimum Number of Primary Samples to be taken

from a Lot (kg or l)
<50 3
50-500 5
500- 1000 10
1000 - 3000 20
Number of cans, cartons, Minimum Number of Primary Samples to be
containers in the lot taken from a Lot (cans or cartons etc)

1-25 1
26-100 5
> 100 10

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 42

Sample Handling And Transportation

 Food sample must be transport on the existing food material and


• Dry and not perishable food sample transport at room temperature.

• Refrigerated food sample handle and transport on cold chain with in 0 - 4 oc.

• Frozen food sample handle and transport on cold chain below -18 oc.

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 43

Inspectors Recommendation on parameters to be
• It is the inspector who should recommend parameters to be tested
• The recommendation should vary depending on the case.
No. Cases Found Recommended Parameter Reference

1 Adulteration Nutritional Profile/Possible adulterants ES/NS

2 Death of consumers Toxicity

3 Acute illnesses Acute toxicity, Microbial test ES/NS

4 Suspection of quality or safety Physicochemical tests ES/NS


June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 44

Inspectors Recommendation on what parameters
to be tested in this case? Laundry and hand soap

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 45

Inspectors Recommendation on what
parameters to be tested in this case?/Edible oil

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 46

Inspectors Recommendation on what parameters
to be tested in this case?/Meat & peanut better/

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 47

Inspectors Recommendation on what parameters
to be tested in this case?/canned food/

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 48

Sending the Sample for Analysis

As much as possible do not remove pre-packed retail

samples from their packaging.

Seal the entire pack in a plastic bag after purchase, and put the
sample code on the outside of the bag.

Dispatch samples to the laboratory as soon as possible

after collection together with type of analysis in

June 9, 2024 Food sampling techniques and procedures 49

Laboratory Result Interpretation

 After getting laboratory result it must be interpret professional


Based on Food product characteristics check quality and safety

indicator parameters.

Finally use national and codex standard for interpretation


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