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P re p a re d b y :
G O V IN D K U M A R (2 2 11 0 0 1 9 )
S A K S H A M J A IN (2 2 11 0 0 3 2 )
• Urban design is a multidiscip linary field that focu ses o n
sh aping th e p hysical enviro nment of cities, towns, an d
communities to create fun ction al, attractive, and
su stainable spaces for peo ple.

It i n v o l v e s t h e i n t eg ra t i o n o f v ari o u s el e me n t s s u c h
a s a rc h i t ec t u re , u rb a n p l a n n i n g , l an d s c ap e
a rc h i t ec t u re, t ran s p o rt a t i o n p l an n i n g , a n d
e n v i ro n me n t al s c i en c e t o en h an c e t h e q u al i t y o f
u rb a n l i fe.

• S patial Lay out
• P ublic S paces
• Trans po rtation
• M ix ed-U s e D evelopment
• H is tor ic P res ervation • U rb a n Id e n t i t y
• S us tainab ility • C o m mu n i t y E n g a g e m e n t • R e g u l a t o ry F r a m e w o rk s • S t ree t s c ap i n g
• A cces s ib ility and Inclus ivity • F a c a d e C o n t ro l • E l e v a t i o n C o n t ro l • Vi s u a l Li g h t i n g
Spatial Layout : Chandigar h was master planned by
renowned architect Le Corbusier, f eaturing a well-
organized grid system with sector s allocated f or var ious
functions like residential, commer cial, and institutional.

Public Spaces : The city boasts expansive public spaces,

including Capitol Complex, S ukhna Lake, and Leisur e
Valley, which off er oppor tunities f or recr eation, cultur al
activities, and social gather ings.

L e C orbu sier c on c eiv e d th e ma ster p lan o f C ha n diga rh a s analogous to human

body, w ith a cle arly d efin ed h ea d (the C a pito l C omplex, Se c tor 1), hea rt (the C ity
C e ntre Sec to r-17 ), lu n gs ( th e leisu re v alley, inn umerable ope n spa ce s a nd se ctor
gre ens), the in te lle c t (th e c u ltu ra l a n d ed u ca tio n al institutions),
Tran s p o r t at i o n : Mi x ed - Us e Hi s t o r i c Vis ual Li gh ti ng :
Chandigarh has a well-developed
Dev el o p men t : P r es er v at i o n : Architectural lighting highlights
road network with wide avenues, landmarks like the Open Hand
Many sectors in Chandigarh While Chandigarh is a planned
cycle tracks, and pedestrian Monument and the Capitol
integrate residential, commercial, city built in the 1950s, it has
pathways, supplemented by an Complex, enhancing their visual
and institutional buildings, preserved its architectural
efficient public transportation appeal and creating a sense of
promoting a mixed-use environment heritage, including landmarks
system of buses place.
that reduces dependence on like the Capitol Complex, which
automobiles and encourages i s a U N E S C O Wo r l d H e r i t a g e
w a l k a b i l i t y. site.
Sustainability: Elevation Control and Facade
The city emphasizes sustainability through green Control:
spaces, tree-lined boulevards, and initiatives to Regulations ensure uniform
promote energy efficiency and waste building heights and architectural
management. styles, preserving vistas and
maintaining the city's aesthetic
i n t e g r i t y.
Accessibility and Inclusivity :
According to the Chandigarh
Chandigarh incorporates universal design
Department of Urban Planning, the
principles to ensure accessibility for people of
maximum height of a building.
all ages and abilities, with provisions for
In Chandigarh is 74'3" (22.789M),
barrier-free access in public buildings and
including the parapet. The maximum
number of stories cannot exceed five (G+4). The Master Plan 2031 also states that the
maximum height of houses is 32'-3”
Urban Identity:
Chandigarh's unique urban identity is
characterized by its modernist architecture,
Chandigarh's streets are adorned with landscaping, street furniture, and public art,
geometric layouts, and open green spaces,
creating visually appealing and pedestrian-friendly environments.
r e f l e c t i n g t h e v i s i o n o f L e C o r b u s i e r.
Chandigarh, the capital city of the northern Indian states of Punjab and Haryana, is renowned
for its urban design, which was masterminded by Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier.

Here are some key sectors of Chandigarh and their urban design aspects:

1.Sector 17:

Certainly, here are the key points summarizing Sector 17's design:

1. Pedestrian-Friendly Design:
- Wide walkways promote walking and socializing.
- Focuses on sustainable mobility and community connections.

2. Plaza Concept:
- Central plaza surrounded by shops and restaurants.
- Hub for socializing, events, and cultural activities.

3. Modernist Architecture:
- Clean lines, geometric shapes, and minimal decoration.
- Inspired by Le Corbusier's functional elegance.
240-acre area in
4. Vibrant Urban Atmosphere: Chandigarh, India that's
- Integration of pedestrian infrastructure and public spaces. known as the city's heart
- Boosts local economy and community vibrancy.
Sector 17's urban design is meticulously
planned to foster a dynamic and vibrant environment.
Positioned as the central business district, its layout
integrates various elements to optimize functionality,
aesthetics, and community engagement.

Placement and Uses:

Located centrally within the city, Sector 17 serves as a
bustling commercial and cultural hub.
Buildings are strategically placed around a central plaza,
accommodating shops, restaurants, offices, and other
commercial establishments.
The plaza itself serves as a focal point for social gatherings,
events, and cultural activities.

Building Arrangement:
Buildings are arranged in a manner that maximizes
pedestrian accessibility and visual appeal.
They are spaced to allow for ample natural light
and ventilation, enhancing the comfort of
occupants and visitors.
The layout prioritizes ease of navigation, with clear
pathways and sightlines between buildings and the
central plaza.
Design Principles:
The urban design of Sector 17 adheres to modernist principles, characterized
by clean lines, geometric forms, and functional efficiency.
Emphasis is placed on creating a cohesive aesthetic throughout the sector,
with buildings harmonizing in scale, materials, and architectural style.
Le Corbusier's design ethos influences the layout, emphasizing simplicity,
order, and human-scale design.

Elevation Control:
Along the streets of Sector 17, elevation control ensures visual coherence and
Building heights are regulated to maintain a uniform skyline and prevent
overshadowing of pedestrian areas.
Architectural details and façade treatments contribute to the overall aesthetic
harmony, reinforcing the sector's identity and character.

Street Elevation:
The street elevation in Sector 17 reflects the modernist aesthetic and
pedestrian-friendly design.
Sidewalks are wide and well-maintained, encouraging pedestrian activity and
facilitating social interaction.
Building facades feature clean lines, large windows, and minimal
ornamentation, creating an inviting streetscape that blends with the overall
urban fabric.
Mixed-Use Development:
Encouraging mixed-use development allows for
a diverse range of activities within Sector 17,
promoting vitality and reducing the need for
extensive commuting.


Marketplace or Movie theatres and
showrooms showrooms, food outlets
Government offices Government offices Government offices

court Theatres
area for

Isbt State library


Sector 17 plan
Pedestrian-Friendly Design Standards:
Implementing standards that prioritize pedestrians,
such as wide sidewalks, designated pedestrian
zones, and safe crossing points, fosters walkability
and promotes a vibrant street life.

Pedestrian-Friendly Design Standards:

•Sidewalk Width: Typically, sidewalks should be a
minimum width to accommodate pedestrian traffic
safely, often ranging from 1.5 to 3 meters or more.
•Crosswalk Design: Standards may specify the
design and placement of crosswalks, including
marking patterns, signage, and signalization.
•Pedestrian Zones: Designation of pedestrian-only
areas or shared streets with limited vehicle access.

Height and Density Regulations: Establishing

regulations regarding building height and density helps
maintain a harmonious scale within Sector 17, preventing
overcrowding and excessive shadowing while ensuring
adequate daylight access and maintaining the character of the
Architectural Design Guidelines:
Building Materials: Guidelines may specify acceptable
building materials and finishes to ensure visual
cohesion and compatibility with the surrounding built

Façade Design: Recommendations for façade

articulation, fenestration patterns, and architectural
detailing to enhance visual interest and pedestrian

Architectural Styles: Guidelines may encourage or

require adherence to specific architectural styles or
design motifs to reinforce a sense of place.
Accessibility Standards:

Accessibility Guidelines: Requirements for barrier-free

design, including provisions for ramps, curb cuts, tactile
paving, and accessible parking spaces to ensure
compliance with accessibility standards such as the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Parking and Transportation Planning:

Parking Ratios: Minimum or maximum parking requirements

based on land use type, square footage, or number of
dwelling units.

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Measures:

Strategies to reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles,
such as incentives for alternative transportation modes, bike
parking requirements, and transit-oriented development
(TOD) guidelines.

A G re e n b u ffe r o f 1 0 0 ft . w i d t h i s
p ro p o s e d al o n g t h e rai l w ay
F i r e P r o t ect i o n Req u i r emen t s :
The buildings shall be planned designed and constructed to ensure the fire safety and this shall be done in accordance
with provision laid down in National Building Code of India Part IV on Fire Protection. For building having height of
15 m. and above the Chandigarh Fire Prevention and Fire Safety Rules, 1991 shall also be applicable.
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planning chandigarh

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