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Leadership in Organizations

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The ability to influence people toward the attainment

of organizational goals.
Leadership is reciprocal, occurring among people.
Leadership is a “people” activity, distinct from
administrative paper shuffling or problem-solving
Leadership is dynamic and involves the use of

Developed by Cool Pictures & MultiMedia Presentations Copyright © 2003 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.
Leadership versus Management

Management Power:
comes from organizational structure, it promotes stability,
order, and problem solving within the structure.
Leadership Power:
comes from personal sources, such as personal interests, goals,
and values.
promotes vision, creativity, and change.
The major differences between the leader and the manager relates
to their source of power and level of compliance.

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Sources of Power

 Legitimate Power: power coming from a formal management

 Reward Power: stems from the authority to bestow rewards
on other people.
 Coercive Power: the authority to punish or recommend
 Expert Power: leader’s special knowledge or skill regarding
the tasks performed by followers.
 Referent Power: personality characteristics that command
subordinates’ identification, respect, and admiration so they
wish to emulate the leader

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Leader versus Manager Qualities

Visionary Rational
Passionate Consulting
Creative Persistent
Flexible Problem solving
Inspiring Tough-minded
Innovative Analytical
Courageous Structured
Imaginative Deliberate
Experimental Authoritative
Initiates change Stabilizing
Personal power Position power

Source: Genevieve Capowski, “Anatomy of a Leader: Where Are the Leaders of Tomorrow?” Management Review, March 1994, 12

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Personal Characteristics of Leaders

Physical characteristics Personality Social characteristics

Activity Alertness Ability to enlist cooperation
Energy Originality, creativity Popularity, prestige
Personal integrity Sociability, interpersonal skills
Self-confidence Social participation
Tact, diplomacy
Social background Work-related characteristics
Mobility Achievement drive
Drive for responsibility
Responsibility in pursuit of goals
Task orientation
Intelligence and ability
Judgment, decisiveness
Fluency of speech
Source: Adapted from Bernard M. Bass, Stogdill’s Handbook of Leadership, rev. Ed. (New York: Free Press, 1981), 75-76. This adaptation appeared in R. Albanese and D. D. Van Fleet,
Organizational Behavior: A managerial Viewpoint (Hinsdale, III.: The Dryden Press, 1983).

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Behavioral Approaches

– Is mindful of subordinates
– Establishes mutual trust
– Provides open communication
– Develops teamwork
Initiating Structure:
– Is task oriented
– Directs subordinate work activities toward goal attainment
– Typically give instructions, spend time planning, and
emphasize deadlines
– Provide explicit schedules of work activities
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Leadership Grid
High 1,9 9,9
Country Club Management Team Management
Thoughtful attention to the Work accomplishment is from
needs of people for satisfying committed people; interdependence
relationships leads to a com- through a “common stake” in
fortable, friendly organization organization purpose leads to
atmosphere and work tempo. relationships of trust and respect.
Concern for People

Middle-of-the-Road Management
Adequate organization performance is
possible through balancing the necessity
to get out work with maintaining morale of
people at a satisfactory level.

Impoverished Authority-Compliance
Management Efficiency in operations results
Exertion of minimum effort from arranging conditions of
to get required work done work in such a way that human
is appropriate to sustain elements interfere to a
Low organization membership. minimum
1,1 degree. 9,1
Low Concern for Production High
Source: The Leadership Grid Figure from Robert R. Blake and Anne Adams McCanse, Leadership Dilemmas-Grid Solutions (Houston: Gulf, 1991), 29.
Copyright 1991, by Scientific Methods, Inc. Reproduced by permission of the owners.

Developed by Cool Pictures & MultiMedia Presentations Copyright © 2003 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.
Contingency Approaches

• Fiedler’s Contingency Theory

• Hersey and Blanchard Situational
• Evans and House Path Goal

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Fiedler’s Classification of
Situation Favorableness

Source: Fred E. Fiedler, “The Effects of Leadership Training and Experience: A Contingency Model Interpretation,” Administrative Science Quarterly 17 (1972), 455. Reprinted by
permission of Administrative Science Quarterly.

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Path Goal Theory

Source: Based on Bernard M. Bass, “Leadership:

Good, Better, Best,” Organizational Dynamics 13
(Winter 1985), 26-40.

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Path-Goal Theory Leaders Behaviors
 Supportive leadership:
… Leader behavior that shows concern for subordinates
… Open, friendly, and approachable
… Creates a team climate
… Treats subordinates as equals
 Directive leadership:
… Tells subordinates exactly what they are supposed to do
… Planning, making schedules, setting performance goals, and
behavior standards
 Participative leadership:
… Consults with his or her subordinates about decisions
 Achievement-oriented leadership:
… Sets clear and challenging goals for subordinates
… Behavior stresses high-quality performance

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Path-Goal Situational Contingencies

 The personal characteristics of group members

 The work environment

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Path-Goal Situations &
Preferred Leader Behavior

Source: Adapted from Gary A. Yukl, Leadership in Organizations (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1981), 146-152.

Developed by Cool Pictures & MultiMedia Presentations Copyright © 2003 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.
Change Leadership

Transactional Leaders:
 Clarify the role and task requirements of subordinates
 Initiate structure
 Provide appropriate rewards
 Try to be considerate
 Meet the social needs of subordinates
Charismatic Leaders:
 The ability to inspire
 Motivate people to do more than they would normally do
 Tend to be less predictable than transactional leaders
 Create an atmosphere of change
 May be obsessed by visionary ideas

Developed by Cool Pictures & MultiMedia Presentations Copyright © 2003 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.
Changing Leadership & the Workplace

• Globalization
• E-commerce
• Virtual organization
• Telecommuting
• Changing employee interests & expectations
• Diversity
• Level 5 Leadership
– Women’s ways of leading
– Virtual leadership
– Servant leadership

Developed by Cool Pictures & MultiMedia Presentations Copyright © 2003 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.

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