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Introduction to the Internet

Exploring the World Wide Web

What is the Internet?
• The Internet is a global network of
interconnected computers that communicate
freely and share and exchange information. It
allows people to access and share
information, communicate with each other,
and conduct transactions online.
History of the Internet
• The Internet originated from ARPANET, a
project funded by the U.S. Department of
Defense in the 1960s. It expanded rapidly in
the 1980s and 1990s with the development of
TCP/IP protocols and the World Wide Web.
Today, it is an integral part of daily life,
connecting billions of devices worldwide.
How the Internet Works
• 1. Data Transmission: Information is
transmitted in small packets over various
routes to its destination.
• 2. Protocols: Communication is governed by
protocols like TCP/IP, which ensure data
integrity and delivery.
• 3. ISPs: Internet Service Providers offer access
to the Internet to individuals and
• 4. DNS: The Domain Name System translates
Internet Services
• 1. Web Browsing: Accessing and viewing
websites through browsers.
• 2. Email: Sending and receiving electronic
• 3. Social Media: Platforms for social
interaction and content sharing.
• 4. Online Shopping: Purchasing goods and
services online.
• 5. Streaming: Watching videos and listening to
music over the Internet.
The Impact of the Internet
• 1. Communication: Instant communication
through emails, messaging apps, and video
• 2. Education: Access to vast resources and
online learning platforms.
• 3. Business: E-commerce, digital marketing,
and remote work opportunities.
• 4. Society: Influences culture, social
interactions, and news dissemination.
• 5. Innovation: Drives technological

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