Bassein, Maharashtra

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Bassein, Maharashtra

Bassein, also known as Vasai, is a historical fort located in the city of Vasai in the state of Maharashtra, India. It was
built by the Portuguese in the early 16th century as a strategic outpost to guard their interests in the region. The fort
changed hands several times between the Portuguese, the Marathas, and the British during various conflicts in
India's history.
• Bassein Fort is known for its robust fortifications, which include ramparts, watchtowers, and stone walls. Inside the
fort, there are remnants of Portuguese architecture, including churches, residential quarters, and administrative
buildings. The fort also has several freshwater wells, which were crucial for sustaining the inhabitants during times of
• Today, Bassein Fort is a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors interested in history, architecture, and
archaeology. The fort offers a glimpse into India's colonial past and provides picturesque views of the surrounding
area. Additionally, efforts are ongoing to preserve and restore the fort's structures for future generations to enjoy
• Historically known as Bassein, this land was first under the Portuguese then taken under the mighty Maratha Army
and later on under the Britishers who ruled the whole of India. According to the legend this place was created by
Lord Parshuram. Away from the mundane lives this place endows tourist with an experience which ensures a
perfect balance between its beauty, holiness, historical significance, legacy, culture and uniqueness. Vasai invites
each of us to be here and visit the holy temples, gorgeous beaches, old ports, churches, beautiful waterfalls, ancient
forts and understand its value by be here. Its sheer variety beckons tourist to be here and enjoy its diversity.
• Our inability to appreciate and value our country’s riches handicaps us. A suggestion we have to all those who are
fond of exploring new places outside is that, take out some time and make an effort to travel across the vast
expanses of our diverse county because we are sure you would realize that our motherland is one of kind -beautiful,
mesmerizing, unique, variant, wonderful and a land that words fall short to value its worth.
Land subsidence in
Lunkaransar, Bikaner
Land subsidence in Lunkaransar, Bikaner
• In Lunkaransar, Bikaner, a sudden land collapse measuring about one bigha shocked locals, forming an 82-foot-deep pit. Immediate security measures were taken by SDM
Rajendra Kumar and the police, with geology experts summoned to investigate.
• In a recent incident in Lunkaransar, Bikaner of Rajasthan, a portion of land measuring about one bigha suddenly collapsed late Monday night, causing trees and the
adjacent road to be engulfed. The subsidence resulted in the formation of an approximately 82-foot-deep pit, leaving the local community in shock. The affected area,
situated along Bhopalram Road, is currently under constant police surveillance, with access restricted to prevent further mishaps.
• Why does land sink in Bikaner?
• The villagers were shocked when the land suddenly sank, prompting them to quickly inform the police. SDM Rajendra Kumar and the police team arrived at the scene
promptly to assess the situation, with drones deployed to capture video footage of the area.
• Initial estimates suggest that approximately one and a half bigha of land has collapsed, creating a pit around 82 feet deep. The exact cause of the land subsidence remains
unknown, prompting authorities to seek assistance from geology experts from Bikaner to investigate further.
• Local discussions are underway regarding the possible causes of the incident. Some speculate that recent lightning strikes may have contributed to the land sinking, while
others believe underground water flow could be a factor. Various theories and speculations abound among the villagers as they try to make sense of the sudden
• According to a local farmer, the collapse was discovered the following morning, prompting immediate concern among residents. This recent event adds to a similar incident
that occurred on April 16, where over one and a half bigha of land sank up to 82 feet in Sahajarasar village of Lunkaransar. Authorities have since ordered a drone survey of
the affected area to assess the extent of damage and determine potential causes.
• In response to the incidents, authorities have erected fencing around the collapsed area, and SDM Rajendra Kumar, along with local police, is overseeing the investigation.
Despite delays due to ongoing Lok Sabha elections, efforts to investigate the matter thoroughly have commenced.
• The incident has sparked fear and uncertainty among residents, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive safety measures and further investigation into the causes of
land subsidence in the region.
• Land sunk, experts called, investigation ongoing
• Nearly one and a half bigha of land submerged during this period, forming a pit about 70 feet deep due to ground sinking. The exact reasons behind this phenomenon remain a mystery,
prompting the summoning of geology experts from Bikaner. The initial speculation suggests the possibility of ancient water logging, but concrete conclusions have yet to be reached.
Consequently, the matter has been referred to scientists from the Geological Survey of India for further investigation.
• The investigation into the incident has been delayed due to the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. However, SDM Rajendra Kumar is closely monitoring the situation and has reported the
incident to the district administration.
• Once the team from the Geological Survey of India arrives, a comprehensive examination will shed light on the true cause of the land subsidence. As a precautionary measure, fencing has
been erected around the affected area, with police deployed to ensure safety.
• While geologists point to water logging as a possible explanation, residents are skeptical. They argue that the region, being a desert for centuries, is unlikely to experience underground
water accumulation. Some view the event as a natural disaster, while others interpret it as a sign of divine punishment. Amid differing opinions, the
investigation will provide scientific clarity on the matter.

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