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Go to transient analysis

Open geometry

Assign any material (structural analysis)

Open design modeler

Draw a bridge like structure

Draw a 4 lines equi spaced using line command.

Split the top face of the structure into 5 equal faces. Using
face split option

Select the face to be split

Select the 4 lines

Click generate

Go to mesh and generate it ( default mesh)

Check the mesh quality

Red indicate the good quality of mesh.

The value should be near to 1.

•Go to Analysis settings
• No. of steps should be 1
•Step ending time should be the problem end time
•Turn of the auto time stepping
•Time step 0.5 sec( that means every 0.5 sec the result be plotted)
• To insert boundary conditions Right Click on transient
•Go to insert click fixed support
•Select the bottom edges
•Apply 2nd fixed support at the both edges on either side (Highlighted with
the blue tag)
•Right click transient insert force
•Select the 1st face
•Go to magnitude
•Click the side arrow
•Select the tabular
•Click on the direction and select the highlighted edge and the arrow should
be towards down.
•Check the tabular data at the bottom.
•Fill the 0th and 1st time steps with load (1.e+005)
•Remaining time steps should be 0
•Because the load will be at first area in 0 th and 1st seconds . In 2nd the load
will move to 2nd face.
•In the tabular data we can only give up to time of 5 sec only. Due to in
analysis settings we can time step ending time as 5 sec.( we can change it to
as required).
•Insert the 2nd force & repeat up to 5 forces.
• click on the analysis settings check the graph.
• go to solutions insert the total deformation and equivalent stress.

•Click on solve.
•To view the actual results
•Go to result option at tool bar
•Click on deformation scale
•Expand the option and go with true scale
•Check the graph and tabular table data.

•Go to analysis settings

•Click auto time setting to “ON”
•Initial step : 0.2
•Min : 0.1 sec
•Max: 0.9 sec.(change the values
according to your result)
Static Modal

Dynamic Harmonic
Engineering Buckling

Steady State


Before going to any analysis, we need to perform free free run analysis. It is mandatory, Because whenever we import any model from another software there might be a
loss in data or discontinuity in model.

•Create a cross section

•Go to concept
•Circular cross section
•Radius 15mm & apply cross section option as circular 1.
•In case there is a no. of bodies
•Create it into single body using Boolean option.
•Go to view turn on the cross-section solids.
•Open model.
•Check the materials (S.S) & check the properties.(all the values should be +ve).
•Generate mesh (It is 1D mesh)
•Go to analysis settings
•Max modes(12) if there is any discontinuity it will be noticed within the range
•Limits (yes)
•Range min(0) (The value can be upto you)
•Range max(1000) (The software will start from 0 to 1000 and it shows the 12 natural frequency values)
•Check the bottom graph and tabular data
•Mode there will be 12 values (as we specified max 12 modes)
•Up to 6 values the values are close to zero.
•Go to analysis settings change the Range min value to (40)
•Check the tabular data (the values will be started from 40)
•If we change the min value 40 & max values as 60 with 12 modes
•Check the tabular data it shows only 5 value ( given that only 5 values are occurred in the range)
•Go to analysis settings
•Check limits (No)
•Goto tabular data select the all the values right click create modal shape results
•Now all the values will be shown as total deformation.
•Ignore the first 6 values as it is 0
•Check out the any deformation (if you find any discontinuity
•How to find discontinuity.
•How to find discontinuity.
•Use connect option to join the edges
•Go to model and delete all the previous solution data
•Generate mesh
•Click on solution and check the tabular data
•Select all the data and right click modal shape results
•Check any of the deformation (there should be any discontinuity)
Open geometry from component system
Import the file
If there is any holes or slots defeature it using delete option
To extract the mid surface, go to tools (mid surface)
Selection method (manual)
FD3,FD1 are 4mm & FD2 0.02mm
Face pairs(select the all body faces)
Click on apply
If the preserve body is NO , it will be deleting the original 3D model
Click on generate.

Step: 2
If the selection method is Automatic
Minimum Threshold :-1
Maximum Threshold:- 5 ( It will search for the bodies in a range of 1-5mm thickenss only)
Click on Find the face pairs now NO

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