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CE115-2 | A26 | Group 6
Behavioral Perspective

Employs the belief that a

Often called the Focuses on individual
better understanding of Associated with the
human relations human behavior at work behavior, motivations, studies of Follet, Mayo,
movement improved their and social interactions
McGregor, and Barnard
Mary Parker Follett

Elton Mayo
Focuses upon individual behavior, motivations,
and social interactions. Specifically, it
incorporates the study of human behavior
through psychology, sociology, and
Douglas Mcgregor anthropology.

Sometimes referred to as the human relations

movement due to its focus on the human
dimension of work.

Chester Barnard
Mary Parket Follett
Follet, was one of the first people to integrate the idea of
organizational conflict into management theory. In that, her view of
conflict as a place of opportunity has been more meaningful today.

Follet is known to be “Prophet of Management” and “guru,” according to

Peter Drucker, a consultant

Follet, had a unique frame of reference, and her ideas formed the
basis of understanding modern organizational behavior today

Follet was the first one to stamp out the term “power-over” and “power-
with.” It differentiates between coercive and participative power,
demonstrating how “power-with” can be greater than “power-over.”

Principles of Follet’s theory of management include:

Genuine power is not coercive (power over) but coactive (power with),
True leaders create group power than expressing personal power.
Elton Mayo
An Australian sociologist that eventually became an industrial research

Conducted a series of experiments that is later known as the “Hawthorne


They concluded that as the lighting level decreases, the productivity of

the workers increased. This is only limited when the workers are still
able to see what they are working on.

They concluded that the productivity of workers increases when they are
being supervised or observed. In addition, they concluded that the
lighting the lighting level or other worker benefits are not the main reason
on the increase of worker’s productivity.

At the end of his experiments, he determined that the supervision and the
engagement with other workers directly benefited the worker’s
Douglas Mcgregor

He is known from the work of Theory X and Theory Y of

behavioral management.

Theory X manager pointing out the negative behavioral perspective of

employees such as untrustworthy, lazy and other dislike of work.

On the other hand, Theory Y manager pointing out the positive behavioral
perspective of employees that they have the motivation and satisfaction on

It means that the idea of McGregor’s can set an expectation on managers

based on their self-fulfilling behavior/ inner satisfaction.

“An objective without a plan is a dream.”

Chester I. Barnard
Chester Barnard was an American business executive and the author of
“The Functions of the Executive”, a book that pioneered work in
management theory and organizational studies.

Barnard also formulated two interesting theories that can be seen in the
context of communication system; Authority and Incentives.

For his theory on Authority, he explained that the individual with higher
position should obtain authority by treating their subordinates with respect
and competence.

As for the theory on incentives he proposed that subordinates can be

convinced in two ways for cooperation, through tangible incentives and

Barnard made a central hypothesis for his book that defined the concept
of cooperative systems, Barnard defined that organization is a system of
consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons.






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